T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
751.1 | | CIMNET::KOLKER | Conan the Librarian | Wed Aug 19 1987 17:59 | 4 |
| re .0
The way you stated the problem m must = n. Is that correct?
751.2 | no, n and m are unrelated | EAGLE1::BEST | R D Best, Systems architecture, I/O | Wed Aug 19 1987 18:22 | 17 |
| re .1:
> The way you stated the problem m must = n. Is that correct?
No; n and m are arbitrary and unrelated. In my example, n = m = 3
However, a solution that works only for n = m would still be of interest.
In fact, I think if the solution works for n = m, all the other cases are
degenerate (gotten by making n = m = max( n_given, m_given)).
n is the number of boolean variables; m is the number of functions of these
variables. In the most general case, each function will depend upon all of the
boolean variables.
Another interesting question: is the set of gk unique for a given set of
fk ?
751.3 | correction to .0 | EAGLE1::BEST | R D Best, Systems architecture, I/O | Wed Aug 19 1987 19:46 | 10 |
>z1 = g1(y1, y2, ... , yn)
>z2 = g2(y1, y2, ... , yn)
>zn = gm(y1, y2, ... , yn)
The 'zn' above should be a 'zm'.
751.4 | Part way there | CIMNET::KOLKER | Conan the Librarian | Tue Sep 01 1987 19:10 | 37 |
| re .0
Let us define some notation that will save room.
B_N = {<x_1,..,x_i,..,x_N> | x_i in [0,1] the simple Boolean Lattice}
BF_N = { functions f | f : B_N -> [0,1]} i.e. the N_addic Boolean Functions
BF_2^N = { functions f | f :B_N -> B_N}
NxBF_N = BF_N X ... X BF_N ( The N-fold cartesian prod of BF_N with itself}
Thus if g in NxBF_N then g = <g_1,...,g_N> where g_1,...g_N in BF_N
Let g = <g_1,...,g_N>. Let x in B_N, where x = <x_1,...,x_N>
Define g * x = <g_1(x_1,...,x_N),...,g_N(x_1,...,x_N)>
thus for x in B_N, g*x in B_N
Your question can now be stated as follows. If f in BF_2^N, does there exist
g in BF_2^N such that f*x = g*(g*x) for all x in B_N.
How many elements in BF_2^N? Answer: (2^N)^(2^N)
Maximum number of values the functional g*(g*x) can have? Answer:
Cardinality of NxBF_N which is (2^(2^N))^N which = (2^(N*(2^N)) = (2^N)^(2^N)
Thus your problem has an affirmative answer if it can be shown that
the functional g*(g*x) is a 1-1 mapping from BF_2^N onto BF_2^N.
That is for each distinct choice of g_1,....,g_N, plugging the N_tuple
g=<g_1,...,g_N> gives distinct values for g*(g*x), x runs thru B_N, which is
equivalent to saying that if g # g' then for some N tuple x, we have
g*(g*x) # g'*(g'*x).
I am currently working on this reduction of the problem.
751.5 | | KIRK::KOLKER | Conan the Librarian | Fri Sep 04 1987 15:06 | 23 |
| re .0, .4
Bad news. Not all boolean functions have sqare roots. Simple counter example:
There are four possible function of a single variable:
1. ALL_TRUE where ALL_TRUE (x) = TRUE (or 1)
2. ALL_FALSE where ALL_FALSE (x) = FALSE (or 0)
3. IDENT where IDENT (x) = x
4. NEG where NEG (x) = ~x
The function NEG has no boolean square root.
I have not yet shown this for numbers of variables > 1, but I am working on
it. Amusing side light. You can't compute the square root of minus 1 in the
domain of Boolean Functional :8>).
More results as I derive them.
751.6 | Imaginary Logic? | CHOVAX::YOUNG | Back from the Shadows Again, | Sat Sep 05 1987 04:36 | 8 |
| Re .5:
Hmmm, guess we should be looking for something like imaginary roots
for boolean operations huh? Sounds like something I read ever so
long ago in "Laws of Form" by G. Spencer Brown.
