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Conference school::sports_memorabilia

Title:Sports Memorabilia
Notice:Wanted: 3.*; For_sale: 4.*; Traded: 5.*
Created:Wed Aug 27 1986
Last Modified:Thu May 08 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:730
Total number of notes:8547

2.0. "Sign in please" by --UnknownUser-- () Wed Aug 27 1986 16:47

2.1I thought it was "MY_MOTHER_TOSSED_THEM_OUT"AKOV68::NORRISWhat is it, Miss Pfeffernuss?Wed Aug 27 1986 17:4011
    I have also just got back to collecting cards. My mother must have
    tossed out boxes of 1960's cards :-( 
    I guess if everyone had saved all those old cards, today there would
    be little interest in them. Everything would be common.
    Currently I'm trying to put together the 1954 Topps set. I don't
    care if a card is mint or not, just having it is fine by me. I have
    very little out side of the baseball cards. 
2.2doubles to trade35986::MCKINNONFri Aug 29 1986 11:5512
    A new conference, alllll RIIGGGGGGHHTTT!!!!!!!!!
    I can be found in many conferences. I'll get the number of my
    intro in WRU and place it in here later.
    I've got a couple hundred doubles of early sixties to early
    seventies cards. Would like to trade some.
    I can be reached at USWAV1::MCKINNON
2.3Get your scorecard here3467::PORTERFri Aug 29 1986 14:458
    I starting my collection now
    I collect programs (world series, super bowl, orange bowl) maybe
    someday they will be worth something
2.4I got a John Contoulis...8208::MCFALLNew York..New York..Fri Aug 29 1986 21:5815
    	Hi, guys, Jim McFall here. I also lost alot of my collection
    to "mom". What I have left is not in great condition, but I still
    enjoy them. I have some 50's and 60's baseball, also some 70's
    and a few 80's. Also have some late 50's early 60's football cards.
    	The only autograph I ever got was an Offensive Tackle (for a
    year or two) named John Contoulis who played for the Giants. My
    father worked with his uncle, or some such thing. When they guy
    got me the autograph, he told my father that he just missed the
    whole Giants football team, who were at the hospital visiting the
    injured Giants. Man, was I mad about missing that!
    Jim McFall
2.5> older than old <6245::METZGERWitty Comment Goes HereTue Sep 02 1986 13:5813
    Hi my name is John Metzger.
     I presently have a bunch of old (1933-1945) baseball,football and
    Indian cards.
      Any of you guys got any idea how much these are worth ?
      For example I have 3 Jimmy Foxx originals and many others.
      Any takers ?
2.6ANY YAZ PICTURE'S???17464::ARSENAULTMR BOSTONTue Sep 02 1986 15:287
    Bob Arsenault here.
    i haven't many cards at all. i use to in the 60s but i was young
    and didn't relize what i was throwing away. all i have now is the
    85 cowboys team picture. and a few 86 cards. But i have a 1 year
    old son and i'll start saving them for him. I do have roger clemens.
    but i am looking for a YAZ card. 60s 70s or 80s.......................
2.7What do ya say?35986::MCKINNONTue Sep 02 1986 17:2011

     Re#5 I don't know what theue worth but as soon as you know
put it on this conference. If you have doubles and triples and
you want to trade for something else, let me know.

RE#6 What year is your Roger Clemens? Do you want to part with it?
I have  al least 4 extra Yaz cards from 67, 68.


2.8ANOTHER COLLECTOR16434::NEGRITue Sep 02 1986 22:157
    Hi,My name is Roger Negri in Tempe Arizona,I collect all the recent
    sets,Topps,Donrus,Fleer,with some older cards i saved from years
    ago. I also have a large collection of autographed cards,stars and
    commons, I'm always interested in trading and hearing about others
2.9YAZ!!!!!!!!17464::ARSENAULTMR BOSTONWed Sep 03 1986 12:047
    This years Roger clemens. But its the only one i have right now.
    but i'll see about getting another one, and we'll discuss trading
    YAZ for Clemens. sounds like a good deal to me!! After all Roger
    is the new strikeout king!! i'm gonna take good care of that card!!
                                               LOVE THEM SOX!!!
2.10Mostly baseballVAXWRK::SCHNEIDERPacked like lemmings into shiny metal boxesThu Sep 04 1986 14:3618
    This is Dan Schneider.  I don't collect anything avidly anymore,
    but I've managed to hold onto lots of what I used to have, although
    most of it resides in an attack on the Jersey shore.  Up there combined
    with some scattered objects in Massachusetts one could find most
    Topps baseball cards from 1969 through 1974, (no complete sets,
    but some within probably 10 cards or so, and lots of doubles) scattered
    cards from other years (1966, 1975 on up).  I also retain a lot
    of magazines:  a couple years on the late '70s of Baseball Digest,
    SPORT complete from 1972 through ~1980 with about 50 issues between
    1951 and 1971, Sports Illustrated all issues (except a very few)
    between Feb. 1976 to the present, and about 100 others going back
    to 1960, and a couple years of Sporting News in the late '70s also.
    I also have most of the Yankee yearbooks from 1967 to the present.
    If I were to seriously want anything, it would be the Sports
    Illustrateds complete and the yearbooks.
2.11MAGAZINES (SI)35986::MCKINNONThu Sep 04 1986 15:259

     If your talking about the magazine, I have a bunch. Date from 
69 to about 72 i think. I don't know what to do with them. Are 
they worth anything? I think I have the complete set from all 4

2.12SIVAXWRK::SCHNEIDERPacked like lemmings into shiny metal boxesTue Sep 09 1986 17:269
    I'll take them off your hands, Dennis.  I've picked mine up from
    my own subscriptions, my brother's old issues and various yard
    sales/flea markets.
    If you're wondering, I don't really think they are a collectors
    item; I just like the magazine and the occasional (once a year maybe)
    afternoon I can remind myself of heroes past.
2.13CLT::WIECHMANNThe sun never sets on PMWed Sep 10 1986 18:347
    Jim Wiechmann -- not a collector, but I saw an article in VTX that
    I thought might be of interest (see 3.0).
    I do have a 1986 Oil Can Boyd card that I refuse to part with.
2.14ErrataCLT::WIECHMANNThe sun never sets on PMWed Sep 10 1986 18:364
    Err, make that 5.0 rather than 3.0.
2.15"It's worth What!!!"MELODY::THOMANNMon Nov 03 1986 19:2413
    My name is Jim Thomann, a Field Service Engineer in Shrewsbury,
    MA. I recently started collecting older Baseball cards with my 8
    year old son who is a baseball nut. We presently have complete 86
    Fleer and Topps (with the traded and updates) sets and are looking
    for older star cards and old Red Sox cards. We've traveled to flea
    markets and such and wonder if there's a better way to get older
    cards??? Some of these dealers have little to choose from. I'd be
    interested in hearing from other collectors and how they go about
    starting older collections. 
    I just found out today about this conference and hope that a lot
    of other people contribute to it too. 
    						Jim T.
2.16TEMPE1::NEGRITue Nov 04 1986 14:1314
    Re. 2.15
    If you want to start collecting older cards in any condition you
    should attend card shows.They hold shows quite frequently here in
    Arizona,so I would expect an even greater number of shows in the
    New England area.You can find about these shows at local dealers
    or in the classified section of the newspapers.
    You can also aquire cards by trading or purchasing from private
    collectors.They can be found in various card publications usually
    available at local dealers.
    Hope this helped                           ......Roger Negri
2.17BASEBALL CARDSSURPLS::WOODSSat Nov 15 1986 16:016
2.20Little Boys and Baseball CardsFREEBE::MCCLELLANDFri Feb 20 1987 19:5913
    	Found this notes file just the other day. I'm a Field Service
    Engineer working out of the Auburn, Ma office. I'm not a Sports
    Memorabilia collector, but my 11 year old son Jeff is. His main
    interest is in the area of Baseball cards and although he has no
    complete sets he does have a nice collection of current rookies.
    For Christmas I put 15 packages of Topps cards, mostly 1983, in
    his stocking. That really made his day for him as he got two Don
    Mattingly rookies! We've since purchased numerous 1983's and have
    struck out! (pun intended)
    	I told him about this notes file the other day and now he can't
    wait until I bring him to the office so he can read it.
    Regards, Dick McClelland
2.22I made an unforced error!FREEBE::MCCLELLANDSun Feb 22 1987 18:504
    	I'M SORRY!!!!!! In 2.20 I said I gave my son mostly 1983 Topps
    cards and he got two Mattingly rookies. They were 1984 Topps.
    Regards, Dick McClelland
2.23The Young Baseball Card CollectorFREEBE::MCCLELLANDSun Feb 22 1987 19:5914
       Hello. I'm Dick Mcclelland's son.
       Last Christmas my father got me many packages of 1984, 1985, and
    1986 Topps baseball wax packs. At the time I had lost interest in
    the subject. BUT, after finding TWO Don Mattingly rookies I   
    gained intrest in the subject once more.
       When I was about 7 years old a friend of mine gave me about
    100 baseball cards. GOOD baseball cards. As time went by, I lost
    interest again and finally therw them away. I am to this day sorry
    I did that.
2.24Better Later than neverMAPLE::BRAKEMon Mar 09 1987 14:2614
    What a great notes file to find for a guy who moved to Vermont a
    year ago. My name is Rich Brake and I got into baseball cards
    (seriously) in '84. I, too, am a victim of Mom's room cleaning but
    part of my pain is self-inflicted. I had the entire '59 Topps
    collection and pasted all the Red Sox cards into a scrapbook. To
    get them out would tear the heck out of them. The rest I waxed for
    shooting at the schoolyard.
    Sure miss all the flea market and garage sale bargains I used to
    find in Massachusetts. Been in vermont 14 months and only have the
    Vermont Baseball Card Co. to go to.....He guarantees to SELL for
    the highest price.
2.25Well Alright!!!!!DONJON::OPERATORSat Mar 14 1987 02:2913
    Well it's about time I found this notesfile. I've been collecting
    cards and other memorabilia for about 15 to 20 years now. Many times
    I considered bailing out. I hung in there and of course I'm glad
    I did. I've got my whole collection on DECalc spreadsheets. I've
    also got a friend doing the same.
    I may consider selling some items in this notesfile. I have to read
    on further, I just found it. 
    Wow, I can't believe this file is finally online. I'm sure I'll
    be on again down the line. Anyone got a mint Orr rookie??????
    Scott LeLievre
2.26CAPECD::ZACHARIASTue Mar 17 1987 18:239
    Hi, my name is Rick Zacharias. I work in Salem NIO. I have been
    collecting cards since I was young. I stopped for a long time, but
    managed to hang on to some of the oldies. I have many star cards
    from (all TOPPS) 1970, 71, 72 and 76. I'm always looking for more
    from these years. About 2 years ago, I started collecting again,
    and I now have complete sets from (all TOPPS) 85, 86 and 87. I also
    have many doubles, triples, etc. I also have 1970-71 football, complete
    85 TOPPS Set and many doubles football, and 1971 TOPPS hockey. Always
    interested in shows, trading, buying, selling, etc.
2.27Another Father and Son teamAPOLLO::RAYMONDThu May 21 1987 13:209
    I just started collecting baseball cards with my son.  We just finished
    putting together the 87 TOPS set....buying would have been a LOT
    cheaper but we had a great time going through various kinds of packs.
    We now have doubles of almost everything for this year.  We would
    be willing to trade for cards from previous years.   Our goal is
    to get the complete sets back to 1976...when my boy  was born. 
    Sort of a "baseball during my life" collection.
    Ric Raymond
2.282 boys double the number requiredBPOV09::JOSEPHMon Jun 29 1987 18:3412
                         another father and sons team
    I started collecting cards for my sons when they were born in 81,
    slowed down in 85 (boy do I regret that) and started heavy again
    when my son brought home home his first garbage pail. two years
    and hundreds $$ later we're getting there. I don't go to heavy on
    trading maybe after we're finished collecting but I do like to buy
    anything in unopened packs if there reasonable. I'm a quality eng
    in moo and I like to go to shows.
    I hope I haven't joined this conf. to late for any activity.
    Hi. I'm John Groark, a Sr. Systems Analyst with PCSG in LJO
    (Littleton,MA). I have been with DEC for 11 years here in MA and
    in the SF Bay area. I started collecting BB cards and BB autographs
    in 1970 and unfortunately stopped in 1977 (I was graduating H.S.
    and discovered the opposite sex....I wonder how many collections
    died this way!?!).
    Fortunately I kept the nucleus of my autograph collection which
    consists of approx. 3500 baseball cards, 30 baseballs, 15 bats and
    several overflowing photo albums. I acquired about 60% of my autographs
    in person (at the Sheraton Boston and Logan Airport) and the rest
    through the mail.
    I have recently started looking into starting my old hobby up (much
    to the chagrin of my wife), but am very surprised at the price of
    cards today. Another concern I have is how popular autographs are
    today. In other words, are autographs tradeable these days? If so
    what trade show would be the best to start at?
    In any case it's nice to know that this notesfile is here and that
    the hobby is alive and well at DEC.
2.30Yet another father/son teamJUNIOR::GSMITHWed Jul 15 1987 16:477
    My name is Jerry Smith and I have been with DEC for only about 5
    months. My son (6 years old) and I have been collecting baseball
    cards for just about 6 months. I have gained a lot of knowledge
    in the short time we have been collecting (mostly 87 paks). I would
    like to get some older cards, ie: early 70's.... cards which haven't
    really gone beyond my budget... 
2.32Another collectorMANTIS::HUNTTue Aug 04 1987 20:4613
    My name is Russell Hunt, and I just started working at the Mill
    a few weeks ago.  Came from Ann Arbor, MI so I have a soft spot
    for them Tigers.
    I collected baseball cards in a big way in 1969-1974 but then left
    things off until my oldest son got interested in 1985.  We are now
    seriously getting into it and my five year old son is also becoming
    interested.  I also have lots of cards from 1958-1968 but have gotten
    rid of most of my doubles.
    Humorous (so painful you gotta smile) anecdote: I had so-o-o-o-o many
    1971 Willie Mays and Hank Aaron cards we were shooting them with BB
    guns.  Did manage to save a few, tho.
2.33SIGANA::PARADISOSword of Damicles hanging over my headMon Sep 28 1987 17:3810
    My name is Dave Paradiso. I am an Operations Analyst in Marlboro
    and I'm 28 and have been with DEC for about 7 years.

