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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

123.0. "Digital's UK Reserve Forces Policy" by PEKING::NASHD (Wake me up when it's bedtime..) Fri Sep 14 1990 22:17

    This topic is to discuss Digital's standard policy towards reservists
    in the UK.
123.1Official or unofficial policy?WOTVAX::LAWSONEdward LAWSON @OLOWed Sep 19 1990 14:0822
        I know that Digital's official policy is quoted in "Digital and 
        you" and is very generous, but I get the distinct impression that 
        you have to be lucky with your manager. I only ever take two weeks 
        for annual training (10 working days) but sometimes I feel that 
        this is frowned upon and is certainly not a good career move.
        Anyone else in the same boat?
        Ed,   (RNR)
        By the way, can I get authorisation to access this conference from
        Leeds as I have transferred offices for the foreseeable future and 
        currently have to go through my Warrington account? My Leeds 
        account is on ERIC and the mail address is LZO.
123.2full support hereSSGVAX::LEONHARDTTue Sep 25 1990 17:2810
      I've never had any flack in the eleven years I've been here from
    any manager over reserve time off.  They have all supported whatever
    it was needed doing.  They never kept any obvious track of it, and I
    never gave them any reason to think I might be taking advantage of it.
    Maybe I was just lucky, but I don't think so.  I think most people 
    understand the need to be a bit flexible and support the concept
    whenever they can, which is most times.
123.3PEKING::NASHDTue Nov 06 1990 20:476
    I've asked a lot of people in numerous departments about the attitude
    of UK DEC to reservists who are called up. The only official response
    I could get was that it rests on your local HRD Managers' desk;
    otherwise it's the standard policy as notified on VTX.
123.4CRISPY::NASHDFri Jan 18 1991 20:3144
    The following message is from Peter Woodhouse. The questions to which
    he refers are:
    1. Can I put your note (this was actually issued last week but I'll put
    it in as the next reply ) in this conference?
    2. Will reservists have to hand over to Digital any bonus payments
    received ( for volunteering a few weeks back )?
    3. What is the policy towards non-military medical personnel providing
                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M

                                        Date:     18-Jan-1991 04:50pm GMT
                                        From:     PETER WOODHOUSE @RES
                                                  WOODHOUSEP AT A1_CHEFS at SUBURB at REO
                                        Dept:     UK HUMAN RESOURCES
                                        Tel No:   830-3897 

TO:  DAVE NASH                            ( NASHD AT A1_PEKING AT SUBURB AT REO )

Subject: RE: Gulf Crisis


Sorry to be slow in getting back to you. Answers are as follows:

1. I do not have a problem with you putting my letter into VAX notes.

2. The company will not deduct the 200 pounds.

3. I have just put a note out to Personnel Managers regarding medical
   volunteers. It says by arrangement with local managers Digital will
   support and pay up to 1 day per week, or five days per month. This
   will be reviewed at the end of March 1991.

Hope this helps,


123.5CRISPY::NASHDFri Jan 18 1991 20:5827
The original note from Peter Woodhouse:

This is the policy for those individuals who are either called up or
volunteer to join the armed forces as a result of the Middle East

* All individuals undertaking military service as part of the
  reserve forces will continue to be paid at current adjusted
  base salary less total remuneration from HM Government.

* Individuals will continue to be members of the Digital Pension
  Plan and will be covered for life assurance and medical benefits.
* These provisions will remain in force for a period of three months
  begining 1st January 1991. Should the current crisis continue 
  beyond the end of March 1991, Digital reserves the right to revue
  its position and change the above provisions based on the scale of
  activities and Digital employee involvement at the time.

Details of all individuals taking up military service must be 
forwarded immediately to the Compensation and Benefits Group in 

