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Conference rusure::math

Title:Mathematics at DEC
Created:Mon Feb 03 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2083
Total number of notes:14613

83.0. "A dissection puzzle" by METOO::YARBROUGH () Mon Jun 25 1984 15:21

			by Lynn Yarbrough

A man with four sons left his 1 KM square estate in his will with the
following stipulations: The eldest son was to divide the property into
four pieces of the same SHAPE and take one for himself. Then the second
son was to divide the remainder into three pieces of the same shape and
take one for himself. The third son was to take what remained, divide it
into two pieces of the same shape, and take one for himself. Assuming these
three were both greedy and clever, how much was left for the fourth son?

(The shapes at each division need not be the same as for previous 
divisions. Degenerate solutions involving empty 'shapes' are not acceptable.) 
83.1ORPHAN::BRETTThu Jun 28 1984 12:267
None - the first guy divided into 4 squares, the first being 1X1 KM, the
remainder being 0X0 KM - and got lynched by the other three, who then
agreed their father was barmy, split it equally and lived happily ever

83.2TURTLE::GILBERTThu Jun 28 1984 19:5115
The first son takes a piece that is 1x3/4, figuring that each of his three
brothers will get a piece of size 1/4x1/3, which is the same SHAPE as his own.

The following table summarizes the divisions.

Son	takes			leaving				share
First	1.0 x .75		3 * .333333 x .25		.75
Second	.967707 x .25		2 * .0161464 x .25		.241927
Third	.245757 x .0322928	1 * .00424333 x .0322928	.007936
Forth	.00424333 x .0322928					.000137

Thus, the last son gets a plot of land that's roughly 4.25 meters by 32 meters.
Just enough for a fine driveway, or to raise a bumper crop of spaghetti.

					- Gilbert
83.4new solutionHERON::BUCHANANfragmentary blueMon Oct 31 1988 11:5781
83.5Nice idea!AKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Oct 31 1988 13:0223
Hmmm. I have trouble with the fractal that gets generated in the vicinity 
of the smallest squares below, e.g. -+
<---d--->                +-----------+
+-----+-+---------------+-+-----+  ^
|     +-+               +-+     |  |
|   2   |               |   3   |  d
|-+   +-+               +-+   +-+  |
+-+---+-+ 	        +-+---+-+  v  
| 	                        |
| 	                        |
| 	                        |
| 	        1               |

especially since a different fractal gets generated for each value of d.
Although that is certainly an ingenious dissection, I think I'd disqualify 
it on the grounds that it not acheivable *legally* - the lawyers would be 
employed forever trying to get a good measurement! Also, the assumption 
that son 1 is greedy implies that he would reduce d to 0, in violation of 
my specification that degenerate dissections are disallowed.

Lynn Yarbrough 
83.6HERON::BUCHANANfragmentary blueMon Oct 31 1988 14:4118
83.7Gotta keep a sense of humorAKQJ10::YARBROUGHI prefer PiMon Oct 31 1988 15:5536
83.8peace!HERON::BUCHANANfragmentary blueMon Oct 31 1988 21:3642
83.9CLT::GILBERTMultiple inheritence happensMon Oct 31 1988 23:0618
    I like it!  Note that the same approach generalizes to an arbitrary
    number of sons.  The following illustrates the case for 3 sons:

	    |         |         |         |         |         |
	    |         |         |         |         |         |
	    |         | +-+ +-+ |         | +-+ +-+ |         |
	    |         +-+ +-+ +-+         +-+ +-+ +-+         |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
	    |                                                 |
83.10HERON::BUCHANANfragmentary blueTue Nov 01 1988 08:1518
>    Note that the same approach generalizes to an arbitrary
>    number of sons.  The following illustrates the case for 3 sons:

	Yes, I was being needlessly self-constrained.   Any number of brothers
can be handled.   And if I rotate my
sub-squares by forty-five degrees, (ie they look like diamonds)
then I can stick them like polyps to the walls of the field, and each wall can
have diamonds attached to it, without running into difficulties of non-

	Also, I needn't have all the subsquares the same size.

	Further, I when it comes to embedding sub-diamonds into each of the
diamonds, then I can choose for each diamond which of the four faces is to
be considered the North face (ie that corresponding to the North face of the
original field. 

83.11fluff -> lawyerHERON::BUCHANANfragmentary blueWed Nov 02 1988 11:5223