    When I was young, I had 2 older brothers and a father that loved
    both collecting their own baseball cards and mine (know what I mean?)
    I have a pretty good set of older cards (nowhere near complete though)
    roughly in the 1960-1970 range and I recently started collecting again.

2.34i think so....AKOV76::SHANAHANY?Tue Sep 29 1987 18:336

	Is that you JOCKO!!!!!!?????????????/

2.35looking for NY collectorsBMT::FERRESTue Dec 29 1987 18:0412
    Steve Ferres, New York - am also a New York fan (Dodgers, Giants,
    Yankees, Mets, ...).  Collect ALL cards (other sports & non-sports).
    Have full sets, all vendors, back thru 1970, including some from
    60's, 50's and 40's.  Prefer HOFers and stars.  Also invest - have
    100s of 1000s (really!) of 1980s cards (hope the market stays up).
    Am currently concentrating on filling our some 50s Topps and Bowman
    sets, developing a 'type' collection (like coin + stamp collectors
    do), and figuring out how to better display, organize and keep track
    of my cards.
2.36If I knew then what I know now....SCAFST::BOSSOWed Dec 30 1987 14:0325
    My name is Joe Bosso.  I'm a Field Service manager in Dallas, Tx.
    Been with DEC 10 years. 
    When I was a kid (in the dark ages of baseball card collecting)
    I had a cousin who worked for TOPPS.  She would bring home uncut
    sheets from each series (if only I had them now!!).  Several of
    us kids would cut these sheets into 'singles'.
    I recently started collecting again (about 2 years now) and have
    a pretty good assortment of 81-current TOPPS.  I just found this
    notes file and find it pretty informative.
    I also set up a table at various card shows around the area.  I
    am always interested in a good deal and will buy, sell, or trade
    virtually anything I have for anything you have that I need.
    I started reading this notes file to find other 'Decies' in my neck
    of the woods who collect.  I can't beleive that I'm the lone stranger
    in Texas.
    Look forward to participating in this conference as time allows
2.37>Oh Nooooo!! Mr. Bill-Not another one!<25362::RICHARDSONTue Mar 15 1988 21:4511
    Hello !! This is John Richardson.. I used to collect from 68'
    to about 73'. Of course, we all know what happened to those cards
    we 'USED' to have, and now mortgage our homes to own!!!! I'm at it
    again!! Better now than next year!! I started again early Feb/88
    when the guy next to me was buying for his nephew, then said Heck
    with the nephew!!HE started again-then I started again!! so far
    I've amassed misc early 60's to 88's - each day it grows a little
    more (I think my wife is getting worried,the spare room is becoming
    the rare room!!!) I'm mostly TOPPS, but grabbed 88 SCORE sets, 1st
    year should be good investment, also have DONRUSS from (?)82 to
    88. No FLEER or SF ( -YET !- ).
2.38ANOTHER ONETOLKIN::LOCKEThu Mar 17 1988 13:5319
    My son started collecting last year, naturally I do all the buying.
    he has a complete set of 87 Topps and is about 75 cards away from
    a complete set of 88 Topps. I get as excited as he does when he
    gets a player he doesn't already have, last night we finally got
    a Greenwell, and he traded for a Stanley and a Gardner. If anyones
    looking for any 87 Topps he's got probably over a thousand doubles,
    triples, quadruples, etc. Last year he got to within 33 cards of
    a complete set when the store where I usually bought them ran out
    for a couple of weeks. After about 12 inquiries for cards the store
    manager gave me a set that was missing about ten cards. We went
    thru it and filled it in with his other cards to make it a complete
    set. Naturally it left a lot of everything else. This sure does
    bring me back to the early sixties when I was collecting. Eddie
    Bressoud, Chuck Schilling and all the others. Too bad I got conned
    out of an entire grocery bag full for three date stamps. Cause I'm
    sure I had some Mantles, Maris, Pepitones. If anyones got any 
    suggestions for a ten year old let me know.
    Chuck Locke, TROLL::LOCKE, OR 225-5950
2.39San Diego Charger Football CardsCSC32::G_MCINTOSHTouch not the cat, bot the glove!Fri Apr 08 1988 15:0811
    My name is Glenn McIntosh, a Software Specialist for the MasterChamps
    group in Colorado Springs.  I've been with DEC 7+ years.
    I'm a more specific collector.  I'm interested only in San Diego
    Charger football cards, from when Fleet started them in 1961 through
    present time.  I have some, but still need alot, so if you have
2.40What a smart kid!!!TWEED::RAYWed Jul 27 1988 16:2413
    My name is Howard Ray, and I'm a Material Planner in Westminster
    Mass.  I just started collecting about a month ago, but I guess
    I should consider myself one of the lucky ones, my 1968, 69,and
    70 collection that I had when I was a kid, I hid.  I returned home
    after about 13 years and they were still in the same place that
    I hidden them, in the exact same order that I had put them in.
    My 68 collection is about 20 cards short of being a set, and the
    ones I am missing are common players.  My 69 and 70 sets will need
    a little more work.  I also have some cards that date back to the
    50's and early 60's.  I have just purchased a 87 set and an 88 set,
    and plan on completing my 69 and 70 sets as well. 
2.41ANOTHER SKETCH::MACFARLANETue Aug 30 1988 17:187
    Hi.  My name is Pat Macfarlane.  I have just joined Digital a/o
    7/25/88.  I'm glad to see other BB card collectors around here.
    I'll be reading everyone's notes to see what's available/needed
    and reply accordingly.  I have cards mostly from the early
    seventies with 1973 and 1974 cards taking up a lot of space.
    I'd be willing to trade to fill sets of all years.  My side
    interest is in Brooks Robinson cards.  
2.43Someday they'll go to my kids...NAC::G_WAUGAMANTue Oct 04 1988 02:1245
    I'm Glenn Waugaman, work in NaC in Littleton, MA, just found
    this file tonight and have enjoyed reading it immensely.  I must 
    admit that I'm glad to see that the spirit of collecting is still 
    alive, as a lot of my concerns around the "hobby" have been voiced 
    in here.
    I started collecting in 1971 and accumulated complete Topps baseball
    sets from '72 thru (I think) '81, plus around a half dozen football
    sets from the same period.  I still like that '72 set the best (it's
    amazing how you can become so familiar with the cards in your first
    set that you always associate the players from a certain era with
    their teams and poses in that set).  I pretty much quit collecting
    in the early '80's after becoming disgusted with the large majority
    of dealers at card shows, etc. (although I know there are some 
    reputable ones out there), and haven't bought a card in about five 
    years, but I still enjoy hauling the collection out maybe once a year 
    and reminiscing.  I think the worst part about the high prices of
    late is the constraints it puts on the kids, constraints I know
    I didn't have.  At the first card show I ever went to, in the late
    '70's, I discovered my favorite players in sets I never even knew 
    existed, most for less than a buck.  I thought I was in heaven!
    Favorite cards and players:  Mays '58, '61-'64 (yes, I admit that I
    traded Mantles for Mayses every time), R. Jackson '69, B. Robinson
    '57-'60 (my favorite player), Koufax '56, Aaron '56-'57, Clemente
    '57 (my second favorite player), Musial '59-'62, and Banks '54,
    '56.  I've also enjoyed collecting lesser-known HOF's who had maybe 
    1 or 2 Topps cards made in their lifetimes: '53 Satchell Paige, '53 
    Ralph Kiner.  Favorite older set: no question, 1957, no fancy 
    borders or frills.  
    One last question...  Who or what started the rookie card frenzy?
    I always tried, everything being equal, to collect the player in
    his MVP or World Series year (Yaz '67 and F.Robinson '66 come to mind
    for me).  I can understand with the older sets, which were released 
    in series, that rookies often ended up in the higher numbers and hence 
    were scarce, but how can current stars command $10-$20 for a rookie 
    card which was printed in equal (and very large) supplies, same as 
    every card in the set?  I never heard of this phenomenon until 
2.44POBOX::WILSONMust wear many hats.....Fri Nov 04 1988 19:0826
    My name is Scott Wilson and I work in the Area Logistics Organization
    in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.
    I collect things that appeal to me, mainly autographed cards, 8X10's
    and balls.  I also collect scorecards and programs from games that
    I have attended.  Recently (the last 3 years) I have been collecting
    Donruss sets and have taken a liking to Score as well.  When I was
    a kid, I had a collection of '72 through 78 but they burned up in
    our house when I was about 15. 
    I get most of my cards from a friend who is one of the bigger dealers
    in Iowa (for a discount of course).  Recently I purchased my favorite
    childhood card, a '72 Mays in NM shape from him.
    Some of my favorite items include: autographed Reggie Jackson ball,
    1971 Mets ball, 1965 Twins ball, 1962 Maris, 8X10 of Mantle, Mays
    and Killebrew...all three have autographed it, and 3 unprinted
    playoff ticket sets for the Bears playoffs the year they won the
    I really enjoy this conference and hope to pick up some good info
    and some possible trades.
2.45VIDEO::ASHEWhatever happened to George Theodore?Tue Jan 24 1989 20:5816
    Gee, I've seen a bunch of these names before...
    Walt Ashe, Software Eng in Westford MA.
    Collected baseball cards as a kid.  Would like to get back to it
    if I could find a place to put them.  (football, basketball, hockey
    cards too.
    Have some world series programs, and other memorabilia, including
    a spring training guide from last year that I got autographs in.
    (A lot of tigers, Eric Davis, Jody Reed, Tom Henke, Lance Parrish,
    Dennis Rasmussen...)
    I'll have to get caught up to speed.
2.46JAWS::BENSMANMon Jan 30 1989 19:482
2.47Juan J. FebusUSRCV1::FEBUSJMon Feb 06 1989 22:599
Hi my name is Juan Febus and I work for Field Service in Rome, New York.
I happened to get into collecting about three years ago, but lost interest.
( small children, no money ) My children are older now and several friends
that have been collecting for years have gotten me back into it.  I
would eventually like to have all of the Roberto Clemente cards. ( My
childhood hero ) 
    I can be reached at
2.48HiLEZAH::JHUGHESThis? No, a Screwdriver!Fri Feb 10 1989 12:0814
    John Hughes
    I wasn't into collecting cards as a kid, but getting involved now.
    I have a collection of cards, from my grandmothers house, when she
    moved nobody wanted them. These cards are from the late 1940's,
    after seeing the news the other night about what some cards are
    worth, well lets say it sparked my interest. 
    Any information on values of old cards welcome.
2.49QBUS::STURTEVANTMon Feb 13 1989 16:1013
    Steve Sturtevant
    I collected cards as a kid but used them to "motorize" my bicycle.
    I'm just now getting back into and find it very exciting. I got
    Al Kaline's (my childhood hero) autograph last weekend at a card
    show here in Atlanta.. I'm mainly interested in collecting Tigers-
    especially Kaline.
2.50whatcha gotBMT::GOTTESMANWed Mar 01 1989 16:123
Do you have any '66 Topps...What are you looking for?? What do you have??
    I can be reached via VMSMAIL on subway::gottesman.  Thanks for the
    reply in advance...
2.51COLLECTING FOR YEARS....WAV12::MITCHELLThu Mar 02 1989 22:1410
2.5317464::MARRIERLiving in the PastWed Mar 15 1989 05:0214
	Hi, my name is Rick Marrier, I work in Burlington Vermont.
I collected cards as a youngster growing up and had a tremendous
collection, that is until I went in the Army.. After I got out,
most of my cards had disappeared, my parents had moved while I
was in the Army so I can only guess that they got thrown out.  I
was able to find about 50 or so cards and they are currently in the
possession of my brother who has them in storage until I'm ready to
turn them over to my son, when he turns 35.  :-)  I will never sell
these cards, some are quite valuable, especially my Mickey Mantle
cards, my hero :^)   It's hard to believe that card-collecting has
turned into such a business, I can't say I really like it, but that's
just my opinion.

