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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

1027.0. "Scientific American on Alexandrites" by EAGLE1::DANTOWITZ (R 3 5 b7) Sun Feb 12 1989 02:21

    Not knowing where else to post this ...

    Does anyone know/remember the date of the Scientific American issue
    that had an article on Alexandrites - a gem/stone that changes color
    in different types of light.

1027.1Non-Heisenberg uncertaintyAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Feb 13 1989 15:113
>    Not knowing where else to post this ...

There is a PHYSICS conference now - forgot where, though...
1027.2A big help :-)DWOVAX::YOUNGSharing is what Digital does best.Mon Feb 13 1989 15:513
    I am pretty sure that it was sometime between calender year 1984
    and calender year 1986 inclusive.  They do have an annual index
    in (I think) the december issue.
1027.3KOBAL::GILBERTOwnership ObligatesTue Feb 14 1989 13:173
Was it in the Mathematical Games column about "grue"?  "Grue" is a color that
will change from blue to green at the turn of the century, and which causes
several curious paradoxes.
1027.4DWOVAX::YOUNGSharing is what Digital does best.Tue Feb 14 1989 14:482
    No it was a seperate article.  In fact as I recall it may have been
    the cover article.
1027.5HPSTEK::XIASat Feb 18 1989 20:333
    re .1
    It is still DECWET::PHYSICS.