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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

1064.0. "Hexagonal numbers: two puzzles" by AKQJ10::YARBROUGH (I prefer Pi) Fri Apr 21 1989 14:27

Hexagonal numbers are the counts of objects arranged in a hexagonal 
lattice. For example,

	*	* *	  * * *
	       * * *	 * * * *
		* *	* * * * *
			 * * * *
			  * * *

So h(1) = 1, h(2) = 7, h(3) = 19, etc.

Problem [1]: (Easy)
Find a formula for h(n) as a polynomial in n.

Problem [2]: (Hard)
Arrange the numbers 1..h(n), for some n, to form a 'magic' hexagon in which
all the rows - horizontal, 60 degrees, or 120 degrees - add to the same sum.
Besides the trivial case for h(1), THERE IS ONLY ONE OTHER SOLUTION (except 
for rotations and reflections).

Hints for both problems follow.

Hint[1]: There are (at least) two geometrical approaches, each based on the
formula for triangular numbers t(n)=n(n+1)/2. 

A LARGE hint for problem 2 follows:

Hint[2]: Only h(3) works.
1064.1re Problem [1]: (Easy) Find a formula for h(n) as a polynomial in n.AITG::DERAMODaniel V. {AITG,ZFC}:: D'EramoFri Apr 21 1989 22:4927
	I would expect a quadratic relationship, so the first
	three values are sufficient to set up a table of differences,
	but I threw in a fourth anyway:

		n:	1	2	3	4
		h(n):	1	7	19	37
		1st diff:    6      12      18
		2nd diff:	6	6

	The function n has first difference 1, remaining differences 0.
	The function n(n-1) has first difference 2n, second difference
	2, remaining differences 0.  The function n(n-1)(n-2) has first
	difference 3n(n-1), etc.  Actually we won't need the third and
	higher degree terms here:

		h(n) = an(n-1) + bn + c = [1, 7, 19, 37, ...]
	   	1st diff = 2an + b = [6, 12, 18, ...]
		2nd diff = 2a = [6, 6, 6, ...]

	Substituting 1 for n where it occurs, these give 2a = 6 so a = 3.
	Then 2an + b = 6 + b = 0 so b = 0.  Finally, 3n(n-1) + c = c = 1.
	So h(n) = 3n(n-1) + 1 = 3n^2 - 3n + 1.

	Check: n:	1	2	3	4	...
	3n^2 - 3n + 1:	1	7	19	37	...

1064.2but how to arrange them?HERON::BUCHANANAndrew @vbo DTN 828-5805Mon Apr 24 1989 09:2219
1064.3same differenceVINO::JMUNZERMon Apr 24 1989 16:5012
     * @ @ @ @ *	If each side is k long, then there 6 triangles at
    @ * @ @ @ * @
   @ @ * @ @ * @ @		1 + 2 + ... + (k-2) = .5 * (k-2) * (k-1)
  @ @ @ * @ * @ @ @
 @ @ @ @ * * @ @ @ @	at-signs each, and 6 lines at (k-1) stars each,
* * * * * # * * * * *	and one center sharp.  That's
 @ @ @ @ * * @ @ @ @
  @ @ @ * @ * @ @ @		3 * (k-2) * (k-1)  +  6 * (k-1)  +  1
   @ @ * @ @ * @ @
    @ * @ @ @ * @	which agrees, of course, with .1.
     * @ @ @ @ *
1064.4Lots of approaches to problem 1AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Apr 24 1989 18:176
You can get the result by summing six little triangles; by taking the 
difference of one large triangle and three little ones; by taking the 
difference between a large rhombus and two little triangles; or 
algebraically by differences; or ...

1064.5the answerUTRUST::DEHARTOGset vms /posixMon Apr 24 1989 20:5712
Just entering this conference (looks interesting!). Here are my 1st

        3 19 16
      17  7  2 12
     18  1  5  4 10
      11  6  8 13
        9 14 15

1064.6Fresh bloodNIZIAK::YARBROUGHI PREFER PIWed Apr 26 1989 15:451
Well done, and welcome to the conference! - Lynn Yarbrough