2.54Baseball fan = Card fan = Rotisserie fanSA1794::CUZZONESSatanic Nurses ... Fri Mar 24 1989 18:0517
    My name is Steve Cuzzone.  I work in Springfield.  I started collecting
    back in the late 50's and early 60's.  My friends' older brothers
    used to to trade their old cards for my new ones and I had a tresure
    trove including Musial, Williams as well as the more recent Mantle,
    Yaz etc.  My mother threw them all away when my parents moved south
    in 1977.  Sigh!
    I'm a packrat and have a few cards from the early 80's bought for
    who knows what reason.  It's been getting a little more serious
    lately with my kids coming of age and we have piles (hundreds I
    guess this isn't a lot) from 88 and 89.  I have a few cards bought
    over the last 5 years as an outspring of Rotisserie.  Ed Norris
    was nice enough to split a set of Topps for one league in 86.  Ed,
    mine are all crummy (commons) must have been a bad year for the
    Pioneers.  Come to think of it, what year wasn't?
2.55i"m gonna enjoy this conference!!!!WFOV12::GUGLIELMO_TThu May 11 1989 13:299
        I'm Ted Guglielmo here in Westfield Ma I have about 30,000 baseball
    cards. I also collect anything having to do with baseball(I mean
    anything). If you like to trade write me at WFOOFF:GUGLIELMO_T.I
    have lots to trade so please write to me or write here.
                                 ted g.
                                  THE REAL TED G.
2.57Cleveland FanLUDWIG::WHITEHAIRTue Jun 13 1989 01:356
    Well, I'm Hal Whitehair and I like to save all the Cleveland stuff
    I can, from the Browns to the Indians, not to mention the Cavs...
    If anyone can get some new or old things from any of the Cleveland
    teams...let me know...I only go back to Cleveland about every 3
2.58SOLD EM TOO EARLY !!!CTOAVX::FINERFri Jun 16 1989 17:1711
    ABOUT 60,000 CARDS, MOSTLY 1983 ON, WITH SOME 60S AND 70S.
2.59John Potucek - Derry,N.H.SALEM::POTUCEKWhere's Winter?Mon Jun 26 1989 15:4920

John Potucek, here in Salem N.H. Just got back into collecting baseball cards 
with my son. Working from now back to 87-or so with Topps, Donruss, and Score.
Son has some U.D.'s, and so does daughter.

I have a fairly complete Greenwell collection, working on Burks and Bo 
Jackson, son has Esasky and McGwire, daughter has Al Nipper and Glenn Davis.
Wife will take any of the Ripkins, just 'cause she "likes the name". No 
"Swear-Word" cards, though.

I have some older Baltimore Orioles, Powell and Brooks, but will NOT part with 

Deal mainly with Hall of Fame Collectibles, on Manning St. in Derry.


