T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
211.1 | Doing a Donna! | REPAIR::TRIMMINGS | Individualistic! | Thu Dec 08 1994 15:48 | 4 |
| Yes,it was a bit of a shock,and will we have more to come...
211.2 | | PEKING::NASHD | | Thu Dec 08 1994 18:38 | 20 |
| Tyrone,
Another sad occasion...
Did you see the programme where Dave Tucker, Garvy and crew sang at a
wedding? Apparently the TV switchboard was inundated with requests for
information it. So much so that "they" have decided to release it as a
Christmas single.
After the Corporals' heroic death we'll be seeing a military funeral
and how Joy and the Army cope with the the situation. I just wish the
Range Warden had lived to shoulder the guilt, but alas his
irresponsibility cost him his life as well.
Roll on next Tuesday.
211.3 | No I don't have a video. | SUBURB::FRENCHS | Semper in excernere | Thu Dec 08 1994 19:54 | 5 |
| Watching it on a Tuesday...
Pah! Thats my Parade Night.
211.4 | Tuesdays won't be the same... | REPAIR::TRIMMINGS | Individualistic! | Fri Dec 09 1994 11:09 | 11 |
| When I was told about it being released as a single,I thought it was a
Have you any critisisms of the show?Most people who have served in the
forces say the sergeants are too friendly!And there is a lot of
saluting when it's not correct to.
Simon,all the previous series are on video,series three is expensive
though,but I expect the current series will be repeated and then
brought out on video.
211.5 | | PEKING::NASHD | | Fri Dec 09 1994 15:49 | 21 |
Having never served in the regulars I can't comment on that aspect but
as far as the reserves go I found that as long as the Corporals and
Sergeants "win" they ( & you ) will be ok. You know what I mean, be
prepared for worse in return than what you give them. Perhaps some
resident Sergeants would care to comment.
I don't watch it to find fault, more to rekindle old memories, laugh at
someone else's expense ( been there, done it and it was just as cold
etc etc...) and relax.
But having said that, I don't recall ever watching them get wet, cold
and miserable. Or trying to eat ( or anything else ) in noddy suits but
then I have missed a few episodes.
I didn't know the series was available on video either. Simon, get a
video and enjoy the show.
211.6 | Doesn't matter what I put here, nobody reads it anyway. | SUBURB::FRENCHS | Semper in excernere | Fri Dec 09 1994 18:30 | 12 |
| I don't think anyone actually read the title of my note :-)
I don't have a video. Well one that works anyway.
Oh well.
211.7 | The final episode. | PEKING::NASHD | | Wed Dec 14 1994 15:04 | 15 |
| The last episode of the present series was broadcast last night, and
what an episode to end on.
I'm not normally an emotional person but, perhaps because it is a
subject close to my heart, it really got to me. I felt really sad
seeing Joy crying on the floor, Dave and Garvy getting drunk, Dave's
face at the end also but there were more incidents.
The whole program was sad, not depressing, just sad.
Did anyone else watch it?
211.8 | The series grew up a bit I think. | REPAIR::TRIMMINGS | Individualistic! | Wed Dec 14 1994 17:29 | 6 |
| Yep,my feelings as well,and having a relative pass away recently didn't
Once again the series has lots of doors still open..
211.9 | | PEKING::NASHD | | Thu Dec 15 1994 11:45 | 11 |
I've told my partner not to watch the video of it until the weekend
and I'm there, she was bad enough after the wedding and accident last
week. This episode will rekindle a few memories for her of another
military funeral ten years ago next week.
Any idea when the next series begins ?
211.10 | y | SUBURB::FRENCHS | Semper in excernere | Tue Jan 03 1995 15:28 | 6 |
| Well My Father just happened to have the last episode on tape, so saw
it over Christmas.
I see what you mean Dave.
211.11 | Last episode ?? | RSNC::BRUIL | If it's broken we'll fix it | Tue Jan 03 1995 19:24 | 10 |
The last episode shown here in Holland was the on that Tony
Wilton died in that buiding...I really had a bad feeling about
I wonder if this was the last episode, anyone know ??
211.12 | | PEKING::NASHD | | Thu Jan 05 1995 19:50 | 9 |
| Ton,
I think the episode you refer to, where Tony wilton dies in an
explosion, is the penultimate one. The final episode in the UK started
with Tony's funeral.
I don't want to tell you too much in case you get the chance to see it.
211.13 | | SILK::SIMON | Semper in excernere | Tue May 09 1995 21:02 | 65 |
| Well a new series is going to start around October.
I know this for a fact, why?
Because they were filming an episode just down the road
from where I live, Cumberland Rd to be precise. I even got
'Tuckers' autograph :-)
It appears that they are back in Northern Ireland. The scene was a small riot.
Some adults and kids throwing bricks etc. at the lads. A young bloke runs in
looking/shouting for someone and finds them in the back of an ambulance.
211.14 | Soldier Soldier films in Reading again | SILK::SIMON | Semper in Excernere | Mon Apr 01 1996 17:40 | 40 |
| Well here we go again. Last weekend they were filming in Brock Barracks,
Reading. Alledgedly members of the RGBW (Was Wessex known affectionatley as
the M4 rifles or Great Big Wi**ies) :-) got 100 pounds per day as extras. That
is 4 times my daily rate of pay. :-( I wish we had known in Signals... Mind you
I was on exercise all weekend.
Spoiler follows:
The sceneario this time is that they are acting as firemen during a strike. They
had several of the old Green Goddesses lined up in the barracks.