-- Barry
751.7 | a 'by hand' procedure .. need an algorithm | EAGLE1::BEST | R D Best, sys arch, Negotium perambulans in tenebris | Fri Oct 30 1987 18:18 | 157 |
| I've made some progress towards getting an algorithm for the Boolean
square root algorithm. What I have is a hand procedure for doing this
that I'll describe. I think this procedure might be easy to
implement in something like Prolog because it's a 'cut and try'
algorithm with occasional backtracking needed. I'm just a neophyte
Prolog programmer, so I may need some help.
Incidentally, the procedure I came up with is relatively simple and
is probably easily extensible to higher order 'roots'.
Here goes:
First, make a truth table of the functions to be computed.
I'll use the following as an example (I'm an engineer, so I understand
things best by example).
z2 = x2 + x0
z1 = x2' + x1
z0 = x0
x2 x1 x0 | z2 z1 z0
0 0 0 | 0 1 0
0 0 1 | 1 1 1
0 1 0 | 0 1 0
0 1 1 | 1 1 1
1 0 0 | 1 0 0
1 0 1 | 1 0 1
1 1 0 | 1 1 0
1 1 1 | 1 1 1
Add a middle column for the 'square root' (y) and convert to decimal:
x y z
----------------- Any entry made in the 'y' column will be used
0 - 2 as an index into the table to locate the value
1 - 7 of y that must correspond to z in the original
2 - 2 entry. The constraint is y(y(x)) = z(x).
3 - 7 So we start by assigning y(0) arbitrarily and
4 - 4 proceed until we encounter a contradiction
5 - 5 or produced a self consistent subgrouping.
6 - 6 If we encounter a contradiction, then we
7 - 7 backtrack and reassign y(0). If we produce
a self consistent subgrouping, then we find
the next unassigned y and make an arbitrary assignment, repeating the
above process. This is not a great explanation, so I'll work the
0 0 2
; assigned y(0)=0 and encountered a contradiction,
; since y(y(0))=y(0)=0 <> z(0), so we try a new assignment for y(0)
0 1 2
1 2 7
; with y(0) = 1, we must have y(1) = 2 so that y(y(0)) = z(0). We continue.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
; with y(1) = 2, we must have y(2) = 7 so that y(y(1)) = z(1). We continue.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
; with y(2) = 7, we must have y(7) = 2 so that y(y(2)) = z(2). We continue.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
; with y(7) = 2, we must have y(2) = 7, so that y(y(7)) = z(7). At this point,
; we can no longer follow the 'chain' of constraints, but must arbitrarily
; assign a new one. We'll try y(3) = 0.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
3 0 7
; y(3) = 0 doesn't work, because y(y(3)) = y(0) = 1 <> z(3) = 7, so we must
; try something else. y(3) = 1 obviously doesn't go either, so try y(3) = 2.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
3 2 7
; y(3) = 2 does work because y(y(3)) = y(2) = 7 does equal z(3). There is
; no new constraint to chain to, so we arbitrarily assign y(4). The first
; assignment that works is y(4) = 4.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
3 2 7
4 4 4
; There is no chain to follow, so we next arbitrarily assign y(5).
; y(5) = 5 is the first assignment that works.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
3 2 7
4 4 4
5 5 5
; Again, there is no chain, so arbitrarily assign y(6). y(6) = 6 is
; the only one that works.
0 1 2
1 2 7
2 7 2
7 2 7
3 2 7
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
; Now we should convert back to binary and identify the boolean function.
x y z
000 001 010
001 010 111
010 111 010
011 010 111
100 100 100
101 101 101
110 110 110
111 010 111
y2 = x1.x0' + x2.x1'
y1 = x1 + x2'.x0
y0 = x2'.x0' + x2.x1'.x0
I know that the square root is not unique (I know this because my sample
z functions were generated by squaring a different function of y).
It's also easy to show that there are functions that do not have square
I'd like to get this written as a program so that I can play with it some
It seems that the problem may be isomorphic to one that may be amenable to
results from abstract algebra on finite sets.