2.61A FEW GOOD LEFT!!FRAGLE::PASQUALEMikeMon Jul 31 1989 15:538
                                         THANKS MIKE.
2.62a new comerWMOIS::TRUMPOLTTue Aug 01 1989 20:269
    Hi, my name is Steve Trumpolt and I work in westminster.  As with
    the rest of you I had a decent collection when I was younger but
    you can guess what happened to those cards.  I started to collect
    again about two years ago and collect mainly TOPPS sets and Redsox
    team sets by Topps.  Anyhow, after reading this file for the last
    year i figured i should introduce myself and participate when
    regards, steve
2.63former read-onlyFSTTOO::JMAXWELLFri Aug 25 1989 21:0410
    Hi, my name is Jeff Maxwell and I work at BUO.  I guess I am luckier
    than most because Mom didn't throw my cards out but rescued them
    from the cellar and put them in the attic where it was drier.  I
    started to collect again about 2 years ago (TOPPS of course) and
    work mainly in collecting the current Topps set and filling out
    my '64-'67 sets.  I also have started collecting autographs of HOF'ers
    on a bat and in a HOF book.  Well, after being a "read-only" for
    a year, I figured it was time to introduce myself.
2.64The Giants win the pennant, the Giants win the pennant!CSC32::W_ALEXANDERTue Sep 12 1989 16:0514
     Will Alexander,
    My older brother and I collected 60's tops as kids and I just found
    out he still has them. I began collecting again two years ago.
    so  far I have 84,85,86,87,88,89 tops, 85,86,87,88 donruss,
    87,88 fleer, 88,89 score, complete factory sets,two 86 and one 87
    donruss rookies, the tops and fleer traded/extended sets for the
    86,87,88 years. Some tops,donruss and score wax sets of 88,89.
    Lately  though I've been collecting my favorite, Will Clark, along with
    some other rookies like Mitchell(10), Boggs, Sierra, Bo etc...
    Besides my sets im trying to get every Will Clark card to drool over.
    My dream however is to get some old Mays cards, sigh...
2.66Just Another Interested Noter!!DELNI::PARADISFri Oct 13 1989 20:0614
    Hi Richard Paradis here! i've been with dec for 12 years the end of
    this month and presently am working in (LKG) Littleton Ma. I also  
    have been reading notes conferences over a year but just found out 
    about this sports memorabilia conference just this afternoon from
    someone in the sports conference. I don't collect baseball cards
    or any cards for that matter but i do have other collectable items
    that i will talk about later on. But just wanted to say that i find
    this conference as most are very informative and helpful in maybe
    making someone's dreams come true someday. If anything just plan
    reading what is being written in here is enjoyable. Good luck to all
    that are able to make that deal of a lifetime.
2.67still 12 yrs old at heart, but don't have time to go to gymMSBIS1::ROBINSONin the penalty boxFri Oct 27 1989 21:1533
    Jeff Robinson here. My mother is the coolest lady in the world.
    She knew how much my cards meant to me and never even gave a thought
    to tossing 'em out. But the time has come to part with my cards-
    I want a Soloflex machine for my home... out with the old in win
    the new. So I am entering this notesfile with the intentions of
    learning about the process of evaluating and selling sports cards.
    I have a whole bunch of them. Thousands. I am twenty three now and
    started seriously collecting when I was 10 and got my first paper
    route. I have lots of cards from 1975-1980. Baseball. Hockey. Footbal.
    Basketball. Most of the good ones- Gretzky rookie, Lafluer rookie,
    Dionne rookie, Perrault rookie, Orr 69-70, lots of other Bruins
    and hockey cards in the late 60 and early 70s'.
    In football I've got Plunkett rookie, Butkus, Namath, Karrass, Hannah
    rookie, etc etc etc
    Without a doubt baseball cards are my largest collection. From 1975
    to 1980 I have just about them all plus a lot of earlier ones. Tiant
    rookie (64), Ryan 70, etc etc.
    If someone could point me to the key notes I'd appreciate it.
    Oh yeah, as for a personal introduction I was born and raised in
    Newton, Mass. Went to Newton North High play sports in high school
    and college (Brown), and am in my second year of DEC's Financial
    Development Program (FDP). Last year I worked in the mill. This
    year I am doing budgeting/forecasting, population and other things
    in the mid-range systems group in Boxboro. I live in Waltham now
    and still follow sports as a hobby. I study karate when I can get
    out of work on time.
    Thanks for any, and all, help
2.68One more kid at heart.DENVER::CRINERWed Nov 29 1989 20:0619
    	My name is Mike Criner, and I didn't have to worry about my mom
    	throwing my baseball cards away.  She's a bigger pack-rat than I
    	am.  Anyway, they're safely stored at my house now, so I only have
    	to worry about my wife tossing them.
    	I started collecting in 1972, and stayed in it until I got about
    	high school age.  Within the last couple years I've gotten back
    	into it, and am trying to finish off series' from the early 70's
    	on back.  I'm only interested in Topps Baseball cards.  I've 
    	already traded most of my doubles, so I'm pretty much a buyer from
    	here on out.  
    	I'm looking for random cards (commons and stars) from 1973 on back.
    	If you have cards for sale from that era, let me know.  I have
    	lists of the exact numbers I need.
    	Mike Criner
    	DTN 553-3578.
2.69Rick , "THE MICK" GasparoniAKOV13::GASPARONIThu Feb 01 1990 18:5115
    Hi, my name is Rick Gasparoni.  I was just introduced to this file by a
    nice gentleman named Rojer Negri, of Tempe AZ.  I grew up in Marlboro,
    MA.  the only Yankee fan in the neighborhood, and all the guys were
    very happy to give me all their Mickey Mantle cards for FREE, so I took
    them, being a dumb little kid as I was.  So guess what, I'm loaded with
    Mantle cards, and he became my boyhood idol.  I just recently got back
    into collecting cards with my 5 year old son.  I just love going to
    shows, and buying cards for him.  Its a big thrill for both of us.  I
    collect just MM Memorabilia, anything.  I have just about every
    newspaper article ever written about him from 1957 to 1969 from the
    Boston Globe, and have all his books, and magazines in which he was
    featured in.  Anyone interested in dealing any Mantle Memorabilia,
    please get in touch with me.  Would be interested in talking about
    other Mantle Collections.  I just picked up a beautiful 53T Mantle.
    Thanks for having this file open.   Regards, Rick
    My name is alison and I started collecting about a year agoand if
    anyone has any suggestions about restoring old cards I would greatly
    appreciate it.Also if any body has any 1989 sets not comepleately
    finished I have about 2000 or 3000 cards I have no use of and is
    willing to get rid of some of them so if you are interested please
    leave me a reply with your phone # and I will get bake to you.
                                          ALISON .C.
2.71So new..not even novice class yet.HPSTEK::SCHWARTZBack in BlackThu Feb 08 1990 14:269
      Bill Schwartz here. I work in Marlboro at MRO1. I started getting
    interested in collecting sports cards after finding out how much my
    son's 3 Bobby Orr cards are worth at a recent card show (his mother
    bought them at a yard sale for a buck). I figure that box to be worth
    around $3500 w/out the commons. More than the sets, I love the rare 
    finds. Also, there is nothing more fun than helping a youngster that is
    willing to learn. My son and I are now closer than many many other
    fathers and sons are.We are kind of the blind leading the blind at the
    moment but think of the fun we're having....!!!! 
2.72Fillip,Matty & Jesus played for Tacoma PCOJCT::THOMASTue Feb 20 1990 16:4513
    Norman Thomas
    I live a stones throw from Shea. I grew up a yankee fan in the pacific
    N.W. Everyone elce hated the Yankees so I got all the Yankee Cards for
    the Giants and K.C. A's, the closest Big League teams to Olympia. 
    Unfortunately..as is the case over and over... if only I still had
    those cards.
    I don't invest. I collect and buy what I like, if it happens to be
    reasonable and affordable. 1984 and later I leave to my kids They will
    have the cards of their youth when they will mean the most to them.
    When they get to 40+.
2.73RookieTRACTR::DOWNSMGET TO KNOW ME!!!!!Mon Mar 05 1990 11:208
    Hi all, Mike Downs here.  Work in Nashua and live in Merrimack Nh.
    Originally from Berlin-Gorham NH.  Same old story threw or gave
    away all of my OLD cards when I was a kid.  My Dad got back into
    it a couple years ago and he passed on in December so now I'm in
    it alone but AWFUL glad he got me back into it!!
    Downsy (alot to learn about card collecting)
2.74Dedicated BB card collectorCHFS32::HMONTGOTue Mar 06 1990 21:446
    Hi, my name is Ben. 
    I am new to this hobby a, I have been collecting since 88'.  , and
    I love it!  My favorite card companies are Donruss and Topps.  I
    am 15 and spend almost every dime I have on baseball cards.
    Which is very little.
2.75new kidIMPULS::MCDONOUGHSat Mar 10 1990 23:004
    Hi, my mane is Bonnie and I am fairly new to the hobby.  I suppose
    that I should start by saying who my favorite player is.  Hands
    down it is Jim Abbott.  Are there any others out there?  
2.76Re-introduction ...SA1794::DANIELETMon Mar 12 1990 13:2218
	My name is Tony Daniele.  I work in Springfield (MA) in the IM Dept.  I
have been collecting all kinds of cards since 1981.  My collection primarily
consists of card collections of my favorite baseball players, including: Mantle,
Maris, Yaz, Tony C., and Joe Pepitone.  I have many baseball coins of my favor-
ite players too.  I have other sports and non-sports sets in my collection, in-
cluding the 1951 Topps Ringside Boxing card set, 1954/55 Topps Hockey card set, 
1955 Topps FB card set, 1958 Topps Space Cards set, 1964 Topps Outer Limits card
set, 1964 Topps Baseball Coin set, and 1965 Topps Embossed Baseball card set.  I
also have complete team sets of my two favorite all-time BB teams, 1961 Yankees
and 1967 Red Sox.  I am currently working on completing some other Yankee team 
sets from the 60's.  I'm in no rush.  I like to go to card shops/shows and look
for deals.  I am not very fussy about condition, and primarily collect for fun.
I have recently become interested in football and hockey cards.  The only newer
cards I collect are hockey cards.  I grew up in the 60's, thats where most of my
memories are, so thats why I collect mostly older "stuff".  I really enjoy help-
ing people out and passing on the knowledge I have acquired over the past few 
years .... and making new friends too !!!
2.77BO KNOWS,,,BLKWDO::RABINOMon Mar 19 1990 19:306
    My name is Ted Rabino, I presently work in Tempe,Az. home of the
    baseball Spring season. My son and I collect all types of baseball
    cards and football cards. Also boxing and karate programs. 
2.78Sign me upSALEM::ALIZIOFri Jun 29 1990 14:0021
    Hi, my name is Paul Alizio.  I'm currently working in Salem, NH.
    My favorite sport is football.  I've gotten the collecting bug from
    my two sons, ages 10 and 13.  They spend every cent of their allowance
    on baseball cards, albums and inserts.  And they can spend hours
    scanning through Beckett's assessing the current book value of their
    collections.  There's certainly a lot worse things they could be
    doing with their time.  And it's fun for the three of us to go to
    card shows together.
    I don't intend on making any huge financial investment in football
    cards.  I will try to collect a set or two each year, but no way
    will I try to collect all the various sets. This is strictly a fun
    hobby for me.  I don't plan on making any huge financial gains.
    But if Andre Ware's rookie card is as valuable 15 years from now
    as Joe Montana's or Joe Namath's, I won't complain!
2.79Checking in!!!ELIXIR::DUFFER::CAMERONThis looks like it could be Gravy!Mon Jul 02 1990 14:4715
    	Hi, I'm Bob Cameron, Software Eng working in Nashua.  I started
    collecting cards about 4 mo. ago and have since gone completely mental.
    I LOVE THIS HOBBY!!  But I've got to slow down soon or I'll be broke!!
    Believe it or not I've even turned my mother into a maniac.  We started
    at the same time and I'm pretty sure she's spent more money than I
    have.  The way I look at it, at least she isn't buying any more of
    those Franklin Mint statues.  If you ever wondered who in their
    right mind would buy those things, now you know. ;^)
    I have no real preference in the cards I buy.  I like most sports so I
    collect cards in just about all of them (no golf cards yet though),
    whatever happens to peak my interest at the moment.
2.80INTRO.ELMAGO::JVERGOThu Aug 02 1990 17:4613
2.81ROOKIE ENTRYPOKIE::PAULThu Aug 16 1990 02:1422
        Hi, my name is Michael Paul.

        I work for Customer Services in Denver.  I have been collecting
    cards for a couple of years but lately I've really gotten into it.
    I grew up in the south with no Major League affiliation so my friends
    and I never collected cards.  Football is my favorite sport so that
    is my card of choice.  I find it cheaper to stay mostly with the
    new cards since the older ones cost an arm and leg.  Maybe someday
    they will be worth something, but the memories are the important
    thing.  I've noticed that card manufacturers are making short runs
    of cards (commissioner cards, golfer cards, ect.) to entice people
    to by more and more packs.  Have they always done this?  Anyway,
    I'm not biting.  I'll collect my regular set for the memories. 
    This is a great notesfile and I look foward to throwing in my two
    cents worth.
    P.S.  Forgot to mention "I'm doing all this for my son." ;>)
2.82They cost more hereWRKSYS::SCHWARTZThu Aug 16 1990 11:277
       Welcome Michael.
      (Right) Doing it for your son. That's what we all are doing here!
    BTW are cards really that cheap there? Here the older cards cost
    an arm and a leg and your first born not to mention a few other
    important body parts.
2.83New Member24947::MATOSWed Aug 29 1990 15:0923
    Hi my name is Miguel Matos and I work as a system manager at PK03.
    I also had a lot of baseball cards from the 70's but were trashed
    by my mom when I left home. I'm interested in BasketBall and Baseball
    I'm trying to complete three basketball sets from 1972-1973, 1973 -
    1974 which survived the trashing and a 1981- 1982 topps.
    I got most of the money cards and need commons so, if anyone out-there
    has commons let me know.
    Baseball I grew up with topps so that's what I have from 1981- 1990
    complete sets. I'm missing some traded sets 1982 & 1983. 
    I have a 1982 & 1986 & 1990 Donruss, 1989 - 1990 UpperDeck and I'm
    trying to make a complete set of 1990 Leaf but need about 24 more
    to complete the set. If anyone has extra and want to trade let me
    know and I'll send you my list, you can send mail to PSYLO::MATOS
2.84New MemberSONATA::MRIVERATue Sep 04 1990 16:106
    Hi my name is Manny Rivera and I work for  Customer Services stow Ma.
    I , have been collecting for the last 4 Months. I have complete sets
    from 1981 to 1990 .
2.85Another new member...YAZ8::GUARINOBo knows Pascal...Tue Sep 11 1990 01:5124
        Hi, I'm Vinny Guarino and work in Merrimack NH as a software
        engineer for NAC Network Mgmt Engineering (or whatever it is
        called this week).
        I used to collect baseball cards as a kid during the sixties,
        when cards were for flipping on the front porch! Someday I'm
        going back home and tear up a few panels and get all those cards
        that fell through the cracks! (of course, mom threw all those
        shoe boxes full of cards out). 
        I've decided to get back into collecting for two reasons, 1) my
        two boys are avid baseball fans and collecting cards. 2) I was
        going through some old scrapbooks and found four 1966 Topps Red
        Sox! I found a Billy Herman in great shape, a Chuck Schilling
        with a small wrinkle, a Jim Lonborg and my favorite, a Carl
        Yastzremski! I immediately called my mother and exonerated her
        from her past evils! :-). Finding these cards to me was just
        I'm starting to ramble here, so I better get out now!
2.86read-only decides to sign-in..EBCOT::ALPERINWed Oct 17 1990 11:5313
    Hello, my name is Bob Alperin.  I work in Merrimack, and live in
    Milford, NH...  I was an avid collector from 68-74 and then kind of 
    fell away from the collecting scene (little did I know what they would 
    be worth today....but who did)...Thankfully, I had a mom who didn't
    throw them out... Anyways I have gotten back into collecting, and a
    little dealing, and enjoy it again...but of course I am collecting them
    for my 5 year old son :*)...
    I really enjoy reading this notes file, as it helps to know what is
    really going on out in the "card world"...
2.87Collectin' by accidentWEDOIT::MERCADOMon Nov 05 1990 13:5411
    My names's Ted Mercado and I decided to start collecting for the first
    time after finding out I had the '74 Mike Schmidt. 
    Seems to be lots of fun - I'm looking forward to it! 
2.88Greetings new collectorOAW::ITZKOTopps '73 613Wed Nov 07 1990 09:554
    don't you mean the '73 Mike Schmidt?
2.89It would be nicer to have the '73, but...WEDOIT::MERCADOWed Nov 07 1990 18:4410
    RE: .88:
    He did have a few at-bats in '72, but I believe his first full season
    was '73... I guess that's why the '74 Schmidt is considered valuable.

