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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

61.0. "NHANG at PEASE Is Looking for Recruits" by AKOV12::BURKLEY () Tue Jan 02 1990 19:56

    As most of you who live in the New England area probably
    know, PEASE AFB will be closing in 1991.
    I'm happy to report, however, that it looks like the 157th 
    Air Refueling Group (New Hamphire Air National Guard) will 
    be staying at Pease--along with the runway and other facilities.  
    If anything, the NHANG will expand as a result of the base 
    closure.  Rumor has it that there will also be commercial 
    air traffic going into the field, but the the Portsmouth Airport 
    Authority has yet to make a ruling on this.
    In any case, approximately 250 acres and a host of hangers and
    buildings along the 'north ramp' have been allocated to the
    Since many of the base operations/facilities that have been
    run by the 'regulars' will still need to be manned, NHANG
    will have to take over these areas and furnish the manpower
    to run them.  As a result, the NHANG will be increasing its ranks.  
    Therefore, if you reservists in the New England area know of anybody 
    interested in part-time or full-time Guard slots (enlisted or officer,
    prior or non-prior), they should probably call the NHANG Recruiter's 
    Office at Pease and ask about projected vacant/available positions.