For given mapping z: { 0..2^n ) --> { 0..2^n },
find another mapping y: { 0..2^n } --> { 0..2^n }
such that For_all x | (x is_in { 0..2^n }) implies z( x ) = y( y( x ) )
This almost looks like permutation groups may be applicable.
Does THIS problem look familiar to anyone ?
What branch of algebra studies this kind of problem ?
751.8 | | CLT::GILBERT | Builder | Mon Nov 02 1987 15:23 | 145 |
| The following Pascal program should suffice. When you run it, the input
would be something like:
2 7 2 7 4 5 6 7
1 3 2 2
It only displays the first 50 square roots.
program sqx (input, output);
k_n = 6; { up to 6 variables }
k_twon = 64; { 2**n }
bfunc = array [0..k_twon-1] of integer;
procedure dump_bfunc (twon: integer; f: bfunc);
i: integer;
write ('(');
for i := 0 to twon-1 do
if i <> 0 then write (',');
write (f[i]:0);
write (')');
function init (var twon: integer; var f: bfunc): boolean;
i,j: integer;
b: boolean;
twon := 0;
while (not eoln) and (twon < k_twon) do
read (f[twon]);
while (not eoln) and not (input^ in ['0'..'9']) do get (input);
twon := twon + 1;
b := true;
for i := 0 to twon-1 do
if (0 <= f[i]) and (f[i] < twon) then else b := false;
if not b then writeln ('an input error occurred')
else if twon = 0 then b := false
dump_bfunc (twon, f);
writeln (' <-');
init := b;
function sqrt_x (
twon: integer;
var x: bfunc;
f: bfunc;
limit: integer
): integer;
xxx: integer;
procedure recurse (var x: bfunc);
i,j,ii,jj,m,tt: integer;
any: boolean;
any := false;
{ }
{ Find an entry to set
{ }
for i := 0 to twon-1 do if x[i] < 0 then if not any then
any := true;
for j := 0 to twon-1 do
{ Assert that x[i] = j }
ii := i;
jj := j;
m := 0; { no implications yet }
while x[ii] < 0 do
x[ii] := jj; { assert that x[ii] = jj }
jj := f[ii]; { and assert that x[jj] = f[ii] }
ii := x[ii]; { next time through the loop }
m := m + 1;
if x[ii] = jj then { if no contradiction }
recurse (x);
ii := i;
jj := j;
while m > 0 do
tt := x[ii]; { fetch as a temporary }
x[ii] := -1;
jj := f[ii];
ii := tt;
m := m - 1;
if not any then
if xxx < limit then
dump_bfunc (twon, x);
xxx := xxx + 1;
for xxx := 0 to twon-1 do x[xxx] := -1;
xxx := 0;
recurse (x);
sqrt_x := xxx;
procedure main;
i,twon: integer;
x,f: bfunc;
while init (twon, f) do
i := sqrt_x (twon, x, f, 50);
dump_bfunc (twon, f);
writeln (' has ', i:0, ' square roots ***');
751.9 | Amazing ! (sigh) | EAGLE1::BEST | R D Best, sys arch, Negotium perambulans in tenebris | Mon Nov 02 1987 21:09 | 4 |
| Thank you (extensively) !
I've tried this program and it seems to run flawlessly. Oh, how I wish
I could program that quickly and effectively !
751.10 | | CLT::GILBERT | Builder | Tue Nov 03 1987 14:12 | 45 |
| re .5
The following demonstrates that some sets of functions don't
have square roots. It does this by demonstrating two square
roots for a single set of functions.
Note .5 showed this for functions of a single variable.
f (x , x , ... , x ) = x .
i 1 2 n i
Then the set of functions has (at least) 4 square roots, viz:
g (x , x , ... , x ) = x ,
i 1 2 n i
g (x , x , ... , x ) = not x ,
i 1 2 n i
g (x , x , ... , x ) = x ,
i 1 2 n n+1-i
g (x , x , ... , x ) = not x .
i 1 2 n n+1-i
Here's a question -- how many square roots does the set of identity
functions (the f's above) have? What is the general formula?
