| IPPONE (Independent Practitioners & Promoters Of New England) Karate Tourament Schedule
Now - July 97
March 8 7th Vermont Nationals, Brattleboro, VT. SKI rating BBB
Points: ** Contact: Dennis Rouleau or Deborah Holly 802-257-0720
March 16 7th Annual Central Mass Open, Gardner, Ma. NASHKA/BBB Rated.
Points: ** Contact: Tony Gould 508-874-5803
March 22 17th Annual Huard's Battle of Maine. Winslow, ME. SKI AA Rated.
Points: **** Contact: Randy Huard 207-873-0407
April 13 20th Annual TAO Open, Agusta, ME. NBLA or AA Rated.
Points: ***** Contact: Jeff Wood 207-623-2807
April 19 Cape Cod Nationals. PKL A, AKL A Rated
Points: ***** Contact: Eric Cruz 508-295-0715
April 26 Worcester Classic - Worcester MA,
Points: ** Contact: Wayne Mello 508-537-3697
May 10 Master Brent Crisci's USA Nationals. NBL/SKI Rated.
Points: ** Contact: Brent Crisci 207-621-0770
July 19 Green Mountain Karate Challenge, Rutland, VT. SKI Rating
Points: *** Contact Mark or Becky Stockton 802-773-9241
| 7th Annual Central Mass Open Karate Championships
March 16, 1997
Gardner High School, Gardner, MA
Sponsored By: Gould's Tae Kwon Do
Entrance Fee: $30 one or more events if pre-registered by March 10, 1997
($40 at the door).
Spectators: $5/Adult, $3/Child, Seniors - Free
For more info call: Anthony Gould at 508-874-5803
Directions: Head to Gardner Mass and take Rt 140 to Rt 101 South.
There is a set of lights at the intersection of routes
101 and 140. Take Rt 101 south (Pearl St). Go past
Dunn's Pond (State Park) and watch for a flashing yellow light
and a "Gardner High Shool (GHS) - Home of the Wildcats" sign
on your left. Turn right at the yellow light/sign. GHS is
at the end of this road.
------------------------------RT 12------------------------------------
/ \
RT 68 / \
\ Green St/ \ Rt 140
\ / GHS \
\ / | \ o lights
RT 101-------------------O-----------\--------------RT 101----------
| / Pearl St \
| \/ Elm St \
| \ \
| \ \
/ Pearson Blvd\ \
| \ \
-----O------------------O----RT 2---------------------|----------------
| | | |
| | |
RT 68 Gardner MA | Westminster MA |
Rt 140