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Conference rusure::nintendo

Title:Nintendo Game Systems
Notice:Please enter Super NES notes in Yuppy::Super_NES.
Created:Tue Oct 20 1987
Last Modified:Mon Feb 03 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:847
Total number of notes:11602

35.0. "Light Gun" by ZEKE::LALIBERTE (Terrapin Bound) Thu Dec 17 1987 14:55

    I am curious as to what you seasoned Nintendo owners have 
    to say about the light gun....I bought the control deck only, 
    I am interested in picking up the gun, just to enhance the game
    a little.. the question is ...is it worth it....does it work well...
    and what ever other information you can give me would be appreciated
35.1Thumbs DownBCSE::SCOPAThe MajorThu Dec 17 1987 17:215
    I have it but am not sure it's worth it since very few games use
    the gun. Unless they have some games in mind for the gun (and robot)
    I think they will collect a considerable amount of dust.
35.2Duck HunterSEINE::RAINVILLEThe best view is close to the edge!Fri Dec 18 1987 16:2310
    I bought the complete set a year ago.  The gun is good for toddlers
    in "Duck Hunt", since they are too young to learn the controller
    for other games.  It is fair for adults on the 'Skeet' game of
    duck hunt, as the skeet come faster and faster with sucessive
    rounds, and you can stand back from the TV to make it more
    difficult.  I found out my wife is a good shot, so i won't
    keep a real gun in the house... ;-).  We're going to buy
    "Top Gun" for Xmas if we can find somewhere that't not
    sold out, I'll report after some experience.......MWR
35.3 ;-) ACCARS::ALDRICHFri Dec 18 1987 16:514
    i like the gun, i just wish you could shoot the dog like you can
    in the arcade version, sometimes that "mutt" is upsetting...
35.4Low-TechSTAR::BOUCHARDI have nothing to sayThu Dec 24 1987 16:299
    The gun is pretty low-tech -- the system can't tell where the gun
    is pointed, it only knows if it is pointed at a bright white area.
    Therefore targets blink white whenever you press the trigger, and
    you can't adjust your aim after a miss.  I don't suggest getting
    the gun unless you have young ones...
35.5CURIE::DECARTERETThe 12 Pains of ChristmasThu Dec 24 1987 16:505
    	On Duck Hunt, when you select two ducks to shoot, how does the
    computer know what duck your pointing at??  I imagine the two white
    squares that appear must be different of something...
35.6BEING::POSTPISCHILAlways mount a scratch monkey.Thu Dec 24 1987 19:3722
    Re .5:
    You can capture the sequence on a VCR.  What happens is:
    	Black screen -- Gun should go off or it is pointed at a lamp.
    	White screen -- Gun should go on or it is not pointed at television.
    	Black screen with a rectangle -- Gun goes on if it is pointed
    		at target represented by rectangle.
    	Black screen with another rectangle -- Gun goes on it is pointed
    		at this target.
    	. . . repeat for each target or until gun goes on.
    There are three problems with this.  Birds are not rectangular.  You
    can see the rectangles even at normal speed.  And you do not know where
    you were aimed at, so you cannot learn where your gun is pointing.
    Sega's gun does a better job; the first two problems are eliminated,
    and Missile Defense 3-D, at least, shows a dot where your gun was
    				-- edp
35.7I can see the light, but...MOMAX1::GREENOIt's all done with mirrors.Wed Jan 27 1988 15:5517

	Got the game but now what?

	I have bought a light gun and GUMSHOE cartridge, unfortunatly
	without instructions. (for the game)

	I would appreciate it if someone that has the game could
	make a copy of the instructions and mail them to me.