2.90rookie cardPHAROS::SYSTEMWed Nov 07 1990 19:184
    	I've seen Schmidt rookie card from 1973 together with Ron Cey
    I believe for $ 395.00
2.92Nevered played for KnightWLDWST::SALFORDTue Nov 13 1990 19:1419
    I'm Steve Alford and have never seen Knight (bobby). 
    I wish I could say I had old cards that my Mom had thrown out,
    but I can't I was into cars in early days and only collected Hot 
    I'm a collector now and boy I'm having fun. I collect mostly
    Dallas Cowboy Stuff and some sentmental favorites (sp) I happened
    onto it about year or so ago, I collect anything with cowboys on it.
    It started when I found a poster (cowboy office said only 500 posters
    were made)of the Cowboys 25th annv.in all my junk. It had players on 
    the poster's so I figured I could try and find the rookie cards for all
    the players. I have all the cards except for Number 50 and I belive
    that is Jerry Tubbs (not sure).
    Since I've started going my son now has gotten into it. He bought a
    hoops pack and had David Robinson in it . 
    This beats all my other fly by night hobbies.
    steve (bcf)
2.93HOT WHEELS!OAW::ITZKOTopps '73 #613Wed Nov 14 1990 10:218
    Steve (bcd),
    Good for you, have a blast, and keep having fun.
    Well last summer the number was 27, yesterday it was 11, but
    now it's down to needing only 10 more cards to have 1 of every 
    Charger football card made (nationally distributed)
    Yesterday I found a 1961 Jack Kemp and picked it up.  The countdown
    (if this is in the wrong place...feel free to move it)
2.95Bob TrabucchiESCROW::TRABUCCHIWed Jan 09 1991 12:566
    I have some cards (mostly sets) that I have accumulated over the past
    few years that I'm looking to sell.  I am also looking to buy some
    cards to add to my collection....mostly singles.
2.96N. D.SSVAX::LEONHARDTWed Jan 23 1991 18:4615
    I have some stuff from the 70's (some got lost in moves).  Lots of
    baseball, football and hockey, some basketball.  Have lots of extras
    that I'll part with.
    What I'm really interested in is Notre Dame players now in the pros.
    Poulin in hockey (got just about all, I think) and Reed and Yaz in
    baseball (maybe there are others but I haven't found any) and lots
    in football and basketball.
    If anyone has old football with guys from ND I'm probably interested,
    at least in knowing what it is.
    Will post extra stuff available elsewhere.
2.98NDSSVAX::LEONHARDTThu Jan 24 1991 20:011
    re -1  Ya, got two sets of each, but surprise, no Joe Montana in them!
2.99Jody was a 'Nole, I believe...SKIVT::G_HICKSLet Dunston pitchFri Jan 25 1991 16:5812
Re: 2.96

	Are you talking about Jody Reed when you say Reed and Yaz?  If so,
I'm fairly certain that Jody Reed went to Florida State University and not
Notre Dame.  Of course I could be wrong, but I'm an FSU grad myself and 
I'm pretty sure that he was a Seminole.


	Of course maybe you're talking about Ron Reed or someone else. :^)
2.100na, the other guySSVAX::LEONHARDTFri Jan 25 1991 16:593
    No, Ron Reed, Atlanta and Phil.  Was a basketball star at ND.
2.101SKIVT::G_HICKSLet Dunston pitchFri Jan 25 1991 17:0812

	Oh alright *Ron* Reed.  

	Coincidentally, Yaz went to FSU too.  Yaz's son, that is.  

	And as I recall, so did Jack Nicklaus' son.  I think they both
played baseball - though neither were anything to write home about.

2.102DOLPHINS RULE!!!!!!PARITY::G_EGELANDWed Feb 06 1991 18:268
    Love them dolphins!!!!!!!!!
    I would be very interested in any Miami Dolphins cards you may have
    please let me know what you have available
    Thanks a bunch,
                  Mike the Miami fan
    P.S. I'm not much of a collector,mainly a fan so I would be more 
    interested in buying
2.103Rochester - home of the Red WingsMISFIT::GEMMELand now here's Mac and Tosh...Wed May 08 1991 13:3426
    Steve Gemmel
    Rochester NY office (RCO)
    EIS (PSS or Delivery or almost any other name)
    I have just returned to collecting cards and could kick myself for the
    just about complete 1964 set of Baseball cards which I tossed back
    around '70 when we cleaned out the attic (there would have been a good
    bunch in that collection, never did get a Mantle or Maris though).
    My son actually got the interest back a few years ago.  We've given him
    factory sets on his birthday for the last three years (88 Donruss, 89
    and 90 Fleer).  I've just picked up the 89 Upper Deck (1-700, still
    looking for the hi numbers) and when I have some more bucks will pursue
    the 90 set.
    We've been picking up the 91 UDs for $1 a pack and so far have a pretty
    good set.  Still working on it.
    Anyway, I just found the notes file and was hoping that there was an
    ASCII file of the cards for various years (didn't expect to find
    current values since they change so fast).  Anybody know where to find
    one that can be loaded into a spread sheet?
    Thanks for being here, see you in the notes -
2.104-<ANY BRUINS REGGIE'S CARDS??>HPSTEK::RDAMEWed May 08 1991 16:106
    Roger G. Dame here.
    Just started not too long ago, but have accomplished alot.
    My Son is looking for different Reggie Lem. cards from Bruins.
2.105Another beginerWMOIS::WAITT_DTue Jun 04 1991 12:429
    Hello my name is David Waitt.
    I just started collecting about two weeks ago. I collect football, some
    basketball and Desert storm. I don't have a lot of cards but I'm having
    a lot of (cheap??) fun. I'm looking to purchase any commons or doubles
    of the Score fb, Proset fb or desert storm any make. 
2.106Back in the hobbyCHIPS::CHOYWed Aug 14 1991 13:0620
    Hello out there.  I just found this note conference yesterday so I've
    got some catching up to do.  My name is Lance Choy and I started 
    collecting cards again 2 years ago.  Like some of you, I had a pretty 
    good collection when I was a kid.  Most of my cards got trashed in 
    knock 'em down games - we used to go for quantity!  However, most of 
    my collection went into the trash for good sometime in the 70s at 
    the request of the mom.
    Fortunately, I stashed a few goodies for myself.  I have spent the last
    couple of years trying to complete the following sets:  69-70
    basketball, 70 football and glossy inserts, 70 or 71 super baseball,
    and 69 deckle edge.  As you may notice, I kept a lot of the oddball stuff
    that I liked.  You couldn't use these in knock 'em down games!  
    I started collecting again after a 17 year hiatus.  I have picked up
    a bunch of the newer sets of the big three sports (it was hard to be a
    hockey fan in Hawaii).  
    Now I work over in Hudson, MA.  I look forward to buying, selling and 
    trading with everyone out there!
2.107 Hello, my name is AlanUSEM::AMIRALIANThu Aug 15 1991 16:409
       Hello, my name is Alan. I have some cards and old programs
    from sporting events in the 60s. I am looking to buy mostly
    and sell some of my programs. I have Red Sox programs some
    1965-1967 Patriot Programs (cover by cartoonist Phil Bissell)
    some old Celtics and Bruins programs. 
       I do have one odd set of cards I intend to complete, the 1961
    Nu-Cards. They go from 401-480 and are titled "Baseball Scoops".
    The front is a banner headline and b&w photo, back a small story
    about the front. More later as I find what numbers I need.  
2.109I have the "Fever"...OGOMTS::LEGERFri Aug 23 1991 16:5810
    My name is Kevin Leger, and I'm employed in the OGO (Stow) site. 
    I've just started collecting cards (mostly football), and have the
    "New Collector Fever". I'm new at the game, and hope I can get some
    useful pointers in the conference. I am a big L.A. Raider fan, so I
    hope to see some of these cards in the Sale and Trade notes. I love
    Boston Bruins hockey too!!!!
2.110BASKETBALL/CELTIC fan(atic)DNEAST::WHITE_BRYANStupid people shouldn't breed..Thu Sep 05 1991 11:4113
    	Name: Bryan White, Sr.
    	Collecting basketball with focus on the power teams of the 80's
    	and also "forever"=(CELTICS!).  I'm buying my way in slowly via
    	the fun of pack by pack and focusing mostly on HOOPS.  The SKY-
    	XXX series are pretty but lack in warmth....
    	I also collect any/all CELTICS memorabelia, (banners, books,
    	pictures, etc...)
2.111CCC -> Crazed Card CollectorTROU51::HANDYL. HANDY DTN 631-7257 'THE GNOME'Mon Sep 16 1991 20:1935
    Lyndon K. Handy
    I have been collecting cards since I was 2 years old.  For some years I
    had literally piles of various cards, for other years I only had
    a few here and there.  After reaching the age of 16, cards were
    considered 'kids stuff' in my neighborhood, and I stopped collecting.
    Now I am back in the swing of things, trying desperately to collect
    some to fill in the gaps for the past 10 years.
    I have:
    O-PEE-CHEE  hockey and baseball		1966-1981
    TOPPS BB 1991
    Upper Deck BB 1989-1991
    Pro set hockey 1990, 1991
    6 million dollar man, Partridge family, Superman, Star Wars, Wacky
    Packages, Mork & Mindy, Star Trek, Saturday Night Fever, Terminator 2,
    Canadian History...and the list goes on.
    What I am looking for:
    Loony Toons
    Topps Stadium Club
    Pro Set Hockey
    I have NO interest in sports, except that its moderately amusing while
    attending a game.  I just get a kick out of opening wax packs (I even
    eat the gum).
2.112Elvis is playing for San Jose SharksUSRCV1::SAPPBThu Oct 03 1991 12:5423
    Hi, I'm Bill Sapp from Rochester,NY. I've been collecting Hockey cards
    for about 1 1/2 years after I realized the 50 or so cards I picked up
    in packs over three years for about 3 bucks contained Lemiuex, Hull, 
    Robitialle, and Oates rookies plus about a dozen other great cards.
    I do my wheelin' & dealin' mostly at shows and flea markets (Hey
    mister, why's the guy over there so much cheaper than you?) in
    Rochester and Buffalo. I like to buy older sets missing cards for a
    song and build them a few cards at a time.
    I'm a sucker for Gretzky cards so if you're looking to unload, mail me.
    My favorites are Gretzky's rookie, his trade card ('88-89) and the
    Playboy with his wife in it(like to see that on a card)!!
    I don't know what I'm going to do about the dozen+ set coming out this
    year. Maybe I'll concentrate on the older cards while everyone is
    cutting each others throats over the new ones. Out flank 'em!
    Love this file, mail me if you're buying, selling, trading or want to 
    keep my eyes out for something.
2.113Beginner signing inSUBRFM::LANDRIGANMon Oct 07 1991 16:0210
OK, go easy on me guys.  First time collector, didn't even realize how big this
was until started to read about it.  I am interested in basketball cards mostly
since it is my favorite sport.  My first foray was buying last year's Fleer 
complete set as well as the 1990 Star Pics.  I can't believe someone thinks that
Derrick Coleman card is worth $7-10!

