| The following program may be of some interest. It computes the
dual of the Voronoi via a divide and conquer algorithm that was
published a while back by Leo Guibas in the ACM TOG, and shows the
progress of the triangulation. It would be very easy to show the
Voronoi too by clipping the bisector of each triangular edge against
neighboring bisectors (and the graphics window bounds.)
It uses UIS, but the graphics calls can easily be changed to output
REGIS, GKS, XLIB or other graphics protocols.
- Jim
* Experiment with Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations in the plane
* J. Roth CADM Advanced Development May 1986
* This program is based on the paper:
* "Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and the
* Computation of Voronoi Diagrams"
* L. Guibas, J. Stolfi, ACM TOG, April 1985
* Unfinished work:
* o Compute Voronoi from the Delaunay after triangualation is done
* o Compute EMST
* o Modify for GPX color displays
#include stdio
#include math
#include descrip
#include "vsi$library:uisentry.h"
#include "vsi$library:uisusrdef.h"
#define DEFAULT_ATTR 0
#define OVER_ATTR 1
#define ERAS_ATTR 2
#define COMP_ATTR 3
#define TEXT_ATTR 4
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338
int vd_id, wd_id;
float wc_xmin, wc_xmax, wc_ymin, wc_ymax;
float vd_width, vd_height;
int seed = 1234567;
float mth$random();
$DESCRIPTOR(title, "Delaunay Triangulation");
float x, y;
float x0, y0, r;
float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
float xcur, ycur;
int box_flag = 0;
plot_box(x, y, s)
float x, y, s;
float xl = x-s, yl = y-s;
float xh = x+s, yh = y+s;
uis$plot(&vd_id, &COMP_ATTR,
&xl, &yl, &xh, &yl,
&xh, &yl, &xh, &yh,
&xh, &yh, &xl, &yh,
&xl, &yh, &xl, &yl);
box_flag = 1-box_flag;
if (uis$get_pointer_position(&vd_id, &wd_id, &x, &y)) {
setup_window(range, size)
float range, size;
wc_xmin = wc_ymin = -range;
wc_xmax = wc_ymax = range;
vd_width = size;
vd_height = size;
vd_id = uis$create_display(&wc_xmin, &wc_ymin, &wc_xmax, &wc_ymax,
&vd_width, &vd_height);
wd_id = uis$create_window(&vd_id, &wsname, &title);
uis$set_writing_mode(&vd_id, &DEFAULT_ATTR, &OVER_ATTR, &UIS$C_MODE_OVER);
uis$set_writing_mode(&vd_id, &DEFAULT_ATTR, &ERAS_ATTR, &UIS$C_MODE_ERAS);
uis$set_writing_mode(&vd_id, &DEFAULT_ATTR, &COMP_ATTR, &UIS$C_MODE_COMP);
uis$set_pointer_ast(&vd_id, &wd_id,
&move_ast, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
&exit_ast, 0);
box_flag = 0;
typedef struct site_struct {
float x, y;
} site_struct;
typedef struct edge_struct {
int next[4];
site_struct *data[4];
} edge_struct;
#define NSITES 1000
site_struct sites[NSITES];
int nsites = 100;
* Methods to access edge records
#define ROT(e) (((e)&0xfffffffc)+(((e)+1)&3))
#define SYM(e) (((e)&0xfffffffc)+(((e)+2)&3))
#define ROT3(e) (((e)&0xfffffffc)+(((e)+3)&3))
#define ONEXT(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->next[(e)&3]
#define RNEXT(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->next[((e)+1)&3]
#define DNEXT(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->next[((e)+2)&3]
#define LNEXT(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->next[((e)+3)&3]
#define ORG(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->data[(e)&3]
#define RIGHT(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->data[((e)+1)&3]
#define DEST(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->data[((e)+2)&3]
#define LEFT(e) ((edge_struct *)((e)&0xfffffffc))->data[((e)+3)&3]
#define OPREV(e) ROT(RNEXT(e))
#define RPREV(e) ROT(DNEXT(e))
int norm_flag = 0;
float ca, sa;
void delaunay();
int makedge();
void deletedge();
void splice();
int incircle();
float ccw();
int rightof();
int leftof();
void makesites();
void sortsites();
int zone_id;
int lib$get_vm();
int lib$free_vm();
int lib$create_vm_zone();
int lib$delete_vm_zone();
* Make the initial set of random sites
void makesites(nsites)
int nsites;
int i, j;
float s, t;
if (norm_flag) { /* central limit approx to normal distribuition */
for (i=0; i<nsites; i++) {
for (s=t=0.0, j=0; j<9; j++,
s += mth$random(&seed)-0.5, t += mth$random(&seed)-0.5) ;
sites[i].x = s/5.0;
sites[i].y = t/5.0;
else { /* uniform distribution */
for (i=0; i<nsites; i++) {
sites[i].x = mth$random(&seed)-0.5;
sites[i].y = mth$random(&seed)-0.5;
* Sort the sites into (x, y) order along a given axis; triangulation
* should be the same regardless of sort axis. Shell sort.
