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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

898.0. "Principals of Solving PDE's" by EAGLE1::NOFSINGER () Wed Jul 06 1988 20:40

I'm writing parallel algorithms for solving partial differential 
equations based on SOR and ADI.  However, I do not have a good
heuristic understanding of the theoretical principles of solving
pde's. Does someone know of a good text on the subject?

Charles Nofsinger
898.1Stoer and BulirschCTCADM::ROTHIf you plant ice you'll harvest windThu Jul 07 1988 11:0513
    An introduction that has references to the literature is (see chapter 8):

	"Introduction to Numerical Analysis"
	Stoer and Bulirsch, Springer Verlag.

    Despite its title, it's not for airheads and would be more appropriate
    for a second course than a first introduction.  Good book though.

    I don't have much experience in the area, but this should be a good
    start.  Note that SIAM has at least one book on boundary value problems
    (though it may be only elliptic problems).

    - Jim
898.2Good Old DaysESDDEV::EL_DARDIRYThu Jul 07 1988 13:2027
    An old but a good reference, in the subject is :
    Brice Carnahan, H.A. Luther 
        and James O. Wilkes
    Published by J. Wiley, 1969
    Chapter 7 contains various numerical methods on the solution of
    PDE. The methods are also illustrated by good doc. FORTRAN IV (IBM
    360 !!!!) subroutines and progs.
    Of course; you will need to rewrite some of the subroutines once
    again for //proc. 
    Good luck.       
    Nijmegen, Holland
898.3HPSTEK::XIAThu Jul 07 1988 20:286
    _Digital Computer Treatment of Partial Differential Equations_
    by V. Vemuri and Walter J. Karplus
    Great book.
898.4.1 should be a good bookMEIS::WOLFFI feel the need, the need for speedThu Jul 14 1988 18:1510
    Re: .1 

        I know Prof. Bulirsch, if that book is as good as his courses, then
it must be an excellent book. BTW, you would not believe that this man has 
anything to do with math, if you would see him on the street - you would 
think of an olympic athlet or something like that; he is about 2 meters high
(which is in american feet something like 6.6 ft I think) and is bascially
a very big human being - but nice.

898.5Try Flannery, Press, Teukolsky, & VetteringAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Jul 18 1988 14:415
The recent book "Numerical Recipes" [in FORTRAN, PASCAL, or C] has a good 
chapter (17) on PDE's. The treatment has good intuitive content and the 
algorithms appear to be good. 

Lynn Yarbrough