T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
327.2 | Let me edit a little | GRANMA::MWANNEMACHER | | Wed Mar 08 1989 12:28 | 11 |
| RE: .0 Sorry you've had a bad experience. My version goes like
Love is reality created by God.
Marriage is a reality created by love.
Divorce is an allusion created by lawyers to destroy both
of the above.
327.3 | ahem | BSS::BLAZEK | Dancing with My Self | Wed Mar 08 1989 14:56 | 2 |
| Lawyers destroy love? I don't think so.
327.5 | | COMET::BERRY | Annie are you ok, Are you ok ANNIE! | Thu Mar 09 1989 11:59 | 5 |
ALF - "I want to speak to a lawyer."
ANGEL - "This is heaven. There are no lawyers here."
327.6 | Random stuff | TLE::FISHER | Work that dream and love your life. | Thu Mar 09 1989 12:43 | 10 |
Since we are all "just thinking"...
I don't think god (if he/she/it exists) created women to be stupid.
I also think that a marriage based only on love will fail. I love a
lot of people; I don't marry a lot of people.
327.7 | definition of love | NEXUS::M_ROBSON | News item from the Banzia Institute | Thu Mar 09 1989 14:32 | 13 |
re .-1
> I also think that a marriage based only on love will fail. I love a
> lot of people; I don't marry a lot of people.
I guess that depends on what you define love to be. I don't believe
that a marriage can survive unless it is based on love.
327.8 | L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L7L77L | GRANMA::MWANNEMACHER | | Thu Mar 09 1989 15:23 | 4 |
| Mark, I agree. I think it's a matter of how you have your priorities
set up.
327.9 | Thoughts on love and on relationships | TLE::FISHER | Work that dream and love your life. | Thu Mar 09 1989 18:08 | 37 |
>> I also think that a marriage based only on love will fail. I love a
>> lot of people; I don't marry a lot of people.
The keyword for me is "only." I didn't mean to imply that folks in
relationships don't need love. I think they do.
It's just that commitment and shared paths/goals are as important to
me as love. (To me, "shared paths/goals" means that people thinking
of coupling should be interesting in heading in the same direction in
life, not with conflicting dreams and goals.)
I have heard some people define "love" so that it kind of includes the
basic principles of commitment and shared paths/goals. However, it has
been really helpful for me to separate these two things from "love,"
so that I can pay close attention to what holds my relationships
together. For me, to say "love is all I need," causes me to lose
focus on all the "components of love" that need work in order to keep
a relationship going. It's too easy for me to get all glassy eyed
over some vague notion of "love" while forgetting to work on
commitment or to seek someone with the same goals/paths as me.
From my dictionary: Love Intense affection and warm feeling for
Where is the commitment in the definition? Where is the shared vision
of the future? It ain't there. For me, loving someone is not the same
thing as choosing someone headed in my direction or making a
rock-solid commitment to be their life's partner. To me, love is a
separate component. Love is just the foundation. You can't live in a
foundation, though.
I guess I'm very anti "Love will keep us together" or "all you need is
love." Every time I hear couples say things like that, I say a little
prayer for them. I'm choosing another path (again).
327.10 | ...more stuff | TLE::FISHER | Work that dream and love your life. | Thu Mar 09 1989 18:16 | 25 |
I forgot to mention the fourth component that I am looking for to
start a relationship: love, compatibility, shared path/goals, and
I think compatibility is important. I have deeply loved people I
couldn't live with because of compatibility problems (my sister comes
to mind). It's just that I don't think that compatibility can be
"worked on" or modified like love (it can grow, right?), shared goals,
and commitment. From my perspective, it's kind of there or it isn't.
To me, the notion of shared paths is summed up in the Jim Croce song,
"I've Got a Name," when he says:
I've got a dream.
Oh, I know I can share it if you want me to.
If you're going my way,
I'll go with you.
I don't see the sense of trying to marry someone who is headed down a
different road.
327.11 | It's great for those who have it | JAIMES::GODIN | This is the only world we have | Fri Mar 10 1989 16:25 | 33 |
| Continuation of "just thinking" --
Ger, I think you've got something there (your last several replies).
May I quote a yellowed newspaper clipping I carry in my wallet (without
permission from the author, of course):
"Dear Ann Landers: In regard to the 17-year-old who is confused
because her 40-year-old aunt insisted, 'There is no such thing as
love,' I have this to offer:
"I was divorced at 23, widowed at 48, and am now married again to
a fine man. I have been in love, and I have been loved, but never
have I been loved by the man I was in love with.
"I settled for home and family, security and companionship because
there was nothing else. Love just never worked for me. But I am
not complaining. I know what I have, and I am satisfied. I also
know how much more I might have had if love had existed on both
sides at the same time.
"To love and be loved is the richest of all blessings. Deep down
I will always feel I missed out on the most magical experience of
humankind. -- Wish It Could Have Been for Me
"Dear Wish: I wonder how many married people (men as well as women)
will see themselves in my column today? Millions, you can be sure.
Those of you who are loved by the ones you love are indeed the
luckiest people in the world. Take care of it. It's precious."
How true!
327.12 | more | GRANMA::MWANNEMACHER | | Mon Mar 13 1989 19:43 | 6 |
| I know I am one of the lucky ones. When I met my wife, my goals
were changed. I agree that love is the foundation, but to me it
is the reason we do what we do.
327.13 | Love Stinks until you Know what it eans | FDCV06::THOMPSON | Always Dreaming | Fri Mar 17 1989 04:15 | 14 |
| To quote the J. Giels band "Love Stinks"
If your not in love it stinks.
If you love and are not loved it stinks.
If you are one of the lucky ones that have both then have a nice
life and I wish you the best....
Re .9 <I'm very Anti "Love will keep us together">
327.14 | More ramblings | PICV01::STRONBERG | | Thu Mar 23 1989 15:49 | 11 |
Love and commitment are, to me, like the two circles in a Venn
Only at the point of overlap is "ideal" we were brought up
to believe in.
From my experience, relationships can fall anywhere on that