T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
914.1 | some other chess puzzles | HERON::BUCHANAN | Are crocodile tears Trempe d'Oeil? | Mon Aug 08 1988 14:02 | 6 |
| No, but I worked out once that the number of positions with White to play
is different from the number with Black to play. This was as part of my
grand and unsuccessful campaign to prove that chess is not a win for Black,
or to prove that it's hard to prove it. Another (easier) spin-off: after
each side had made a move, there are 400 possible positions. Prove that
at most 76% of them are wins for Black.
914.2 | | STAR::HEERMANCE | Return of the Crash Dumps from Hell | Mon Aug 08 1988 14:11 | 5 |
| I haven't heard about anyone even trying. The fan out of the game
tree is huge. With 20 legal moves on the first move, and 20 more
on the second you are already at 400 possible boards.
Martin H.
914.3 | let's see, one, two, three, ... | LISP::DERAMO | Daniel V. {AITG,LISP,ZFC}:: D'Eramo | Mon Aug 08 1988 22:39 | 56 |
| >> Has anybody fixed how many chess games are possible ?
With cooperating opponents, the number of possible chess
GAMES is infinite. The two sides just keep playing and
never checkmate or stalemate the other, and never agree
to a draw or claim a draw. There are rules which allow
a player to claim a draw, but they don't require it.
This "loophole" allows a single game to reach an arbitrary
number of moves.
On the other hand, only finitely many chess POSITIONS
are possible. I think I have seen two attempts (in computer
chess books) to place a loose upper bound on the number.
I think they were more trying to show carefully that
there were only finitely many positions, as opposed to
trying to get a "good" upper bound.
One example at a loose bound:
the possible pieces are:
Unmoved King, moved King [for castling, it matters]
Unmoved Rook, moved Rook [for castling, it matters]
Pawn immediately after double advance [and so perhaps
subject to en passant capture], Pawn not
immediately after double advance
So, the possible contents of a square are one of nine
"pieces" of either color, or empty, for a total of nineteen
possibilities for each of the sixty-four squares. This
gives a bound of 19^64 (approx. 6.9 * 10^81) "positions".
Lisp> (expt 19.0l0 64.0l0)
But wait! This doesn't take into account repetitions,
the fifty move draw rule, the exceptions to the fifty
move draw rule, and anything that I may have forgotten
to include. So to each of these positions you have to
attach a small number of move counts. Say one count
for previous occurrences, with values 0, 1, and "2 or
more". Another count of moves without a capture or pawn
advance, with values up to 100 or more (I believe this
is the current limit in the rules). This multiplies
the above number by 3 * 101.
I vaguely recall that one of the estimates I read was
in the 10^60 to 10^70 range, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, it is a lot, but it seems to be less than a "googol"
914.4 | But wait -- there's less! | POOL::HALLYB | The smart money was on Goliath | Tue Aug 09 1988 15:38 | 8 |
| Of course one can reduce Dan's count by noting that there can be
only 1 king per side, only 8 pawns, 10 rooks/bishops/knights or
9 queens on a side, only 8 squares where _en passants_ are allowed,
1 square permitted for a castleable King, etc., etc.
But discussions of this sort belong in the CHESS conference. (KP7).
914.5 | Not an infinite number | HIBOB::SIMMONS | | Tue Aug 09 1988 16:18 | 5 |
| Even cooperating players cannot produce an infinite game. The 50
move rule draw may be forced by tournament director, i.e. this draw
need not be claimed.
914.6 | Chess players don't ask how many | AKQJ10::YARBROUGH | I prefer Pi | Tue Aug 09 1988 18:20 | 14 |
| > But discussions of this sort belong in the CHESS conference.
I disagree - what is of interest here (at least to game theoreticians) is
estimating the size of the game tree. As computers grow more powerful, the
extent to which they can deal with (i.e. form a game value estimate on) a
tree of this size is at least of passing interest, and this has little to
do with the way people play Chess.
