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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

130.0. "Professional Development Courses" by CSS::VALCOURT () Wed Oct 24 1990 19:57

    Hello.  I am wondering if there are any USAR officers (or others) who
    are  currently pursuing their professional development requirements? 
    What are your likes/dislikes about it?  How are you trying to do it
    (classes/correspondence/Active Duty)? 

    For me: I am currently enrolled in the USAR Officer's Signal Advanced
    Course (phase 2A and 2B correspondence).  In May 1991, I will attend my
    phase 1 (resident Signal technical course) at Fort Gordan, GA.  This is
    a 2 week course which I will do  in lieu of my 2 weeks summer camp.  So
    far, due to my schedule I enjoy the correspondence course.  It allows
    me to work on the material anytime I want.  


130.1USAR SchoolsUSCTR1::RTRUEBLOODRollyn Trueblood DTN 297-6553Wed Oct 24 1990 21:0933
If at all possible use the USAR Schools for your Advanced Course and upon
completion for the Command & General Staff Course. They fill in 
answers left begging within the correspondence courses. Also, if you are
not a drilling reservist, their points count for retirement purposes.

The Command & General Staff Course is a prerequisite for promotion
to Lieutenant Colonel. With pending drawdowns promotion without it 
won't happen. 

Also there is a best kept secret within the C&GSC program. During
the summer you are expected to go to a two week course. Often you
can do this in lieu of Annual Training. There are different sites
offered; Dover Delaware, Los Vegas, sometimes Hawaii, Puerto Rico,
and Ft Polk (only as a last resort!). 

The Dover site is at Wesley College and it quite nice. The college
provides your meals(the Army weighs you before the course begins
and fortunately not before you leave) and sleeping accomodations
(2 to a room); it is a gentleman's course, you do not need your 
fatigue uniforms. 

Dover is about 6 miles from the beach on Delaware Bay. Oftentimes 
you can rent a beach house for your family while you are in class. 
You won't be given an additional quarters' allowance, but the beach houses 
are much more reasonable than down the coast. Plan on taking your
salt-water fishing gear too.

If you go un-accompanied your evenings will be full. There is an
airbase nearby and when the aircrews are off elsewhere, the wives
go in groups to the local discos & hotel lounges. Usually you will
return without company, but then again you are there to study too.

130.2in-lieu HA_HA KYOA::SCHWARTZRFri Nov 16 1990 22:018
    I just started C&GSC, so I have no comments yet.  However I know
    for a fact my battalion commander tends to miss that "in-lieu of"
    Annual Training phrase.  Guess I better start saving my vacation
    Randy Schwartz
130.3Perhaps not...USCTR1::RTRUEBLOODRollyn Trueblood DTN 297-6553Sat Nov 17 1990 00:479
Perhaps so, but a friendly reminder to your commander that his schools
funds have to be spent and that your command views career schools to have
a higher priority over annual training usually turn the tide. (Arguments
about irreplaceability are indicators of poorly trained subordinates.)

Just remember, you will never see your Lieutenant Colonel promotion without
the course.

Good luck,