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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

932.0. "Help" by PSYCHE::ROOS () Mon Sep 19 1988 19:07

    Dear fellow enjoyers of mathematics,
    I am a computer consultant working at DEC.   I am also on the
    faculty of Mathematical Sciences at WPI.   Our institution is planning
    a math contest for high level high school students.   The date is
    October 20th.   We have plannned 10 easy questions, 5 harder questions,
    and 5 hard questions.   Time 1 hour.   I am sure all of us have
    stored in our minds, on paper, or somewhere questions that you can
    send me to help us out.   I do have several sources available, but
    I think that asking you would be a fresh source of questions.
    An example of each type follows:
    Easy:  arrange in increasing order:  1988, 198^8, 19^88, amd 1^988.
    Harder: A, B, and C each throw at a target.  P(A hits target) =
    1/2, P(B hits target) = 1/3, and P(C hits target) = 1/4.  All
    three throws at the target.  If exactly one hits the target,
    find the probability that C was the only one to hit it.
    HARD:  Three balls, each 2 inches in diameter, are on a table such
    that each is tangent to the other two.  A fourth ball, also 2 inches
    in diameter is placed on top of the three balls such that each ball
    is tangent to the other three.  How high above the table is the
    fourth ball?
932.1Here's a fewAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiTue Sep 20 1988 13:2916
Here's a few - I'm not sure about the ratings, but these can all be dealt 
with by ingenuity.

1) Show that every prime > 3 is of the form 6n+-1. (Easy)

2) Which has the larger area, triangle (5,5,6), or triangle (5,5,8)? (Easy,
each is formed by adjoining two (3,4,5) triangles) 

3) Prove that there exists an integer of the form 11...1100...00 (a 
sequence of 1's followed by a sequence of zeros) that is a multiple of 87.
(Harder. Use the pigeonhole principle: consider the 1st 87 numbers of all 1's. 
Either one is divisible by 87, or two leave the same remainder. Subtract 

4) Which is larger, e^pi or pi^e? (Hard, unless you have a good pocket 
calculator available.)
932.2...ANT::SLABOUNTYTrouble with a capital 'T'Tue Sep 20 1988 16:3610
      RE: .1
               2) the same area (I had to draw it out!!) 8^)
               4) e^pi > pi^e  (~23,~22)
                                                       Shawn L.
932.3CLT::GILBERT$8,000,000,000 in damagesTue Sep 20 1988 16:5715
    The HARD problem in .0 is not very hard.  Realize that the centers
    of the balls form a regular tetrahedron with edges of length 2.
    This tetrahedron has height sqrt(8/3) (by three applications of
    the Pythagorean theorem), so the center of the top ball is sqrt(8/3)
    inches above the centers of the others balls.  So the bottom of
    the top ball is sqrt(8/3) inches above the bottoms of the other
    balls, and hence the table.

>4) Which is larger, e^pi or pi^e? (Hard, unless you have a good pocket 
>calculator available.)

    This is a pretty good one!  I'd guess that if b > a >= 1, then b^a > a^b
    (based on 3^2 > 2^3), try to prove this conjecture, realize that
    the correct conjecture is that b > a >= e implies a^b > b^a, prove
    this, then assert pi > e, and so pi^e > e^pi.
932.4A problem for your listSINX::LUKSICTue Sep 20 1988 23:1712
    Here is a problem that can be added to your list.  You can decide
    how difficult it is.
    "There are six points in space. No three points are collinear.
     The points are connected by linear segments. The segments
     are colored at random by two colors.  Prove that there is a
     triangle made up from the segments of the same color."
932.5CTCADM::ROTHIf you plant ice you'll harvest windThu Sep 22 1988 12:1921
    Write pi = e*(1+d).

    We get:

	pi^e = (e*(1+d))^e = e^e * (1+d)^e			[1]

	e^pi = e^(e*(1+d)) = e^e * e^(e*d)			[2]

    expanding (1+d)^e in a series we get

	1+ d*e + d^2/2*e*(e-1) + d^3/6*e*(e-1)*(e-2) + ...	[1a]

    expanding e^(ed) in a series we get

	1 + d*e + d^2/2*e*e + d^3/6*e*e*e + ...			[2a]

    comparing term by term we find that [2a] dominates [1a], so

	e^pi > pi^e

    - Jim
932.6POOL::HALLYBThe smart money was on GoliathThu Sep 22 1988 17:387
932.7I'd say < hardAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiThu Sep 22 1988 18:1417
932.8Good job on the medium partPOOL::HALLYBThe smart money was on GoliathThu Sep 22 1988 19:165
    Very good, Lynn.
    But are you quite sure you got ALL the answers?  Every last one?
932.9picky, picky...AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiFri Sep 23 1988 13:3610
Well, I was too tired yesterday to think about negative radices, but this
morning I see that radix = -13, corresponding to X=6, gives 
	[10] (x+1)(x+6) = x^2 + 7x + 6 = x^2 + 7x -(-13+7) =
	[-13] x^2 + 7x -17,
and there are other negative radices [X=5,4,...] that also work. [X=7 or 8
give radices in which 7 is not a digit.]