I think the estimate of 10^81 positions is off by about 50 orders of
magnitude, but I haven't had time to complete my analysis yet. Finding an
upper bound with that kind of improvement is good mental exercise and quite
Lynn Yarbrough
914.7 | A lower upper bound | AKQJ10::YARBROUGH | I prefer Pi | Tue Aug 09 1988 20:48 | 19 |
| The number of optional placements of Chess pieces is maximized when all the
original pieces are on the board. This is easily established by computing
the change in number of positions when one or more pieces is removed from
the full set. With all pieces on the board, there are 120 legal pawn
configurations (8 files* 15 positions for each pair of B&W pawns). Of the
remaining pieces we need to distinguish: 2K, 2Q, 2WB (the B's that run on
White squares), 2BB, 4N, 4R. Once a pawn configuration is set, there are 48
squares left and they can be filled in
48! 4! 4! 2! 2! 2! 2!
--------------------------------- = 48!4!4!/32! ways,
32! 2!2! 2!2! 1!1! 1!1! 1!1! 1!1!
and 120*48!4!4!/32! is about 3.2*10^30.
The sum of all the positions over all numbers of pieces is dominated by
this term, and the total is less than 4*10^30.
Lynn Yarbrough
914.8 | | SSDEVO::LARY | One more thin gypsy thief | Wed Aug 10 1988 08:09 | 17 |
| While there are only 15 positions of a single white pawn and a single black
pawn in a file (ignoring the "en passant" flag), this gives 15^8 total
pawn positions, which is ~10^7 times as big as 15*8...
Also, once pieces are captured it is common for there to be more than two
pawns of the same color on a given file, so this increases the number of
possible pawn positions; this may actually cause the number of positions
with a few pieces missing to exceed the number of "bloodless" positions.
By the way - I know this is MATH and not CHESS, but counting positions
requires understanding the rigor in the chess rules, hence the following
When a pawn reaches the 8th rank, can you "promote" it to a pawn?
(I know its stupid, but is it LEGAL?)
(and of course, if its legal, someone has to come up with a
puzzle in which its the key move...)
914.9 | no | LISP::DERAMO | Daniel V. {AITG,LISP,ZFC}:: D'Eramo | Wed Aug 10 1988 14:46 | 14 |
| Re .8,
>> When a pawn reaches the 8th rank, can you "promote" it to a pawn?
>> (I know its stupid, but is it LEGAL?)
No, it's not legal. It can promote to a Queen, Rook,
Bishop, or Knight, but not to a King or Pawn.
P.S. There are no restrictions limiting you to one Queen,
or one Bishop on each color, or anything like that -- you
can promote to a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight no matter
how many of them you already have on the board.
914.10 | Rebuttal to .7: | DWOVAX::YOUNG | Feet of Klaatu | Fri Aug 12 1988 03:18 | 24 |
| Sorry Lynn, but I have to disagree also.
There are 2 points that I disagree with:
1) You account only for those positions without captures, on the
basis that it dominates all other postions. I believe that the
sum of all other positions from all other valid piece combinations
is far greater than the number of positions for any single piece
2) >The number of optional placements of Chess pieces is maximized when all the
>original pieces are on the board.
Not true. Allowing the capture of a single enemy pawn allows up
to 2 of your own pieces to become Queens and one of the enemy's. The
combinations gained are far greater than those lost.
3) Its an arguable point, but I would agree with Dan's implications
that certain 'state' aspects (able to en-passant, able to castle, etc)
should be counted as part of the position.
I would say rather that your number (3.2*10^30) is a good lower bound
on the number of chess positions.
-- Barry
914.11 | other estimates | LISP::DERAMO | Daniel V. {AITG,LISP,ZFC}:: D'Eramo | Fri Aug 12 1988 14:31 | 28 |
| From my modest library at home: :-)
N. A. Krinitskii, in M. M. Botvinnik's Computers, chess,
and long range planning, gives a formula which Botvinnik
evaluates to approx.
2.5 * 64! / 32!, or 1.6 * 10
Botvinnik claims that Shannon had arrived at the figure
10 ; this was probably in Shannon's original paper on
playing chess by computer. Botvinnik was (three times) the
world chess champion. The 64! / 32! is the first term
of a sum which Botvinnik evaluates or estimates at being
2.5 times the first term.