	Steve Greeno

	(I'll remove this note once I receive a copy, so if it's still here...)
35.8BEING::POSTPISCHILAlways mount a scratch monkey.Thu Jan 28 1988 02:1314
    Re .7:
    I sold the game a while ago, so this is from memory.  Shooting the
    detective makes him jump.  Shoot bad things to make them go away.
    In making the detective jump, you can collect balloons, which give you
    extra bullets.  (And a bonus for getting all in a round?)  Avoid the
    skulls.  I don't remember if you collect the things the bird drops,
    catch them, shoot and catch them, or a mixture.  Experiment and see.
    That's all I remember; just try to survive to the end of the rounds.
    				-- edp 
35.9No activity here lately!SHARE::BENTLEYFri Jan 27 1989 21:497
    A neighbor has not been able to find the light gun for sale as a
    separate item in the Fitchburg, MA area.  I have looked some around
    Nashua, NH area and can't find it either.  What's the scoop?
    Anyone want to sell one?  Post offers in the TO SELL note.
    Wayne Bentley
35.10<What am I doing wrong?????>TYFYS::MOLLERHalloween the 13th on Elm Street #7Thu Apr 13 1989 17:0213
    I got my Nintendo Basic(control deck, two controlers, light gun) for
    Christmas l988 and oh yeah a cartridge with Duck Hunt and Super Mario
    Bros. And I am having trouble/problems playing Duck Hunt.

    No matter where I aim, I miss the ducks all the time.  I thin I've hit
    maybe 4 ducks out of 100.

    Is there a trick to this or what???

    All answers appreciated..................

35.11Clean your weapon!DNEAST::PURNELL_CHRIArgool AssasinThu Apr 13 1989 17:067
    	How far/close are you from the TV?  Are you just shooting or
        aiming?  If the gun has been sitting around since last year,
    	have you cleaned the front (inside the barrel)?
    						* Chris *
35.12TCC::HEFFELAliens made me write this.Thu Apr 13 1989 18:0928
    	It's hard to see this when you are playing, but if you watch
    someone else play, you'll see that when you press the trigger, for
    a split second, the screen blacks out except for a white square
    where the duck or clay pigeon is.  The gun senses the light from
    this square of light if the gun is aimed right and grants you a 
    	If the inside of your gun is dusty/has a lot of cat hair or
    fingerprints, if there is glare on the screen, you are not sitting
    close enough (6' away is the max according to documentation if I
    remember correctly), or if the contrast on your TV is not great
    enough, your gun may not register the hit.
    	On the other hand, you just may be a bad shot.
        (I must gloat about this, because Gary is SOOO much better than
    I am at video games that this came as a real shock to us.  When
    we first got our set, Gary couldn't hit crap in the skeet shooting.
    Almost to the point that we thought that something was wrong with
    the gun.   Then I picked it up and immediately got over 200,000
    points with many perfect rounds.  There are a whole different set
    of skills involved in aiming the gun, than there are in "ordinary"
    video games.)
35.13<Re: .10 and all answers concerning itTYFYS::MOLLERHalloween the 13th on Elm Street #7Thu Apr 13 1989 20:008
    I have resolved my problem with the light gun.  It turns out that the
    contrast on my TV was too light/bright for this gun to work correctly.
    I promptly picked up 100,000 + points while trying to figure out if
    indeed it was the contrast that needed adjusting.

    Many thanks to all who replied both here and by mail...................

35.14ALIEN::POSTPISCHILAlways mount a scratch monkey.Fri Apr 14 1989 12:5226
    Re .12:
    > It's hard to see this when you are playing, but if you watch someone
    > else play, you'll see that when you press the trigger, for a split
    > second, the screen blacks out except for a white square where the duck
    > or clay pigeon is.
    Actually, there is an entirely black frame, an entirely white frame,
    and then a frame with a rectangle in the location of each target.  The
    black frame is used to make sure the gun is not pointing at a lamp.
    The white frame lets the system know if the gun is pointing at the
    screen at all (otherwise there's no need for the additional frames).
    The gun for the Sega system is much better; there is no flash or
    special frames at all.  The gun is apparently sensitive enough that it
    can signal when the phosphor it is looking at is lit.  Since the Sega
    system knows what part of the screen it was drawing at that moment, it
    knows where the gun is pointing.  So the Sega system can not only tell
    whether or not you have hit a target, it can be a blotch on the screen
    to show you where you were aiming, even if you did not hit a target.
    That feedback makes it easier to learn how to aim without using the
    				-- edp
35.15Moved by modWMOIS::PILOTTE_MDr. Cycle &amp; Mr. RideTue Jan 15 1991 14:4876