The program in .8 gives:
n # of square roots
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 10
5 26
6 76
7 232
8 764
9 2620
10 9496
11 35696
12 140152
13 568504
751.11 | | CLT::GILBERT | Builder | Wed Nov 11 1987 14:01 | 5 |
| None of the replies have addressed the rest of the problem in .0:
> What is really wanted is a way to split f into a pair
>of identical g's, but the outputs from the first g stage can be PERMUTED
>in passing to the second stage.
751.12 | dragged off temporarily ... | EAGLE1::BEST | R D Best, sys arch, I/O | Thu Nov 12 1987 18:30 | 25 |
| re .11:
The restricted procedure generated so many roots for some of
the functions that I was interested in that I thought it might be beneficial
to see if any of roots were easily reduced to simpler functions than
the original Boolean function before enlarging the number of possibilities
combinatorially ! (pardon the length of that last sentence).
Some interesting observations:
Z = X + 1 has 0 roots
Z = X + 2, Z = X + 4, ... have monotonically increasing numbers of roots.
Note: Z is the decimal interpretation of bit vector Z and X is the decimal
interpretation of bit vector X.
I have been dragged off this problem temporarily, but I will take a
shot at the second part sometime soon.
There are yet two other parts:
(1) The reduction of the boolean g vector function generated by SQX to minimal
realisations. But that's a standard problem and I'm sure there are scads of
algorithms around to do it (Socrates can probably do this).
(2) The evaluation of the reduced g realisation against some criterion of
maximum path delay. This requires specific knowledge of the implementation
technology (AUTODLY maybe ?).
751.13 | one more thought | EAGLE1::BEST | R D Best, sys arch, I/O | Thu Nov 12 1987 18:46 | 28 |
| One more brief qualitative observation:
I've tried hand reducing several of the candidate g functions
(individually, not sharing terms) and the results are somewhat
disappointing. All of the ones examined have equal or greater
'complexity' than the original boolean function.
By 'complexity' I mean my seat of the pants estimate of the
worst case path length from any gate input to any network output.
In other words, g seems to require more gates and longer path
lengths than Z.
A proviso: I only did a few and I haven't tried reducing with
shared terms, so I wouldn't necessarily rule out possibilities for
this method yet.
Nonetheless, I wonder if there is some kind of a 'general systems'
theorem at work here. Maybe something like:
'Breaking things up introduces additional overhead or the parts
sum up to more than the whole.'
Just for fun, I'm going to post a pointer to the hand procedure and
Mr. Gilbert's Pascal in the Prolog conference to see if someone can generate
a really compact elegant implementation.
Afterthought: by 'g' I mean the boolean vector square root of the original
function Z. I hope the change in terminology didn't confuse anybody.
751.14 | Sq. root function and Sq. root permutation | HPSRAD::KUNDU | | Fri Feb 26 1988 16:21 | 135 |
PROBLEM STATEMENT. Given f = (f1, f2, ..., fn), find a g = (g1, g2,
..., gn) such that g*g = f. Each fi, and gi are functions of n
boolean variables. Operator "*" means composition. g will be called
a square root of f.
It is not clear if one can provide a general closed form solution
when f is arbitrary. However, we do have a solution when we
restrict f to a class of functions, to be defined later. First,
however, we need some properties of permutaions.
Every permutation can be expressed as compositions of cycles. A
permutation (cycle) Q is called a "square-root permutation (cycle)"
of P if Q*Q = P. That is to say, composition of two Q's produces
P. Composition of cycles is commutative. Length of a cycle is the
number of elements in it.
LEMMA1. If C = (c c c .... c ) is a cycle of ODD length m, then
0 1 2 m-1
the square-root cycle of C also has the length m, and is given by,
(c c c ..... c ) where k = ceiling(m/2).
0 k (2k)mod m (jk)mod m
LEMMA2. No cycle of even length has a square-root cycle.
LEMMA3. A composition of two cycles (c11 c12 c13 ... c1n) and
(c21 c22 c23 ... c2n) with equal lengths and no common elements
has the square-root cycle (c11 c21 c12 c22 c13 c23 .... c1n c2n).