David Levy in Chess and Computers comes up with on the
order of
2 6 43
64! / (32! * (8!) * (2!) ), or 10
without pawn promotions, about 2 * 10 allowing for
promotions. Levy's first figure is just the dominant term
of a sum which he doesn't evaluate.
If you are curious I can type in some of their reasoning.
914.12 | mea culpa | AKQJ10::YARBROUGH | I prefer Pi | Fri Aug 12 1988 16:32 | 24 |
| Right, I miscalculated the number of P configurations, and did not
calculate the promotion possibilities well. Still, ...
> 1) You account only for those positions without captures, on the
> basis that it dominates all other postions. I believe that the
> sum of all other positions from all other valid piece combinations
> is far greater than the number of positions for any single piece
> combination.
With two lone K's there are 64*63 positions (some not legal); with each
added piece the number increases *by an order of magnitude or more*, to
reach 10^~40; so the total for <= 31 pieces is < 11% of the figure for 32.
(Compare 100 with 10 + 1 + .1 + ...)
> 3) Its an arguable point, but I would agree with Dan's implications
> that certain 'state' aspects (able to en-passant, able to castle, etc)
> should be counted as part of the position.
Positions in which castling is legal must be about 1/100000 of the total.
The K must be on 1 of 64 squares AND the R must be on the board AND on one
of 64 squares AND all intervening squares must be empty AND the K square
and all intervening squares must not be attacked AND the move history of K
must be empty AND the move history of R must be empty.
En passants are far more common but still in the noise.
914.13 | | BEING::POSTPISCHIL | Always mount a scratch monkey. | Fri Aug 12 1988 16:44 | 5 |
| How many positions are possible when one player is acting to limit
them? (While still playing reasonably.)
-- edp
914.14 | oops, and about castling | LISP::DERAMO | Daniel V. {AITG,LISP,ZFC}:: D'Eramo | Fri Aug 12 1988 21:25 | 30 |
| Oops, I left something out of .11.
The first formula, which wasn't listed, was only 1/16
of the number of positions. It was this which was
approximated by Botvinnik to be 2.5 * 64! / 32!, or
approx. 10 . When multiplied by 16 this gave his final
estimate of 1.6 * 10 .
The 16 is the castling state, which is a factor of 4
per player:
left castling only available
right castling only available
castling both sides available
castling not available on either side
So the position count can be computed ignoring castling;
then just multiply by sixteen.
Finally, Krinitskii/Botvinnik explicitly ignored
repetitions because they were discussing a solution of
the complete game tree. With full information, "best
play" means you don't bother to repeat a position. (I
don't think that is obvious except when the side with
the full information already has a won position.) I
can't remember if the other estimates mentioned repetitions.
914.15 | Possible Chess Games > Particles in Universe | BRAT::SMITH | Never say never, I always say. | Wed Apr 08 1992 18:28 | 10 |
I know this Note is very old, but I was looking for the answer
to this very question, and the ol' dire/titl=chess found this
Note. Anyway, I heard on PBS (I think that's where I heard it)
way back, that there were more possible chess games than there
are atomic particles in the known universe. That seems like a
lot. :^)
914.16 | it's true, and it takes some real imagination | PULPO::BELDIN_R | Pull us together, not apart | Wed Apr 08 1992 19:12 | 35 |
| Re: <<< Note 914.15 by BRAT::SMITH "Never say never, I always say." >>>
I won't attempt to quote specific numbers because
1) I don't have them and
2) You would just have to take my word for it,
but, here's a general explanation of why its that way.
The number of chess games is calculated from the number of
possible end positions times the number of possible move
sequences for white and black that get to each position.
Both of these numbers are combinatorials, functions which
grow so fast that they quickly outpace any mere physical
Just calculate n! for a few terms and you'll see a very
limited version of this so-called "exponential growth".
Next, imagine calculating 64! divided by 16! divided by 48!.
This is the number of different patterns of 16
indistinguishable pieces on the 8x8 board. When you
distinguish between the pieces, it gets bigger!
