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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

1026.0. "Square packing problem" by TRUCKS::CHANT (Something different) Thu Feb 09 1989 12:15

    This is an old problem, has any one got any references to it or done any
    work on it.


    Determine the minimum number of squares that can be fitted into a square
    of side N given the following :

    1) All squares have integer sides. (N is also an integer)

    2) There is at least one unity square.

1026.1Here's a puzzle exampleAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Feb 13 1989 15:5416
I found one reference, which has only this single example: 

Find a set of 11 integral squares that can be assembled into a 13x13 square.

Squares of primes are generally difficult to break up efficiently.

Squares with composite sides can usually be profitably reduced to a set of
squares whose sides are divisors plus the dissection of one of those 
squares; i.e. 100^2 = 90^2 + 18*10^2 + (number of squares to make up a 

If the side N is a power of 2, the square can be broken up into 3log[2]N+1
smaller squares.

1026.2DWOVAX::YOUNGSharing is what Digital does best.Mon Feb 13 1989 16:4016
    To elaborate on what Lynn said in .1, you can set some upper limits
    on the minumum that you are searching for as follows:
    If [ N = (2^T) * K ] and (2^T) is the highest power of 2 that divides
    N, : Then we can set some upper limit U(N):
(1)	U(N) = 3T + 1			Where N = 2^T
(2)	U(N) = 3T + N			Where T > 0
(3)	U(N) = N + 3			Where T = 0
    These are probably far from optimal, except for (1), but they provide
    a good starting point.
    --  Barry