From the above lemmas, we can show:
THEOREM1. A permutation P has a square-root permutation if and only
if either of the following is true:
(a) every cycle in P is odd
(b) number of even cycles of equal lengths are even.
Now, we return to the original square-root function problem.
DEFINITION. A set of n functions {g1, g2, ..., gn} is called a
"basis set" of all n-variable functions iff any h(x1,x2,...,xn) can
be synthesized starting from the gi's, by using a collection of
complete primitives (eg., NAND).
LEMMA4: A set {g1, g2, ..., gn} is a basis iff the implied mapping
(x1,x2,...,xn) |---> (g1,g2,...,gn) is 1-1 and onto defined on the
2^n points of the n-cube.
For our purpose, we view the mapping in lemma4 as a permutation.
Theorem1 and lemma4 together solve the original problem of
square-root function when the components f1, f2, f3, ..., fn of f
are restricted to form a basis set.
ALGORITHM1: Given a f = (f1,f2,...,fn) where the fi's form a
basis, the square-root of f can be found in the following way:
(1) Let f be the 1-1 mapping from (x1,...,xn) --> (f1,...,fn)
and let P be the permutation defined by f. If P satisfies
theorem1, then apply step2. Otherwise, there is NO
square-root function of f.
(2) Obtain the square-root permutation Q of P by using Lemmas
1 and 3. Q defines the 1-1 mapping (x1,...,xn) ---->
(g1,...,gn). The set of gi's so obtained defines the
square-root g for f.
EXAMPLE1: Lets take f1 = x1 xor x2 xor x1x2 xor x2x3 xor x3x1,
f2 = x2 xor x3 xor x1x2 xor x2x3 xor x3x1,
f3 = 1 xor x2 xor x3x1.
Then, f = (f1,f2,f3) defines the 1-1 mapping,
(x1,x2,x3) (f1,f2,f3)
(000) (001)
(001) (011) f1 = x1'x2x3' + x1x2'x3' + x1x2x3' + x1x2x3
(010) (110) f2 = x1'x2'x3 + x1'x2x3' + x1'x2x3 + x1x2x3
(011) (010) f3 = x1'x2'x3'+ x1'x2'x3 + x1x2'x3'+ x1x2x3
(100) (101)
(101) (000)
(110) (100)
(111) (111)
Converting 3-tuples to decimals, the map f can be viewed as a
permutation, P = (0 1 3 2 6 4 5)*(7). P is a composition of
cycles of length 7 and 1.
The square-root permutation by using Lemma1,
Q = (0 6 1 4 3 5 2)* (7).
Permutation Q defines (x1,x2,x3) --> (g1,g2,g3) as follows,
(x1,x2,x3) (g1,g2,g3)
(000) (110)
(001) (100)
(010) (000)
(011) (101)
(100) (011)
(101) (010)
(110) (001)
(111) (111).
Expressing gi's in terms of xi's, we get,
g1 = x1'x2' + x2x3, g2 = x2'x3' + x1x3, g3 = x2x3 + x1x3'.
Hence, g1(g1,g2,g3) = g1'g2' + g2g3
= x1'x2x3' + x1x2'x3' + x1x2x3' + x1x2x3
= f1.
Similarly, one can verify, g2(g1,g2,g3) = f2, and g3(g1,g2,g3) = f3.
While looking at the original square-root problem, it occurs that
our approach could be used for finding "r-th-root" g of f such that
(g*g*....g) = f.
The machinery to do so hinges on finding a r-th root of a cycle in
a way similar to finding a square-root of a cycle. The results for
the r-th-root cycle are not reported here.
Snehamay Kundu (HPSRAD::KUNDU)
751.15 | Can simplify a bit | AKQJ10::YARBROUGH | Why is computing so labor intensive? | Fri Feb 26 1988 16:37 | 9 |
| >From the above lemmas, we can show:
>THEOREM1. A permutation P has a square-root permutation if and only
>if either of the following is true:
> (a) every cycle in P is odd
> (b) number of even cycles of equal lengths are even.
Note that (a) => (b), so (a) v (b) = (b); thus condition (b) is necessary
and sufficient.