The whole thing is fascinating and I would be happy to talk with anyone interested
in dealing basketball cards.

2.114Looking to trade, 90' or newerDNEAST::WOODMAN_MIKEFri Oct 25 1991 22:3610
    Hi I'm Mike Woodman.  I collect most all of the new stuff.  I collected
    alot of cards as a kid, but as the old saying goes, my Mother threw
    them all out.  I just got back into collecting last year, and am
    impressed with how large the hobby has become.
    I collect all types of cards, but my main interests are Basketball and
    Football.  I'm mainly interested in the new stuff coming out.  I Have
    quite a few completed sets and more doubles than I know what to do with
    if you are looking to trade, I can be reached at DNEAST::Woodman_Mike. 
    I can probably help with anything from 90' and 91'
2.115Add a Golfer to the fileDPDMAI::VENEZIOnever drink SLICE while golfingWed Oct 30 1991 19:0621
    Hi I'm Ken Venezio. I'm a new noter and avid sports junkie. All sports
    interest me but Golf seems to really get me going. My collection
    interests are around golf memorabilia. I have collected limited edition
    prints, artifacts including balls, clubs, etc. and I'm real proud of my
    magazine collection. I have an almost complete collection of Golf
    Digest and Golf Magazine going back to the early 70's. 
    As a kid I collected cards and can't imagine the dollars lost on Mickey 
    Mantle cards ruined with a closepin and the spokes of my bike.
    I'm located in Dallas, grew up on Long Island, spent some time in VA & CT.
    Avid Celtics fan, Pre-Steinbrenner Yankees, and NY Giants. Since moving
    to Dallas in '90, I have become a Rangers baseball and Cowboys football
    Look forward to talking golf and keeping up on whats new in the sports
    memorabilia business. 
    Mail: A1 @FOO
          DTN: 481-6016
2.116A new DECieKAOOA::MWEBBMICHAEL WEBB @KAOThu Nov 21 1991 15:0118
    Hello. My name is Michael Webb and I work at KAO (Phase 4) in Ottawa,
    I have just recently joined Digital (Nov 4/91 to be exact) but I have
    been collecting sports cards for several years.  
    I primarily enjoy collecting hockey cards, with Upper Deck, Score and
    OPC being my favourites.  I have always been leary of collecting
    baseball because of the size of the sets, but hockey sets are 
    slooooowwwlllyy getting close the being the same size.
    I believe in enjoying what I collect and not just purchasing it for
    investment. (My only exception being UD first baseball set).
2.117 LUDWIG::POOLEMon Nov 25 1991 08:2918
     Scott Poole 
     Hl01 Hudson 

     I used to collect cards back up until I was 15 or 16 and still have
     them all.  My Uncle and brother-in-law are both active collectors
     and now I've got the fever again organizing all of my old cards.
         Mostly Topps baseball 67-78.  I can't believe how many types/
     manufacturers there are now.  I thought I would be die-hard Topps,
     but the quality of the other makers is blowing them away.
         I also have a bunch of various BB/ FB cards from the same years.

       Just bought a box of 90-91 Pro-Set Hockey cards at Blg #19 in 
     Worc for $10.00  get them while they last! (series 1 and 2)

                                                           Scott Poole

2.118Just found a gold mine.BIG::SCHOTTMon Dec 02 1991 16:5815
Eric Schott here @ ZK in Nashua.  My brother and I collected
all sports cards back in the late 60's early 70's.  My parents
moved a few years back and we went through the basement and
found boxes, yes, boxes of cards.  I would guess 3-4 thousand.

I just bought plastic sheets this week, and got the latest
football and baseball Beckett's books.  So far a few gems have
shown up - 1975 Robin Yount card, 1970 - Gale Sayers, bunch
of old Roger Staubach, some Willie Mays/Hank Aaron (thought they
would be worth more), some old Rose, Bench, Schmidt.

It will probably be months before I get them all sorted out
and put in binders, but it sure is fun totalling up what the
collection is worth.  Amazing how good the conditions are, like
they haven't been touched in 15 years (and they haven't).
2.120New to Trading CardsCARTUN::PAVLOCKThu Dec 19 1991 14:0120
    My name is Denny Pavlock and I work in Digital Services HQ Ops group.
    My son, Greg (age 11), and I are just getting involved with trading
    cards.  What a great hobby to have with your son!!
    I live in Acton, Mass. and deal primarily with A/B Cards in W. Acton.
    Ed Thomas is the owner and a good friend.  His prices seem to be very
    reasonablbe as well.  We just bought a box or Archives from him for
    $43.95.  Other stores we frequent are the Gold Outlet in Maynard,
    Hudmar's & Hometown in Marlboro, Great American in W. Concord and SMK's
    in Stow, Mass.
    I can be reached on CARTUN::PAVLOCK since I don't log into Notes very
2.121Cleveland CollectorESKIMO::WHITEHAIRDon't just sit there.......Do it now!Fri Jan 03 1992 15:0613
    I'm Hal Whitehair...a new card collector addict.  I admit my guilt and
    can't seem to stop now that I'm started.  My dealer doesn't help
    either.  I find myself hiding my cards until the woman goes to bed.
    I hide my cards from my kids too.
    	I started collecting cards just this year.  I especially like and
    want Cleveland Browns cards, old and new.  I also want to collect
    Cleveland Indians start Albert/Joey Belle cards.
    	Write me if you have something to offer.
2.122Ken HannanFURTHR::HANNANBeyond description...Thu Jan 09 1992 17:4016
	Ken Hannan, Marlboro MA

	I figured I should introduce myself since I've just started
	reading this conference, and even posted once...  Like everyone
	else I used to love collecting, flipping, making bicycle motors
	with cards as a kid in the 60's, and wish I never tossed em.
	Just started getting collecting last year, mainly after seeing
	the collection of a good friend who saved thoses boxes and boxes 
	of cards from his youth [mint baseball cards], and thought hey
	these cards are neat! ;-)

	Mainly interested in hockey, and eventually would like to get some 
	Orr cards and older Bruins/older NHL cards [older as in anything from 
	say late 60's early to mid 70's].   Some basketball too.

2.123Alan Starr, Upper Deck hockey collectorDPE::STARRI'll be your Tennessee lamb.....Wed Jan 15 1992 16:0214
Alan Starr
Software Engineer
Tewskbury, MA

I just started collecting hockey cards last year. I don't have big bucks to 
spend a hobby like this, so I decided I had to pick just one manufacturer. 
Luckily, I found out about Upper Deck (who's first year was last year!),
and have been collecting them since!

I've got about 350 out of 400 from last year, and just need a couple more
to complete this year's. Watch for "trade" notes from me, once I get a little
more organized!

2.124just hockeyDPE::LEMAIREThu Jan 16 1992 15:2110
    Louise Lemaire
    Software type
    Tewksbury, MA
    I just started collecting hockey cards this year, and only have
    the 91-92 Upper Decks.  Now that I have almost the entire set, I'm
    starting to think about baseball...... I think I caught the fever.
    I work with Alan (re: -1) so at least we each have a built-in trading
2.125Where's the welcome wagon?FORTSC::ORNELASJaime OrnelasFri Jan 24 1992 13:4128
    Jaime Ornelas
    EIS Software Specialist
    Santa Cruz, CA

    I'm one those "collected as a kid; all cards got given away
    or thrown out" boys. I make sets and occasionally rummage through
    the 5 for $1.00 boxes at my favorite local record store. My friends
    think I'm crazy and cannot understand what I see in these small
    cardboard pictures of sports or whatever figures.

    I collect for fun and making sets, mostly upperdeck, although
    they're getting more competition these days. I've also
    picked up the following sets through the last few years:

             Friendly Dictators (featuring 36 of America's most embarrassing
				 allies )
	     Stars of the Negro Leagues (real cool, greats we never saw)
	     Presidents of the World    (greats stats on the back)
	     Tennis and English ProSet Soccer (I'm a tennis fanatic)

     I've refrained from posting any 'want' lists since most of you
     are back east. Are there any left coasters wanting to trade or is
     trading with the east coast easier than I think?


2.126US mail does the leg workSMAUG::FLOWERSIBM Interconnect Eng.Fri Jan 24 1992 17:0912
>     I've refrained from posting any 'want' lists since most of you
>     are back east. Are there any left coasters wanting to trade or is
>     trading with the east coast easier than I think?

It's easier than you think.  It's mostly done via US mail regardless
of geography...unless you want to make special arrangements to see something
first (but even then it can be done by mail).

I haven't traded in a while (too busy lately - but I still follow this
file), but I've traded from Mass to California to Texas...

