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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

1160.0. "A simple(?) problem in plane geometry" by HPSTEK::XIA (In my beginning is my end.) Sun Dec 10 1989 20:08

    Given two triangles on the plane, show that there exists at least one
    line that divides each triangle into two parts of equal areas.
1160.1Rye, pleaseAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Dec 11 1989 13:015
This is a two-dimensional special case of the Ham-and-cheese Sandwich 
theorem: For any ham and cheese sandwich there exists a plane cut that
simultaneously halves the bread, the ham, and the cheese. 

1160.2I am no analyst...HERON::BUCHANANAndrew @vbo DTN 828-5805Tue Dec 12 1989 17:5635
1160.3Not Really a Proof; but-WONDER::COYLEOnly 48.8% of my former self!Tue Dec 12 1989 18:4921
    If we look at the point that is the center of gravity for any triangle,
    we also have a point through widh any line drawn on the plane of
    the triangle will divide that triangle in half.
    Now take any two triangles on the same plane.  Determine the center
    of gravity of both traiangles.  The line that is defined by these
    two points is the line that will divide both triangles in half.
    In the special case of two overlapping triangles everything works
    the same except when the centers of gravity are the same.  In that
    case any line drawn through that point will meet the criteria of
    the division.                                   
    The center of gravity can be found by getting the average of all
    the X,Y coordinates within the triangle.  Since the triangle is
    continuos within its boundaries the average will be within its
    boundary and will have equal weight/area in opposite directions.
1160.4not so simple, alas...HERON::BUCHANANAndrew @vbo DTN 828-5805Tue Dec 12 1989 20:1717
1160.5average vs average'HERON::BUCHANANcombinatorial bomb disposal squadThu Dec 14 1989 12:2210
	The error in .3 is essentially a confusion between the concepts
of mean and median.   Now the idea of mean generalizes naturally from
one dimension to two or many, becoming the centre of gravity, and something 
free of the co-ordinate frame in which the data is described.   

	The median however does not generalize cleanly, even to two
dimensions, as we have seen.

1160.6AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiThu Dec 14 1989 16:3814
I find it easier to think of the problem in terms of *moments*. The reason 
the C.G. does not correspond to half the area is that some parts of the 
area are at greater distances from the C.G. than others, therefore 
contribute more leverage.

One way of approaching the problem is to consider the set of all bisectors 
of the [possibly disjoint] area consisting of the two triangles, as a 
function of their angle with the horizontal. Now let the angle vary 
continuously, so that the bisector sweeps through the triangles. Show that
the fraction of area contributed by each triangle varies *continously*, and 
you have it: when one is split 50-50, so will be the other. The trick is in 
proving that there are no discontinuities.