Did you have something else in mind?

932.10Having solved that, let's find anotherPOOL::HALLYBThe smart money was on GoliathFri Sep 23 1988 15:077
    Nope, that was it.  -13, -17, and -19 are the three negative radices.
    Not every high school or college student has had exposure to negative
    radices.  This may be a poor way to spring it on them.  Perhaps
    there might be a separate problem earlier...
932.11CLT::GILBERT$8,000,000,000 in damagesMon Sep 26 1988 04:508
932.12Look at the old notesAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Sep 26 1988 18:249
I think problem 1 of note 227 is appropriate (moderate difficulty). I still 
don't know of a solution to problem 2 in that note - constructions in 3-d 
geometry are frequently very difficult.

It's pleasant to observe how a number of relatively simple problems in this 
conference have led to generalizations or extended problems of considerable 

Lynn Yarbrough 
932.13An old chestnut, probably elsewhere in this filePOOL::HALLYBThe smart money was on GoliathThu Oct 06 1988 12:142
    10! = 3628800 has 2 final zeroes.
    How many final zeroes are there in 100! ?
932.14re .13LISP::DERAMODaniel V. {AITG,LISP,ZFC}:: D'EramoThu Oct 06 1988 14:093
     How many black birds were baked in a pie?
932.15how to calculate the number of blackbirds...AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiThu Oct 06 1988 14:2211
The number of trailing zeroes in n! is the exponent of 5 in the expansion 
of n! as a product of primes. For any prime p the exponent of p in n! is

	sum([n/p^i], i = 1...)	([x] = integer part of x)

which in the present case is

	[100/5] + [100/25] + [100/125] + ...
	= 20 + 4 + 0 ...

Lynn Yarbrough 
932.16Aw, come on guys, quit showing off!POOL::HALLYBThe smart money was on GoliathThu Oct 06 1988 16:073
    It's OK to let somebody else solve the easy ones.  Really.
932.17-.x + -.2HERON::BUCHANANand the world it runnes on wheelesThu Oct 06 1988 17:246
	I can't recall what the precise accuracy of Stirling's stuff is,
though I can look it up.   Question is, is it accurate enough to complement
the sort of mod 10^n argument (or perhaps 2^m is most promising, to round
the Stirling guess to the nearest feasible number?

Questing of Valbonne
932.18your proof should fit in the marginAITG::DERAMODaniel V. {AITG,ZFC}:: D'EramoThu Nov 17 1988 22:1417
     re .-1
     Is your question whether you can take Stirling's
     approximation for n!, and combine it with the number of
     zeroes in n! (using the formula given earlier), to get an
     exact answer?
     I would guess not.
     Anyway, here is another problem, not hard.  Prove that for
     positive integers a, b, c, and n, with n > 2, that it is not
     possible to have
                     a    b    c
                    n  + n  = n
932.19it's a good thing you worded it the way you did (margin)LEVEL::OSMANtype hannah::hogan$:[osman]eric.vt240Fri Nov 18 1988 13:4524
>                    -< your proof should fit in the margin >-
>     Anyway, here is another problem, not hard.  Prove that for
>     positive integers a, b, c, and n, with n > 2, that it is not
>     possible to have
>                     a    b    c
>                    n  + n  = n
>     Dan

Simple.  Let n=3, a=1, b=2, c=3.

We therefore have

		3**1 + 3**2 = 3**3


		3 + 9 = 27

which is false.

932.20Don't play possum, OsmanSQM::HALLYBYou have the right to remain silent.Fri Nov 18 1988 14:556
    That's proof that our school system is inadequate.
    Dan was asking for a proof that no possible combination (a,b,c,n>2)
    of integers satisfied the equation.
932.21We're getting repetitious, if not recursiveAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Nov 21 1988 15:471
BTW, the e^pi problem was discussed back in note 515.