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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

510.0. "A prime that is 987654321..." by SIERRA::OSMAN (and silos to fill before I feep, and silos to fill before I feep) Fri Jun 13 1986 13:21

Let G(n) be the n-digit number that starts 987654321987654321....

Prove that no such G(n) is prime.
510.1Some examples, not a proof ...THEBUS::KOSTASKostas G. Gavrielidis <o.o> Fri Jun 13 1986 16:1038

    here are some info on the numbers 987654321... from calreal


CALREAL> is it a prime ( near prime of ( 9 ) );
CALREAL> is it a prime ( near prime of ( 98765432 ) );

    Nearest prime(s) to          9 is :         11, and :          7  
             9 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to         98 is :         97  
            98 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to        987 is :        991, and :        983  
           987 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to       9876 is :       9871  
          9876 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to      98765 is :      98773  
         98765 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to     987654 is :     987659  
        987654 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to    9876543 is :    9876553  
       9876543 is not  a prime 
    Nearest prime(s) to   98765432 is :   98765431  
      98765432 is not  a prime 

Kostas G.
510.2No too difficultMODEL::YARBROUGHFri Jun 13 1986 17:217
    1) All the even G's are divisible by 2
    2) All the G's ending in 5 are divisible by 5
    3) All groups of 3 consecutive digits are divisible by 3, so the
    G's ending in 7 and 1, which are position 3*n, are divisible by
    4) The 9's and 3's occur at position 3*n+1, so the G's ending with
    3 and 9 are divisible by 3.
510.3alot easier than 123..., isn't it!SIERRA::OSMANand silos to fill before I feep, and silos to fill before I feepFri Jun 13 1986 20:0715
    Right!  Too bad we can't apply this sort of thing to problem
    Actually, I have some little "pamphlets" at home full of
    math puzzles.  I read the 987... one just a few days before
    Mr. Gilbert posed the 123... one so I was wondering if
    it was pure cowinkydinky or not.
    Also, his other problem of 10^0 + 10^1 . . . was similar
    to another I read in the pamphlet, so maybe we're looking
    at the same source ?
510.4CLT::GILBERTJuggler of NoterdomFri Jun 13 1986 21:522
The problem just crossed my mind after doing a little work with note 501,
and 504 was related as a warm-up.
510.5Now that we know they are composite...AKQJ10::YARBROUGHWhy is computing so labor intensive?Thu Feb 25 1988 19:5725
Next (somewhat related) question:

Since all the permutations of the digits 123456789 are known to be
composite, (a) which has the largest number of distinct prime divisors? (b)
Which the smallest? (c) Which the minimum largest prime divisor [which may
be the same as the answer to (a)]?

A tentative answer to (a) follows the <ff>.

	2*3^5*11*31*59*101 = 987561234 (six distinct divisors)

A very pretty answer to (b) appears on the next page:

There are twin solutions:
	3^2*15873071 = 142857639 
	3^2*15873107 = 142857963 
There are many others with two divisors. Is there a permutation that is the 
product of two primes? No, because every perm. is divisible by 9.

A tentative answer to (c) follows the <FF>:

	2^4*3^2*13*17*67^2 = 142857936 (minimax = 67)
510.6CLT::GILBERTBuilderThu Feb 25 1988 21:5224
    How many permutations have exactly n factors (not necessarily distinct)?

    The following table shows this.

	 3      22366
	 4      69476
	 5      91799
	 6      76987
	 7      48781
	 8      26969
	 9      13655
	10       6693
	11       3168
	12       1595
	13        754
	14        333
	15        156
	16         87
	17         27
	18         20
	19          9
	20          3
	21          1
	22          1
510.7Found Circa 1982BEING::POSTPISCHILAlways mount a scratch monkey.Fri Feb 26 1988 13:446
    Re .5:
    (c) 2^12 * 3^2 * 7^5 and 2^7 * 3^2 * 7^7.
    				-- edp