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Conference repair::reserve_forces

Created:Wed Nov 15 1989
Last Modified:Thu Jan 01 1970
Number of topics:0
Total number of notes:0

54.0. "SMALL ARMS COMPETITORS" by KAOA01::LAPLANTE (Les Montagnards Cameron d'Ottawa) Fri Dec 15 1989 16:11

    Are there any members who have competed in military small arms
    competitions out there?
    If so who are you, what have you competed with, and how did you
    This might also be a good note to swap tips, etc.
    I'll start in the next note.
54.1KAOA01::LAPLANTELes Montagnards Cameron d'OttawaFri Dec 15 1989 16:1818
    Was captain of the Battalion small arms team for several years until
    duties took the required time away. Usually competed with rifle
    FNC(1) but filled in on Pistol and SMG teams (usually when there
    was a better rifleman than I available).
    Our team competed in local and provincial competitions and hasn't
    done too badly. We have won several competitions in all categories
    and were usually in the top five. Some of our members have won
    individual overalls, and we have won many individual matches.
    Also competed for the province in five national matches. Fired
    everything at national level; rifle, LMG, SMG, pistol, sniper. Won
    some individual matches and was member of the overall rifle team
    twice. Greatest thrill was when my sub-team won the falling plates
    competition one year against regular and reserve teams.
54.2SAC::PHILPOTT_ICol I F 'Tsingtao Dhum' PhilpottFri Dec 15 1989 16:2919
Yes, I've competed - but curiously only against military teams (ie I was
shooting for civilian gun club teams at the time).

These days I shoot mainly solo (not competitively that is). However I have just
acquired a H&K PSG-1 (which being semi-auto will have to stay in a military
armoury - such is life) which has yet to be fired, let alone sighted in.

So you can all guess what I'll be doing over the Christmas break.

/. Ian .\

PS: lest you think I've more money than sense (these things sell for about $10k
each) I should point out that it is only "mine" in so far as it is allocated to 
me for use ...

PPS: one of the joys of living in the Reading/Basingstoke area is that we are
nice and close to Bisley ranges...

/. Ian .\
54.3Shooters Rise!AKOV12::LORENTZENFri Dec 15 1989 19:1421
    I've been competing in the US NRA sponsored service rifle matches for
    over three years.  I'm shooting the M1A which is the civilian version 
    of the US M14, 7.62mm.  The NRA course consists of firing offhand slow
    fire and rapid fire sitting from 200 yds, rapid fire prone from 300
    yds, and slow fire prone from 600 yds.  Number of rounds fired for
    record varies between 50 and 80, depending on the particular
    organization conducting the match.
    Ranges that I've fired on include Camp Pendleton Marine Base near
    Oceanside, California; Twentynine Palms Air/Ground Marine Combat
    Center, California; Nashua Fish & Game, New Hampshire; and Camp Perry,
    Ohio in the National Championship Matches.
    I'm currently classified NRA Expert and hoping to qualify for the
    Master rating at Camp Perry next year!
    All of my shooting has been as an individual but have fired alongside
    the various service teams quite often.  Now that I'm going into a US
    Army Reserve unit in New Hampshire, I hope to qualify for their team.
54.4Have M1A, will travelAKOV12::LORENTZENThu Jan 18 1990 18:5514
    Well, it looks like I've finally found a home with an Army Reserve
    unit after my move to New Hampshire from California.  Thanks a bunch
    to Bob McClure I was able to retain my rank and get a job that sounds
    like more fun than stompin' chickens!  Mortar Platoon Sgt in a Combat
    Support Company.  Yahoo!  Thanks Top!
    Now I need to get involved with the nearest USAR Highpower Rifle Team.
    Can anybody point me in the right direction?  Previous note (54.3)
    outlines my qualifications.
    Keep up the fire
54.5Camp PerryAKOV12::LORENTZENFri Aug 31 1990 21:5120
    What happened to the competitive shooters?  Now that there is a lull
    in the "war", has anyone been shooting in any matches?
    I managed to get out to Camp Perry again this year and fired in the
    highpower service rifle championship matches.  My personal goal was
    to average 94% across the course (2256 points out of a possible 2400)
    but fell short with 90.2%.  Still, it was an improvement over 1989
    and I had a great time.  Throughout the week I was shooting with 
    various military marksmanship team members and learned a lot in the
    process.  Like Yogi Berra once said, "You can observe a lot by just
    watching". 8-)
    Next year Camp Perry is hosting the International Palma Highpower
    Team qualification matches.  I'm not real knowledgeable about the
    Palma match but do know that it pits teams from various countries
    against one another and is hosted by a different country each time.
    The last match was held in Australia and the one for 1992 is to be
    at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico.  
54.6M1911 A1ASDS::AIKENOld P2-V Neptunes never die.Wed Sep 05 1990 20:257
    I recently came into possession of an M1911 A1. While the "US" marked
    hoster is clearly stamped "1917", there is no date of manufacture on
    the weapon itself. Can anyone provide a history on the service .45?
    This one was made by Remington Rand for the US ARMY according to its
    markings. When might that have been?
54.7If guns could talk!AKOV12::LORENTZENWed Sep 05 1990 22:1514
    Your 1911A1 questions would be quickly answered over in the Firearms
    Note and/or there are quite comprehensive books available.  
    Since your GM (Government Model) is an A1 it has the curved mainspring
    housing on the back of the grip which places it somewhere after WWI.
    Remington Rand as well as Colt and others manufactured many GMs for
    WWII.  The serial number combined with the manufacturer's name should
    allow the date to be determined.
    You didn't state your intentions but I urge you to not make the same
    mistake that I did with my 1911 (WWI vintage).  Keep it original and
    do not have it refinished.  Just imagine the history it might have!
54.8Thanks, and a tip-o-the hat to ...ASDS::AIKENOld P2-V Neptunes never die.Fri Sep 07 1990 23:567
    Thanks for the info. I now know more about it than I did. I'll also ask
    the question again in the Firearms conference.
54.9Still Shootin'AKOCOA::LORENTZENThu Jul 11 1991 19:0725
    Here it is, almost time for the National Championships at Camp Perry
    again.  How time flies!  Are any of you planning to make the trek this
    I was fortunate to be selected to shoot on the Army Reserve 94th ARCOM
    Highpower Rifle Team this year.  We kicked off the season in April by
    competing at the First Army matches at Quantico Marine Base in
    Virginia.  The ranges there are impeccable (what else would we expect
    from our Marine buddies?) and very well equipped.  The team flew down
    on commercial aircraft from Boston, arriving at National Airport in
    Washington, DC, where we rented three small vans for the team and all
    the gear.  You should have seen the looks and attention we received
    going through the airports with our equipment and weapons (cased, of
    course)!  Quarters were provided in barracks on the base and meals 
    were covered by per diem.  Match ammunition was issued each day on
    the range.  We were there for four days and finished up in the middle
    of the pack at the end.  I was told that in years past the team had
    done much worse so the ARCOM Commander, General Stone, was quite
    pleased.  That means we can get more funding next fiscal year!
    Well, I could ramble on about this but you get the picture.  Has anyone
    else been doing any shooting?