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Conference school::sports_memorabilia

Title:Sports Memorabilia
Notice:Wanted: 3.*; For_sale: 4.*; Traded: 5.*
Created:Wed Aug 27 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 08 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:730
Total number of notes:8547

196.0. "Card care " by EBBCLU::MONDALTO () Mon Oct 15 1990 12:54

    There is a great article on card care in this months (Beckett)
    issue #68. This is great for the rookie card collectors,and for
    those of you who have some real big heavy hitters and didn't know
    how to protect them from the elements.
196.1Could you give us a Synopsis of it??AKOV13::GASPARONIMon Oct 15 1990 19:183
    Can you give us a little synopsis in 25 lines or less on what the
    article said for us cheap skates who don't subscribe to Beckerks.
196.3A little information is dangerousSAGE::JACUNSKIFri Oct 19 1990 13:079
    In the future, instead of "My mom threw out my cards," it will be "My
    mom made me store my cards in vinyl sheets."
    Seriously, how do you identify vinyl if you're not a plastics engineer?
    I think it said in the article, "if it smells, it's vinyl." Are mylar
    and polythene odorless?  Are all my 8 and 9 pocket sheets from Enor and
    Rotman eating my cards?  Was there a cutoff date, e.g. Rotman sheets
    manufactured after such and such a date are safe?  Or should we just
    stop worrying about it and start flipping cards again?
196.4Remember when.....?DLO15::BOSSOBury my heart with the S & L'sFri Oct 19 1990 16:0713
    I thing we should just start flipping cards again.  Remember the thrill
    when you won a favorite card from your buddy :-)?  Remember the
    disappointment when you lost it on the next flip ;( ?
    I thought of setting a table at a show and just flip cards!  Probably
    be a very lonely, boring day and the promoter would consider it
    Oh well, what's a perpetual kid to do!!
196.5Flippin' OutSAGE::JACUNSKIFri Oct 19 1990 17:539
    You know, Joe, I think you're onto something.  When I said "flip,"
    though, I guess I actually meant "fling."  We used to fling cards
    towards a wall, like pitching pennies, and the closest card to the wall
    was a winner.  Imagine doing that now with cards whose "value"
    decreases significantly as soon as a corner is dinged. Think how
    careful you'd be with your Topps Boggs rookie as you skimmed it through
    the air, hoping to get it closer to that concrete block wall than your
    opponent's U.D. Griffey Jr., knowing you'd lose the Boggs if you
    didn't, but risking its ruination if you went TOO far.  I like it!
196.6Eaten Up or Smell like a Cigar??AKOV13::GASPARONIFri Oct 19 1990 18:426
    How about the hard Plexiglass holders with the four screws around it. 
    Did it say anything bad about them.  Whats a guy suppose to do?  We
    have to put these treasures in something.  Maybe the old cigar box is
    not the worst thing you could put them into.  At least there not eaten
    up by this unknown plastic substance.  They just smell like a good
    Gacia Vega Cigar.
196.7Who knew value in those days.DLO15::BOSSOBury my heart with the S & L'sFri Oct 19 1990 18:5923
    I remember we used to play 3 different types of 'games of chance" with
    our cards.  
    1.	We would flip cards.  Hold the card between your fingers and flick
    	your wrist when you let them go.
    2.	'Pitch' cards against a wall as you mentioned.
    3.	'Slap' cards off a wall.  You hold the card in the palm of your
    	hand, slap it softly against the wall and let it fall to the ground
    Games 1 & 3 were matching games (i.e heads to heads).  
    Game 2 really gave Sister Mary Perpetual Obligation heart burn at
    recess.  We were definetly doing the devils work with this one.
    Ah those memories!