void sortsites(nsites)
int nsites;
int gap, i, j;
site_struct tmp;
for (gap = nsites/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2)
for (i = gap; i < nsites; i++)
for (j= i-gap; j >= 0 &&
(ca*sites[j].x-sa*sites[j].y != ca*sites[j+gap].x-sa*sites[j+gap].y ?
ca*sites[j].x-sa*sites[j].y > ca*sites[j+gap].x-sa*sites[j+gap].y :
sa*sites[j].x+ca*sites[j].y > sa*sites[j+gap].x+ca*sites[j+gap].y) ; j -= gap) {
tmp = sites[j]; sites[j] = sites[j+gap]; sites[j+gap] = tmp;
* Show an edge of the Delaunay in the window
int e;
site_struct *o, *d;
o = ORG(e); d = DEST(e);
uis$plot(&vd_id, &COMP_ATTR, &o->x, &o->y, &d->x, &d->y);
* Erase an edge of the Delaunay from the window
int e;
site_struct *o, *d;
o = ORG(e); d = DEST(e);
uis$plot(&vd_id, &COMP_ATTR, &o->x, &o->y, &d->x, &d->y);
* Recursively create the Delaunay triangulation of a set of sites
* sorted in (x,y) order; divide and conquer algorithm.
void delaunay(sl, sh, le, re)
int sl, sh;
int *le, *re;
int a, b, c;
int t;
float ct;
int ldo, ldi, rdi, rdo;
int basel;
int lcand, rcand;
int sm;
if (sh == sl+2) {
a = makedge();
ORG(a) = &sites[sl]; DEST(a) = &sites[sl+1];
*le = a; *re = SYM(a);
if (sh == sl+3) {
a = makedge();
b = makedge();
splice(SYM(a), b);
ORG(a) = &sites[sl]; DEST(a) = &sites[sl+1];
ORG(b) = &sites[sl+1]; DEST(b) = &sites[sl+2];
ct = ccw(&sites[sl], &sites[sl+1], &sites[sl+2]);
if (ct == 0.0) {
showedge(a); showedge(b);
*le = a; *re = SYM(b);
else {
c = connect(b, a);
if (ct > 0.0) { *le = a; *re = SYM(b); }
else { *le = SYM(c); *re = c; }
showedge(a); showedge(b);
sm = (sl+sh)/2;
delaunay(sl, sm, &ldo, &ldi);
delaunay(sm, sh, &rdi, &rdo);
while (1) {
if (leftof(ORG(rdi), ldi)) ldi = ROT(LNEXT(ldi));
else if (rightof(ORG(ldi), rdi)) rdi = ONEXT(SYM(rdi));
else break;
basel = connect(SYM(rdi), ldi);
if (ORG(ldi) == ORG(ldo)) ldo = SYM(basel);
if (ORG(rdi) == ORG(rdo)) rdo = basel;
while (1) {
lcand = ONEXT(SYM(basel));
if (rightof(DEST(lcand), basel))
while (incircle(DEST(basel), ORG(basel), DEST(lcand), DEST(ONEXT(lcand)))) {
t = ONEXT(lcand); deletedge(lcand); lcand = t;
rcand = OPREV(basel);
if (rightof(DEST(rcand), basel))
while (incircle(DEST(basel), ORG(basel), DEST(rcand), DEST(OPREV(rcand)))) {
t = OPREV(rcand); deletedge(rcand); rcand = t;
