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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

439.0. "MAPLE is available!" by METOO::TOOLSHED () Fri Jan 31 1986 14:34

The Symbolic Mathematics package MAPLE, from the University of Waterloo,
has been licensed to DEC for INTERNAL USE ONLY. It is available through the
Software Tools Clearinghouse under tool name MAPLE.

MAPLE requires about 12000 blocks or so to install (less the test suite,
which can be ignored or deleted.) It runs quite nicely on a microVAX I,
or any other VAX. No, we don't have the source files. It is written in C
(rather than LISP), so it's fast. Ordering information for the User's Guide
($19.80 US) is given in the ToolShed listing. At this moment it is installed
on CLT:: (the Comm. Lang. & Tools cluster) and on MUSIC::, my uVAX, but to
get the files copy METOO::TOOLS$LIBRARY:MAPLE.KIT and have your system 
manager install by @MAPLE.KIT. (Don't just copy the files; some of them
are LZ-compressed and need to be expanded before installation can proceed.)

Lynn Yarbrough
439.1Version 4 is here nowMODEL::YARBROUGHWed Apr 15 1987 15:025
The previous note referred to MAPLE V3.3; MAPLE V4 is available (it should 
appear in the ToolShed momentarily). Most if not all of the information in 
the previous note also applies to V4.

Lynn Yarbrough
439.2Now V4.3 is hereAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiThu Apr 12 1990 16:463
MAPLE V4.3 is now available in the ToolShed.

Lynn Yarbrough 
439.3Jump discontinuity...CIVAGE::LYNNLynn Yarbrough @WNP DTN 427-5663Mon Mar 18 1991 19:594
The MAPLE Conference has temporarily disappeared: node MODEL has been moved 
from MLO to MRO. I will revive it soon, probably at a new node.

Lynn Yarbrough 
439.4Revived!CIVAGE::LYNNLynn Yarbrough @WNP DTN 427-5663Mon Mar 25 1991 17:043
The MAPLE conference has moved to ZIGLAR::MAPLE. Good luck!

Lynn Yarbrough 
439.5MAPLE V is hereCIVAGE::LYNNLynn Yarbrough @WNP DTN 427-5663Thu Sep 26 1991 16:5812
MAPLE V has been submitted to the ToolShed and will appear there soon.

This is a Beta-test version and feedback (esp. on the DECwindows UI) is 

New features (besides the UI) include a Geometry package, A Student Package
(for college-level math), and greatly enhanced graphical output, including 
3D-hidden-surface figures.

A new MAPLE V manual has been published by WATCOM and is expected shortly 
in techie bookstores; it can also be ordered directly from WATCOM. I'm told 
it's about US$30 but don't have the exact price yet.
439.6ALLVAX::JROTHI know he moves along the piersFri Sep 27 1991 18:066
    This is great news!  Will it run on our risc platforms too?

    Also, I understand that Springer Verlag is selling the maple docs.
    Is this right?

    - Jim
439.7VAX <> MIPSCIVAGE::LYNNLynn Yarbrough @WNP DTN 427-5663Fri Sep 27 1991 19:4111
>    This is great news!  Will it run on our risc platforms too?

Nope. There is a MIPS/RISC version, but it is not licensed to DEC - you'll 
have to buy it, as far as I know. Check with Barry Braunstein - the 
relationship between DEC & WATCOM may have changed recently.

>    Also, I understand that Springer Verlag is selling the maple docs.
>    Is this right?

I'm not sure. Early in October I should have a copy of the manual and will
give you all the details.