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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

185.0. "Don't you just hate it when....." by DUCK::NASHD () Tue Jan 14 1992 11:01

    I bought a book recently called The Volunteers Pocket Book. It's an A6
    sized manual that covers all sorts of useful topics like fieldcraft,
    hand signals, first aid, NBC etc. All of it is basic level but it's
    only intended as an aide-memoir (sp?).
    Anyway, I was reading it, finding out how useful and accurate it was by
    checking the bits that I think I know something about. I got to the
    safety procedures for the Light machine gun and the GPMG - and there's no
    mention of the safety catch!!!  Something so simple, basic but
    essential is missing. If there's an error like that what other errors
    are there?. It's ruined an otherwise great little book. 
    As long as I remember that there might be some omissions it's a handy
    book and I'll keep it. I've written to the publishers, for what it's worth. 
    I've already ordered a similar book about the SA80 and LSW from the
    same source. :-(
185.1I'm I back in or not.....NEWOA::BECK_CWhats up DocFri May 29 1992 16:257
    Switched on Dave,....