if (!rightof(DEST(lcand), basel) && !rightof(DEST(rcand), basel)) break;
if (!rightof(DEST(lcand), basel) ||
(rightof(DEST(rcand), basel) && incircle(DEST(lcand),
basel = connect(rcand, SYM(basel));
basel = connect(SYM(basel), SYM(lcand));
*le = ldo; *re = rdo;
* Splice primitive
void splice(a, b)
int a, b;
int ta, tb;
int alpha = ROT(ONEXT(a));
int beta = ROT(ONEXT(b));
ta = ONEXT(a);
tb = ONEXT(b);
ONEXT(a) = tb;
ONEXT(b) = ta;
ta = ONEXT(alpha);
tb = ONEXT(beta);
ONEXT(alpha) = tb;
ONEXT(beta) = ta;
* Make a new edge
int makedge()
int e;
lib$get_vm(&sizeof(edge_struct), &e, &zone_id);
ONEXT(e) = e;
DNEXT(e) = SYM(e);
RNEXT(e) = ROT3(e);
LNEXT(e) = ROT(e);
return e;
* Delete an edge
void deletedge(e)
int e;
splice(e, OPREV(e));
splice(SYM(e), OPREV(SYM(e)));
* Connect two vertices with a new edge
int connect(a, b)
int a, b;
int e;
e = makedge();
ORG(e) = DEST(a);
DEST(e) = ORG(b);
splice(e, ROT(LNEXT(a)));
splice(SYM(e), b);
return e;
* Test if point to right of given edge
int rightof(s, e)
site_struct *s;
int e;
return ccw(s, DEST(e), ORG(e)) > 0.0;
* Test if point to left of given edge
int leftof(s, e)
site_struct *s;
int e;
return ccw(s, ORG(e), DEST(e)) > 0.0;
* Counterclockwise triangle predicate
float ccw(a, b, c)
site_struct *a, *b, *c;
double x1 = a->x, y1 = a->y;
double x2 = b->x, y2 = b->y;
double x3 = c->x, y3 = c->y;
return (x2*y3-y2*x3) - (x1*y3-y1*x3) + (x1*y2-y1*x2);
* InCircle predicate
int incircle(a, b, c, d)
site_struct *a, *b, *c, *d;
double x1 = a->x, y1 = a->y;
double x2 = b->x, y2 = b->y;
double x3 = c->x, y3 = c->y;
double x4 = d->x, y4 = d->y;
return ((y4-y1)*(x2-x3)+(x4-x1)*(y2-y3))*((x4-x3)*(x2-x1)-(y4-y3)*(y2-y1)) >
float ask(query)
char query[];
char reply[132];
float a;
do {
} while(sscanf(reply, "%f", &a) != 1);
return a;
char dummy[132];
int i;
int le, re;
float a;
seed = ask("enter seed: ");
for (i=0; i<250; i++) mth$random(&seed);
nsites = ask("enter number of sites: ");
if (nsites < 10) nsites = 10;
if (nsites > NSITES) nsites = NSITES;
norm_flag = ask("enter 1 for normal distribution: ");
a = ask("enter angle of sort axis: ");
ca = cos(PI/180.0*a); sa = sin(PI/180.0*a);
setup_window(0.6, 30.0);
for (i=0; i<nsites; i++) {
plot_box(sites[i].x, sites[i].y, .005);
delaunay(0, nsites, &le, &re);
printf("delaunay returned %x %x\n", le, re);