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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

101.0. ""ODD ANGRY SHOT" (movie)" by KYOA::SCHWARTZR () Sat Apr 28 1990 01:38

    Justed watched an "old" movie again for the umpteen time.
    The movie was an Aussie film called, "THE ODD ANGRY SHOT".
    If anyone has any comments on this film, feel free to reply.
    I liked the film (the ones I don' like I only watch 3 or 4 times).
    It has some good (realistic) combat scenes, and a strong hard
    hitting story. I have to hand it to those guys "down under",
    they do make some good films.
    As I said the film is old, but American Home Theaters does have
    the vidio.
101.1PEKING::NASHDWhatever happened to Capt. Beaky?Sat Apr 28 1990 18:035
    I'll agree with the Light Horse Soldiers film. It is one of the
    most underrated films I've seen. I remember sitting on the edge
    of my chair at one stage.....
101.2All three were pretty decentABE::STARINElectronic ArchaeologistMon Apr 30 1990 19:018
    Re .0:
    I've seen all three and thought they were all pretty good. The charge
    by the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba as depicted in the movie
    was just incredible - no other way to describe it.
101.3OZ MILITARY TRIVIASNOC01::PRITCHARDJTue Jul 03 1990 16:0328
    I am glad you have a positive feeling towards OZ films. I am not a fgan
    of the Odd Angry Shot as it does not depict the Australian SAS, in the
    manner in which they operate. However the setting was real enough, the
    Australian Army then Jungle Training Centre.
    The film Gallipolli was based on the exerts of the Australian 10th
    Light horse, and is a true annull in our short but illustrious military
    history. Yes they did become cannon fodder and yes but a small handful
    survived out of the 800 men that began the day.
    And in the case of the film the Lighthorsemen, it is based on the true
    story of the battle of BEERSHEBA and is still listed as the last great
    cavalry charge in any War. Considering that the Light Horse were not
    Cavalry, but Mounted Infantry the fact that they achieved what they did
    is nothing short of a miracle. My Grandfather served with the 5th
    Lighthorse Regiment and I commenced my reserve service in 1962 with the
    descendents of the unit that undertook the charge. Today it is called
    the 4/19 Prince of Wales Light Horse and is equipped with M113A1 APC,
    but has a mounted ceremonial troop.
    By the way I enjoyed Platoon but not as a war film depicting Vietnam,
    but as a training film depicting conflict between men and within men. 
    Best regards
    John Pritchard (RAE)
101.4ANZACsAKOCOA::PALAZZOLOTue Mar 23 1993 00:214
    How about ANZACS?   I have seen this one about four times and will view
    it again.