2.128Hockey OnlyAIMHI::LECLAIRFri Mar 13 1992 16:4017
    Name> Dick LeClair
    Work> MK01  Merrimack HH
    Live> Leicester MA
    Collecting most brands of Hockey Cards. Just discovered this notes file
    two or three weeks ago and have done a minor swap already.
    My collection goes back to some second year Gretsky cards but yet to
    get his rookie card,also have some Orr card. Will only trade from the 
    last two years sets.
     Am a long time major Bruins fan.
2.129even bio's need updating...POLAR::FERGUSONRPROFESSORIFri Mar 20 1992 18:5626
R.M.F./Prof/Bob Ferguson
Materials Acquisition-Kanata

After aprox. 7 months in this hobby, thought it apropriate to update my bio;

Avid collector of Cdn Football League cards - 1961 to 1992
-both from the personal enjoyment perspective and as a LONG term investment.

Father of 6 year old collector of hockey and non-sports cards.

Father of 7 year old rabid Blue Jays memorabilia and Baseball and Basketball 
card collector

Am also an avid/obsessed collector of CFL memorabilia-
programs, media guides, magazines, jerseys, books, buttons, schedules, tickets, 
statistical records...

Quite willing to shop around Ottawa, Ont. area shops and shows to help out 
fellow collectors in return for same courtesy in other regions.


R.M.F.  ( POLAR::FERGUSONR  or Bob Ferguson @KAO )
2.130SALEM::KUPTONKEN IN ROUGHThu May 21 1992 12:089
    Figured it was time to sign in....
    Ken Upton. Sr. Envir. Health & Safety Eng.
    Salem - NIO
    I'm not a collector as much as a 'finder'. I go to yard sales and
    estate auctions and pick up items that I like.
2.131Who is that behind that keyboard???KARHU::DORSEYWed May 27 1992 17:5214
    Hello, my name is John Dorsey. I'm a customer service rep out of MKO1.
    I was born and raised in Langhorne,a suburb of Philadelphia Pa. I was
    educated in Boston Ma. and DEC hired me to work here in N.H. 8-2-82.
    I reentered card collecting in 87 after an 8 year absence,to maintain a
    closer relationship with my brother (9 years less experienced in life).
    I've been reading this file for about 8 months now and enjoying it
    I collect baseball and basketball sets,and football stars. Also my
    favorite sport of all NASSCAR race cards.
2.132How rude of me...CSCMA::LEDONNEThis space intentionally left blankWed Jun 03 1992 14:5926
I realized that I've put a few entries in here but never introduced

Ric LeDonne, Customer Support Center @SHR3  237-7448

I collected as a kid (early 70's) but lost track of my shoeboxes until they
were discovered in my folks' attic back home.  Still didn't do much with
them until January, when I finally sorted through it all and discovered
that I not only had some valuable cards, but that I had a rekindled
interest in collecting (OK, I'm an addict).  I'm especially interested in
filling in those old sets just to complete them.  Right now, my priorities
are 71 and 72 BB, 71 FB, and 72-73 HK, but I'm also looking for 73 and 74
BB, 72 FB, and 70-71 HK. I'm also interested in complete Topps BB sets in
general from 71 on. 

I certainly can't afford to collect all the new stuff along with trying to
backfill my old stuff, so I'm only collecting new sets whose design really
strikes me.  So far that's resulted in 91-92 ProSet Platinum HK, 92 Fleer
BB, 92 Fleer Ultra BB, and the Coca-Cola Nolan Ryan set.  And I'm already 

Thanks to those I've already traded with, and sorry I didn't introduce
myself earlier.

2.133DittoA1VAX::BARTHShun the frumious BandersnatchWed Jun 03 1992 18:0317
    Like Ric, I just realized I never signed in either.
    Karl Barth, S/W Eng, ZKO, working on office products
    Unlike many of you, my mother did _not_ save my cards when I moved
    away.  So I am starting from scratch.  I am mostly not an addict,
    though, so it's not been too terrible.
    I am largely focused on Nolan Ryan and hope to avoid getting _too_
    sidetracked.  (Yeah, right.)  My two brothers are baseball fanatics,
    so I may pick up gifts for them every now and again.  Happily, I am
    a baseball fanatic too, so it's no chore for me to explore the hobby.
    It's nice to know there are so many knowledgeable people in this
    conference.  I'll be a lightweight in this conference for a long time
    to come.
2.134True blue Joe fan!ANGLIN::RECEPTIONMWed Jun 17 1992 19:2420
    Hi!  My name is Catherine Winslow.  I am the receptionist at MWO
    (Milwaukee, WI).
    I collect football cards.  Proset, Upper Deck, Score, etc.
    My collection revolves around Joe.  Yes, Joe Montana.  So, he's cute. 
    But in my humble opinion, he is the BEST football player.  I am just
    starting my collection (less than a year).  I have 29 different Joe
    cards, 2 Wheaties boxes, 1 book cover, several SI, and dreams!  I am
    also pretty keen on Jerry Rice.  Quite the team those two.  I am one of
    those people who beleive that Joe will be back for another bowl!  
    I am hoping to unload some of the cards that I have acquired while
    accumuliating my Joe cards.  What do I want with 200 Jets cards?
    So that is all for now, I am looking forward to participating in this
2.135DUGROS::ROSSOnly if she's 5'3Thu Jun 18 1992 03:164
    >My collection revolves around Joe.  Yes, Joe Montana.  So, he's cute. 
    Gee, that's funny.  Jon {AUNTB::} Parker told me that's why he collects
    Cam Neely cards.   
2.136So tell me Doug who is your favorite?AUNTB::PARKERJFri Jun 19 1992 02:237
  >  Gee, that's funny.  Jon {AUNTB::} Parker told me that's why he collects
  >  Cam Neely cards.   

    Doug{::dugros}  now that you have brought this little secret in the
    open, I am forced to reveal the fact that you have been hoarding the
    "Chippendales ALL Male Revu" cards.
2.137SCHOOL::RIEURead his lips...Know new taxesFri Jun 19 1992 12:142
       Just think how popular Cam would be if his nose wasn't on sideways!!
                                      Denny 8^)
2.138From WMO, Westminster, MassWMOIS::RAYTue Jul 07 1992 19:4626
    Hey, my name is Howard Ray, and this is just one of my many hobbies,
    I'm also a working musician, so the extra money pays for hobbies.
    About 5 years ago, I dug up my 1967,68,69 Topps Baseball collection,
    only the 67 was complete, and at the time I hadn't looked at them in
    years, I sold them for what I later found out was a more than fair
    price and forgot about them.  Then about 6 months after that I really
    regretted selling them, even though I was not a Red Sox fan 67 was the
    year of the Impossible Dream, and that was why i collected them. 
    Anyway I have since pickedup: Donruss Baseball 1986 to 1992
                              Ultra Fleer Baseball 1992
                                  Fleer Basketball 1990 to 1992
                                 Skybox Basketball 1990 to 1992
    And various others:
                             Negro League Stars 
                             Desert Storm Pro Series
                             Desert Storm Victory Series
                             Serial Killers - This set has been banded in
    some states and I've been told it was going to be taken off the market.
    I'm now collecting Julius Ervings, (Dr J), any card that has come out
    with him I'm trying to get my hands on them.  Looking forward to doing
    some trading..................
2.139HelloMR4MI2::REHILLVisualize Whirled PeasWed Aug 05 1992 13:549
    	I guess it about time I say hello.
    	My name is Jim Rehill, I work in MRO4, with Barry Henderson, who
    got me involved in this hobby.
    	I only collect basketball cards, so far, but it sure is fun.
2.140ROYALT::ASHEI shot da sheriff, but no boycottWed Aug 05 1992 13:552
    Only because Jerry Garcia doesn't have a rookie card yet... (ha ha)
2.141MR4MI2::REHILLVisualize Whirled PeasWed Aug 05 1992 13:572
    Gee, that was fast........
2.142Way out West...COLORADOCSC32::S_CRONKColorado...Ski countryThu Aug 06 1992 12:3619
    I guess I could sign in also. I am out here in Colorado, where cards
    have gone crazy.  I guess you get an MLB team and it sparks everyone
    into the hobby.  Same old story, collected when I was younger...cards
    nowhere to be found.  I would like to get some kind of trading network
    setup with you guys back east.  It seems that the different regions
    have VERY different prices on cards.  EX: still cannot find Fleer Ultra
    II at any shop for under $2.25, with the exception of some of the gas
    stations, but these are gone as soon as they are put out at $1.49 pack
    for series II.  I have also started on hockey cards, only set I am
    working on in this is UD 91/92.  Baseball sets are Fleer Ultra I & II,
    Leaf 92 I (complete) & II, trading away most of my golds. Have some
    Stadium club 92, will keep the good cards, any others I have are
    available to anyone interested.  Also have a number of other "Aquired"
    Enough Rambling...Scott Cronk
    DTN: 592-4718  Outside Phone:(719)592-4718
    Customer Support Center
2.143just realized that i have to sign in.CLT::PTATO::SOKOLOVSKYWed Aug 12 1992 21:269
	Completing the first full year of collecting sports cards,
	so you can call me a rookie. Collecting hockey and basketbal
	upper deck for now. It may change later. My data:

	TNSG organization, SDT section, DECplan group
	decnet: ptato::sokolovsky
	e-mail: sokolovs@loptsn.zko.dec.com
	dtn:    331-1364

2.144Football card collectorROULET::KATTAUWed Sep 02 1992 12:5512
    	Started collecting in 89 then quit for a few years.  Last month my
    brother-in-law called me and asked me to try and find a card for him
    and I got the bug all over again.  We'll see how long it goes before my
    wife kills the bug. . .
2.145JUPITR::MRICHFORDFri Dec 18 1992 09:272
    Hi my name is Mike . I have been collecting card for many years. I
    collect all kinds of cards. 
2.146EPIK::WILD1::SHANAHANDECstress FEVER! Catch IT!!!Fri Dec 18 1992 15:259
	have moved about the last couple years and figured i'd 're-sign'
	in...i'm in the process of moving from mko to zko...looks like 
	i can be reached at dtn 381-2663 or mail at epik::shanahan...
	i'm in zk2-2 someplace....i've been inactive the last couple of
	years but i've missed the hobby and look forward to getting back 
	into full swing sometime soon....

