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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
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109.0. "Civvie Brain Vs TA Brain" by PEKING::BECKC (Wash him and bring him to my tent) Mon Jun 11 1990 20:48

    One thing that really ticks me off, is the why they treat you in
    these Res Forces.  When I joined I was really enthusiastic, and
    I soon lost that because of the way that I was treated i.e. like
    an idiot.
    I can understand the regular forces treating the younger reg soliders
    as idiots because alot of them are drop outs from school and they
    don't know what else they can do.  But when you have civvie people
    joining the Res they seem to forget that you are intelligent people
    and you do have a brain.
    At first I found it really hard to adjust.  To be honest I thought
    they were taking the P***.  But no, thats the way they teach and
    its tough cookies if you don't like it, but what I can't understand,
    is I found the training really easy, yet people dropped like flies
    because they thought it was tough.
    The other thing that got me abit, was I was told by one of the senior
    ranks that my TA career was more important than my civvie job....
    I just replied to that remark "Yes Sir" and walked out before my
    mouth dropped me in big dodo..
    Anyone else got anything they want to add to this one.
    Are you treated the same in the states.
    Regards and Whooooosh
109.1("ASSOC" SUCKS)DECWET::SEVERNSTue Jun 26 1990 04:2725
    I joined the Air Force Reserve in 85 and went to basic and the academy
    and was treated just like all the rest but when I got home McChord AFB
    WA I found that I was a member of what  is Known as Associate Wing. 
    The 62nd Military Airlift Wing is our big brother (446th MAW).  I am a
    member of the 446 Security Police Flight and our boss is the 62SPS who
    treat us like Idiots for the most parts ever though we have to pass all
    Quality Control evaluations at the same standards as the Active that is
    not all that bad but the worst part is the fact that our own unit
    446 MAW treats us like dirt.  Our wing has a picnic every august and of 
    course we are invited,  and every year we end up directing traffic and
    parking cars which is under standable but the part that pisses me off
    is the fact that after the picnic everyone thanks us for volintering to 
    park cars and directing traffic for 12 hours.  I would much rather be 
    humping a C-5 in a swamp than for a  year with no days off than having
    to go to our wing picnic and direct traffic.
    This is just one incident that happens every year.  could go for days
    and days and list all the little sh-t that happens.
    to get back on track we get treated by the reserves worse that we do by
    our active duty counter parts.
109.2I'm guilty as chargedLVSB::GAGNONTue Jun 26 1990 23:4119
    re .1
    I'm one of the guilty party you spoke about, when I was in the Regulars
    I had that exact opinion of the part timers.  Now that I am a member
    of the NHANG, (previously I was in the Reserves.) I understand the
    unselfish dedication that all part timers have for the service.
    (including myself.)
    We are a special breed, in order to do what we do, and put up with
    what we put up with.
    I feel especially bad for you because I was a member of the 62nd
    MAW at McChord, from 85-87.  You probably directed my car on the
    way to those August parties. :-{
    I sign off hanging my head low.  1000 pardons!
109.3OZ DOWN UNDERSNOC01::PRITCHARDJSat Jun 30 1990 14:579
    It is interesting reading your comment on the treatment you have
    received. I suggest that it is the same in many cases in the Army
    reserve here down under. I think a lot has to do with the background of
    the people running the show. Some see it as an ego trip and there are
    plenty more of you where you came from. I have had nearly thirty years
    combined Regular and Reserve service and still find that old habits die
    hard. It is too hard to go out and get new ones as you then have to
    spend the time training them, therefore why not look after the ones you
    have. I could always use a disgruntled TA, if ever you are down my way.