Now imagine calculating something to the 64! power. That is
the kind of outrageous calculation that is needed to start
calculating the number of possible chess games.
I hope you can understand why the assertion you questioned is
true, even if you can't (like I can't) quote the numbers.
914.17 | side comment on computer chess | STAR::ABBASI | i^(-i) = SQRT(exp(PI)) | Wed Apr 08 1992 20:54 | 15 |
| on a side comment, it is known that computer chess programms get
much stronger in end games than humans, this is due to less pieces
on the board, hence less positions to examin relatively, hence the
depth of the tree search is more for the same amount of time used as
compared to the depth of the tree in early stages of the games.
it is like a trade of between breath of the tree to that of the depth.
i read somewhere about a poor human player who played some chess
programm, where the chess program saw a mate in 50 or so moves ahead
in an end games ! i.e on best replies by the human, mate will happen
in 50 moves, offcourse if the human playes worst moves, mate will be
in less moves.
914.18 | Computer forte is a wild middle game | UNTADH::TOWERS | | Wed Apr 15 1992 13:54 | 28 |
| re .17
>it is known that computer chess programms get much stronger in end
>games than humans, this is due to less pieces on the board, hence less
>positions to examin relatively
All the computer chess programs I've ever played have been rubbish in
the endgame. And for why? Well, quite often the line to take in the
next 20 moves is 'obvious'. It requires very little calculation for me
or any other competent human. The computer still has to calculate all
the rubbish variations to see the light at the end of the tunnel - eg a
queened pawn.
While that is often true in the endgame in the middle game things are
very different. Seeing 6 or 7 moves ahead for me requires a lot of hard
calculation because each position along the way has lots of 'good'
candidate moves I have to consider. This is no skin off the computers
nose because it was always going to calculate these variations along
with the garbage anyway.
The net result of all this is that I can 'see' a lot further ahead in
the end game and the computer can 'see' a lot further ahead in the
middle game.
914.19 | sch... blechkisten | MUNSBE::NUESSEL | Georg Nuessel | Tue Apr 21 1992 14:22 | 14 |
> The net result of all this is that I can 'see' a lot further ahead in
> the end game and the computer can 'see' a lot further ahead in the
> middle game.
so do i !
p.s. : Brian, i would have wrote the same reply
- but my english isn't to good
914.20 | | KERNEL::JACKSON | Peter Jackson - UK CSC TP/IM | Mon Mar 08 1993 16:02 | 18 |
| Re .17, .18
Though the reduction in number of pieces allows computer programs to
search more deeply it alone is not sufficient to make computers
stronger than humans. There are two techniques that do:
1) Some simple endgames have been analyzed completely using retrograde
analysis, allowing computers to play them 'perfectly'. This analysis
is available on CDs covering most endings with up to 5 pieces on the
2) Transpostion tables by which computers avoid analysing the same
position twice are much more effective in the ending than earlier in
the game. Computers that have large enough tables are generally
stronger in the endgame than in the earlier stages. Most older/cheaper
computer chess games do not have the RAM needed for the tables.
914.21 | Not being an afficionado of CD-ware, | VMSDEV::HALLYB | Fish have no concept of fire. | Mon Mar 08 1993 16:29 | 6 |
| > 1) Some simple endgames have been analyzed completely using retrograde
> analysis, allowing computers to play them 'perfectly'. This analysis
> is available on CDs covering most endings with up to 5 pieces on the
> board.
Any of these CD's for sale?
914.22 | | KERNEL::JACKSON | Peter Jackson - UK CSC TP/IM | Thu Mar 11 1993 11:24 | 4 |
| The CD's are on sale. There are two of them. I have the details at
914.23 | | KERNEL::JACKSON | Peter Jackson - UK CSC TP/IM | Mon Mar 15 1993 10:16 | 15 |
| The price of volume 2 is $10 cash, or cheque payable to Bell
Laboratories, sent to
Ken Thompson
Bell Telephone Labs, Room 2C579
600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill
New Jersey 07974/USA
Email: ken@research.att.com
Volume 2 contains the following 5 piece endings