2.147howieMLFS1::HOWARDThu Feb 18 1993 15:3616
    After reading this notes file for a while I thought I'd contribute.
    steve howard 
    I've been collecting cards for about 14 years 
    I'm also a 1-3 cards show a month dealer. Unfortunately I don't
    have any direct accounts.
    I've got about 300,000 cards give or take. my own collection I have 
    compelete sets of baseball 1973 and up, many rookie cards, and a 
    bunch of basketball cards. All fleer bk sets from 86-87. 
2.148ASABET::ESOMSCrystal Packing MamaWed Mar 10 1993 15:065
    I'm new to this conference and I don't know a thing about sports
    memorabilia.  I've been asked to check on the McDonald's cards
    and I'm doing that.  
    Joanne Peachwall
2.149AWECIM::MCAULIFFEWed Mar 10 1993 15:503
    Try note 538...
2.150Hockey Card CollectorDNEAST::PURNELL_CHRIPyro Suppression TechnicianWed Apr 28 1993 13:5512
    	Chris Purnell
    	Just starting collecting the past few months...which started me
    	thinking of all the cards I put through my bike spokes as a kid!!!!
    	Got the kids involved last year and have had a great time doing it,
    	Now it's DAD's turn!
2.151posting for RoySCHOOL::KOPACKOMon May 10 1993 10:4116
    I'm posting this for Roy.  He needs to get in touch with Jeff
    Maxwell, the autograph collector, who used to frequent this
    notesfile, but Roy believes he only reads it sporadically now.
    The last known E-Mail address Roy had for Jeff before he "left"
    was ESMAIL::MAXWELL, but that node doesn't seem to exist anymore.
    If Jeff reads this, please contact Roy on either Monday or Tuesday
    or send me a phone number where he can reach you on Wednesday
    through Friday.
    If someone knows how to contact Jeff, please pass this msg along
    to him asap.
    Thx!  Ray
2.152BSS::G_MCINTOSHEarn More Sessions By SleavingMon May 10 1993 13:445
    	TMS shows no match for Jeff Maxwell.
    	Live from Charger Central.....Glenn
2.153maybe he's still here...DDIF::TANCILLWell, hello Mr. SoulMon May 10 1993 14:4711
    elf has at least one jeff maxwell...
    DDIF>elf find jeff maxwell
    Common Name:   JEFF MAXWELL
    Search Surname:  MAXWELL  Search Given Name:  JEFF,  JEFFREY,  JEFFREY
    DTN:  250-6968  Intrnl Mail Addr:  BLK1  Location:  BLK
2.154FUTURE::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Mon May 10 1993 15:163
    Yep, Jeff's still here. He's been notified and he said he'll call Roy.
2.155HELLOVERSA::HOYSun Jul 18 1993 06:5910
    Hi, I'm a 16 year old son pf a Digital employee here in Cincinnati.  I
    love the Cubs and am a big collector of baseball cards.  I enjoy
    reading entries in this file.  Thanks to everybody for making this
2.156New Node and DTNTWOBA::HAYESWed Oct 06 1993 13:053
    My account has been moved to TWOBA::HAYES my new DTN is 247-3200.
    Thanks, Steve
2.157New placeAKOCOA::MKELLYMon Oct 18 1993 13:574
    Hi I'm now at AKO 1-2/G12
                  Mike Kelly @ AKO
    Thanks Mike
2.158Non-sports card collecter.ERLANG::DODGETue Oct 19 1993 18:5412
    	Hi! I,m Don Dodge and I am just starting to collect cards. 
    I think I will be collecting non-sports cards that spark my
    intrest. I started collecting the TSR cards back at the end
    of '91 and this year have expanded to Deep Space 9 cards and
    The Avengers. (The TV series, not the comic book characters.)

    	I work in LKG1-2 and I am looking to trade dups.
2.159Where to find Harvey DunnDRAGN::BOURQUARDThis is not hereMon Oct 25 1993 20:0310
I know that some of us have done some trading with Harvey Dunn.  I saw him this
weekend.  He was a victim of some recent downsizing and was unable to get back
into this conference to say good-buy to people.  

He has a table at the flea-market in Simoneau Plaza in Nashua and will be there
every Saturday and Sunday through most of the winter.  As you enter the main
hall he's in the last aisle on the right about half way down.


2.160Are these thing expensive or what?OASS::HIBBERT_PJust Say kNOwMon Nov 01 1993 15:267
    Phil Hibbert signing on.
    Just started card collecting again.
    Looking forward to getting valueable info.
2.161UpdateGWEN::ASHEWhat happened to Oran Juice Jones?Tue Nov 23 1993 13:272
    Walt Ashe, Software Eng in Marlboro MRO1-1, DTN 467-6536...
2.162Reply .-1CARTUN::PAVLOCKTue Nov 23 1993 19:449
    Tried to send you mail and the system didn't recognize your node.
    Anyway, Welcome to the neighborhood!!!
2.163The moderator is moving ...PENUTS::JST_ONGEJohn St.Onge USDSL DTN 275-2715Tue Nov 30 1993 15:095
    Tomorrow I will be moving back to Marlboro (MR03/3 N16). My new phone
    number will be DTN 297-9527. I can still be contacted by mail through
2.1647806::ASHEWhat happened to Oran Juice Jones?Tue Nov 30 1993 15:414
    DTN is 297-6536, not 467....
2.165New Node Name as of Dec 13thCARTUN::PAVLOCKTue Dec 07 1993 21:3811
    Just to let everyone know, as of Monday, Dec. 13th, the CARTUN::
    Cluster will be merge into the USCTR1:: Cluster therefore, starting
    next week send mail to:
2.166New to all thisELMAGO::AMORALESrenewing my vowWed Dec 29 1993 19:2710
      I'm totally new to all this kinda stuff so please bear with me....
    I happen to have a Walter Payton autograph on a weightbelt, any ideas
    as to the value of it....
      By the way , I'm Alfonso Morales out of the Albuquerque Facility
    (ABO) .
2.167Bill Jelsma TorontoTROOA::JELSMABill Jelsma - POST NO BILLSMon Jan 03 1994 17:308
    Bill Jelsma
    LOC: TRO
    MS: TRO 3/12
    DTN: 631-7261
    Collect Baseball .. UD and Fleer
    Have Lots to trade
2.168hockey some basket ball ...YEOLD::PROVENCALMon Jan 03 1994 17:3713
    Cathi Provencal
    LOC: LKG
    MS:  LKG1-3
    DTN: 226-5637
    Collect mostly hockey (UD and Fleer Ultra) .. some 
    basketball (again.. UD and Fleer Ultra)
    Lots of dups...  Also like to collect older Bruins!  I dream about
    someday owning a Bobby Orr rookie card.. but for the time, I think
    paying my monthly mortgage is more important.
2.169HowdyDNEAST::COOK_JEFFTue Jan 04 1994 05:284
    	Hi! I'm kind of new to this type of medium of comunication, so bear
    with me if I seem a little ignorant about notesfile "stuff". By the way
    I collect Basketball cards and memoriabilia exclusively, but am
    seriously considering starting to collect some Hockey stuff.
2.170New mail node nameUSCTR1::PAVLOCKTue Jan 04 1994 16:2810
    Just to let everyone know, just in case you didn't notice, they
    collapsed several of the MRO mail clusters into one.  I can now be
    reached at:
2.171Kirby, Kirby, KirbyNWD002::GRANGRUTH_DOTue Jan 04 1994 22:5319
    Don Grangruth
    LOC: TUK
    MS:  TUK
    DTN: 540-6566
    I 90% collect baseball.. Kirby Puckett, Randy Johnson, Jim Abbott, and
    Nolan Ryan. (Nolan's cards are getting too expensive, so I collect
    Kirby Puckett as my #1 person now)
    I also try to collect a complete set of cards each year to save for my 
    2 1/2 year old and I to look at/sell/trade when he gets older!!!
    Would love to trade Kirby's with another Kirby fan....
    I will be posting my Kirby want list soon....
    Happy Collating
    Don Grangruth
2.172I am back 99% HockeyCSC32::S_CRONKColorado...Ski countryWed Mar 02 1994 15:1314
    I am getting back into cards after a year or so being out of touch with
    the whole card thing.  I have now devoted 100% to Hockey.  Have 
    semi-complete sets of 93/94 Leaf, Fleer Ultra, Pinnacle, also full
    set of Upper Deck with tons of dupes...
    I was in this file a couple of years ago, then had a change of pace
    here in the midwest, but I am back.  If the few of you that I delt with
    still remember me, drop me a line...Also have 90-91 hockey and baseball
    for trade bait.
    Scott Cronk
    CXO3 Colorado Springs Customer Support Center
    DTN: 592-4718
2.173might as wellFRETZ::HEISERimpeach the President and her husbandThu Mar 10 1994 22:515
    My son and I mainly collect NBA sets.
    Software Eng.
    CNS Outsourcing Services
2.174Hello fellow card collectorsQETOO::BASQUEThu Mar 31 1994 14:157
    Hi, I am Ray Basque, I work in Tewksbury.  I collect only basball, and
    have been since 1988.  I just found this notes file while looking for
    another notes topic.  I have some commons and duplicate stars available 
    and will response to notes in the wanted section or to trade topics if
    I have the cards available.  I do have some sets and cards I will be
    posting for sale.
2.175Greetings and salutationsMYOSPY::CLARKWed Apr 13 1994 22:2010
    Hi, I am Paul Clark and work at MLO. The only sports collectibles I
    have are all baseball items. Have autographed copies of Hank Aaron's
    bio and Carl Yazstremski's bio. Autographed baseballs of Mickey Mantle,
    Duke Snider, Eddie Mathews, Don Larsen, Yogi Berra, Frank Malzone and
    Dick Radatz. Two recent presents were autographed balls by Willie Mays
    and Bob Gibson. (I have a great brother!) Also have a copy of the
    picture of Don Larsen throwing the last strike of his famous game which
    he autographed at a card show. Got a lot of Yankee goodies which is
    kind of surprising as I was a Dodger fan who always thought Duke Snider
    was a bigger asset than Mantle any day. 
2.176New location and Node Name!!!!USCTR1::PAVLOCKThu Jul 21 1994 18:3410
    Just to let everyone know, I've changed jobs within Digital and have 
    moved to Burlington, Mass.  New location code, @OFO and new DTN 274-6669.
    New Node is NEMAIL::PAVLOCK.
    This will be effective either Friday, July 22nd or Monday, July 25th.    
2.177New Location/Node NameSTOWOA::PAVLOCKMon Jan 09 1995 18:349
    Just to let everyone know, I've changed jobs within Digital and have 
    moved to Stow, Mass.  New location code, @OGO and new DTN 276-9325.
    New Node is STOWOA::PAVLOCK.
2.178Another one bites the dust!DNEAST::PURNELL_CHRIGotta Luv those PiratesTue Mar 28 1995 13:0111
    Well....I've been out of touch with cards for a while now...but now
    it's gonna be even worse!!!!  Looks like I'm coming of the Notes 
    file....If some of you out there hadn't heard...Augusta has been
    sold to SCI (Space Craft Inc)!  Starting April 3rd, we here in 
    Augusta will be Non-Deccies!!!!  Hopefully we'll be on Internet,
    so I might be able to have contact with you guys later!
    Thanks for all the enjoyment...
    							* Chris *
2.179Take careTWOBA::HAYESTue Mar 28 1995 15:074
    Chris, take care. I stopped doing hockey so we've been out of touch.
    Enjoyed our trades 8*).
2.180Boy am I confused!GUMSHU::SHIELDSSun Oct 27 1996 08:2420
2.181Lot's of luckWMOIS::ZELENT_JMon Oct 28 1996 12:2318
2.182THANKS FOR INFO!GUMSHU::SHIELDSThu Oct 31 1996 04:175
2.183Shawn's DadRTP4ME::GALLAGHERLife is good!Wed Jan 15 1997 14:5119