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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

205.0. "Call up/Active Service." by REPAIR::TRIMMINGS () Thu Dec 16 1993 15:52

    What are the current conditions that the TA can be "called up" for
    active service?
     I understand that it would take an act of parliment,so basically the
    TA is still intended for "home defence"?
205.1As for active serviceSUBURB::FRENCHSSemper in excernereThu Dec 30 1993 01:508
205.2"War,what war?"REPAIR::TRIMMINGSWed Jan 05 1994 16:129
    Ref.0.But what do they mean exactly by being called up when there is a
    war?For example the Falklands or the gulf war,could the TA have been
    sent to those conflicts,and what would it take,parliment to agree or
    the Queen?
     I would pressume that the regiments that would support thr BAOR will
    be losing that role in the near future?
205.3PEKING::NASHDDAVE NASHThu Jan 06 1994 19:0911
    In my old unit everyone was asked if they would like to be called up,
    those who said yes were sent the appropriate documents and participated
    in the Gulf conflict. 
    This could cause a problem because employers are obliged to keep your
    job open only if there is a genuine call-up, c/o Liz, John and the rest
    of the team.
205.4Strategic Reserve?REPAIR::TRIMMINGSFri Jan 07 1994 11:2017
    This is one of the things that troubles me about the role of the
    TA.Those who are members of it mostly have jobs,so it seems that with
    situations like the gulf war or the falklands and with the number of
    un-employed,I don't think you should be sending members of the TA with
    jobs.Their role should be primarily for home defence or in the event of
    a major war used to support the BAOR or the like.
     I know they are obviously as well trained as full time soldiers and
    some people feel that because of the investment put into them that they
    should be used,but if I believe that if there is a serious enough
    situation that requires our reserves,we should keep them back and think
    about call-up,whic would allow those in  the TA who wish to,to
    volunteer,and this wouldn't damage a highly trained and well motivated
    part of the workforce.
     Just a thought!
205.5PEKING::NASHDDAVE NASHFri Jan 07 1994 11:4717
    I can't agree with anything you wrote in -1
    One reason for joining the Reserves is the chance to travel, to meet
    people from other countries with similar interests. 
    The TA et al are good. They are expected to achieve the same 
    standards as the regulars and, if you're lucky (?) hold down a full 
    time occupation as well.
    Why call up untrained people when there already exists a trained and
    willing group to be utilised?
205.6One step forward=two steps backwards.REPAIR::TRIMMINGSFri Jan 07 1994 13:3128
    I understand what you mean,you might say I disagree with myself!Sure if
    there is a desperate need to use the TA that is what they are there
    for.But when I look back at the Gulf War,for the TA to be called up for
    something like that would seem wrong.
     As an example if a reservist was forced to go to the gulf and was
    killed,his family would have lost his income etc which seems wrong
    because we have a regular Army which should be used for that type of
    conflict,not start taking people from an already hard pressed work
    force.Obviously at the moment this is looking more likely with the way
    the armed forces are being reduced.
     But I have even heard that if you are forced to go on active service
    there is not in practice enough safe guards to protect your job when
    you come back.
     I suppose what annoys me is that I begin to get the impression that
    the government are or could abuse a hard working and loyal section of
    the country becuase their services come cheap and they are a cost
    effective way of sorting out political problems.In short if they use
    what I consider to be some of the best peolpe in this country what will
    we have left.
     After all ther was a surge of applications during the Gulf war from
    Joe public to the Army recruitment centres,which proves that when there
    is justification the right people will volunteer from the public as
    well as the TA,my point is they should not be forced otherwise you
    could experiance the type of attitude the Americans had during the
    Vietnam war.