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Conference school::sports_memorabilia

Title:Sports Memorabilia
Notice:Wanted: 3.*; For_sale: 4.*; Traded: 5.*
Created:Wed Aug 27 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 08 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:730
Total number of notes:8547

169.0. "Hockey,Basketball (Oldies)." by EBBV03::MONDALTO () Fri Aug 24 1990 11:09

    I have a few old Basketball and Hockey cards that I just found
    going through an old shoe box and I'm just curious about their
    value. I don't know who made the card but on the bottom back
    it reads,
              T.C.G.  PRTD. IN USA            1968  N.B.P.A.
    Here are the #'s
                      Basketball 1971  
                     #12  John Trapp        San Diego 
                     #37   Joe Caldwell     Atlanta                   
                     #44   Stu Lantz        San Diego
                     #47   Don Chaney       Celtics
                     #48   Ray Scott        Buffalo
                     #66   Connie Dierking  Cincinnati
                     #72   Wes Unsled       Baltimore
                     #91   John Werren      Cleveland
                     #107  Jerry West       All Star 1970 - 1971
                            1971   Topps
                     #107  Tracy Pratt      Buffalo
                            1972   Topps
                     #21   Bob Berry        L.A. Kings
                     #86   Jacques Caron    St. Louis Blues 
                     #109  Phil Myre        Atlanta
                     #157  Bryan Hextall    Pittsburgh
                            1973   Topps
                     #127  Walt McKechnie   California
                            1975   Topps
                     #21   Bob Paradise     Penguins
    I would be willing to trade these for Baseball or Football
    cards. I also have two (2) Brett Hull 1990 Proset cards that 
    I would be willing to trade.
169.3The Gum that goes CRUNCHDLO15::BOSSOBury my heart with the S & L'sTue Aug 28 1990 15:409
    Com on Roy, Don't you like chewing gum that crunches when you first
    bite into it. :-0   
    BTW.  I understand Topps is still using up it's supply from the 1978
    run.  ;-)
169.4WRKSYS::SCHWARTZTue Aug 28 1990 16:202
     The reason it crunches is ....it is freeze dried ....not stale.