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Conference orarep::nomahs::repository

Title:Oracle CDD/Repositorynce
Notice:Current versions are V7.0-01 and V6.1-03eld Test 3
Created:Thu Jan 21 1993
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1094
Total number of notes:4913

1061.0. "DECForms giving CDDEXTRACT error" by M5::GHODSON () Tue Mar 04 1997 19:46


I just talked to a customer, Ray Laliberte, with this problem, see note
    1053.0 which he entered here last month.

He has an applicaion that uses DECforms and Rdb and CDD.

The applicaion works on these two systems:

   VAX:  OpenVMS 6.1, DECForms 2.0-5, CDD 5.3, RDB 6.1

   AXP:  OpenVMS 6.2, DECForms 2.1B, CDD 5.3, Rdb 6.1-0

It fails on this system:

   AXP:  OpenVMS 7.1, DECForms 2.1B, CDD 7.0, Rdb 6.1-1

      - it also failed on this system with CDD 5.3.

The DECForms code copies the forms from CDD using both:

         copy ... from dictionary

and also

         copy cdd$top.record. ...

On the system that fails, what happens is it successfully finds
the first form from CDD using the "copy ... from dictionary"
but fails to fine the rest of the forms giving this error:

       %FORMS-E-CDDEXTRACT, error extracting record ... from CDD/Plus

If he switches the order of the copies so that it copies what was
his second form first, then it copies this new first form and gets
the above error on the subsequent copies.  

He had 30+ copy statments using "copy ... from dictionary" so the
compile exceeded the error count and aborted before trying the
"copy cdd$top.record..."  copies, so he does not know if these
would have worked.

When this was failing, he had this definition:

    define/sys/exec cdd$default cdd$top.record

When he changed this to be

    define/sys/exec cdd$default sys$common:[cddpus]record

then all of the "copy ... from dictionary" succeeded on the compile.
And the first "copy cdd$top.record..." succeeded.  But the 
rest of the "copy cdd$top.record..." failed with this

My questions are:

 -   The only version differences between the two alphas are the one
     that works has vms 6.2 and rdb 6.1-0 and the one that doesn't 
     work has vms 7.1 and rdb 6.1-1.  What in this difference would
     affect CDD?

 -   If we elevate this as a potential bug, what more information would
     be needed?

The customer earlier entered this same question in note 1053.0 and also
has already talked to CDD engineering about this problem.

Thanks for any help.
--Gary Hodson
1061.1RPSTRY::MITCHNECKWed Mar 05 1997 10:333
Do they have CDD$TOP defined as a logical?  If so, what is its definition?
It certainly looks suspicious that the failures go away when CDD$TOP is not
1061.2More information...M5::GHODSONWed Mar 05 1997 14:3431
    I talked to the customer again.  He saind that they do not have a
    cdd$top logical.  Also he was experimenting and found that the 
    following worked:
       He redefined cdd$default to be
          $ define/sys/exec cdd$default _cdd$top.records
    instead of just "cdd$top.records" and then changed his copies that used 
    to be
    then both the
           copy ... from dictionary
    and the
           copy cdd$compatibility.records...
    worked fine and the application compiles.  Does this sound like some
    strangeness with VMS 7.1?  This is the same repository and the
    same VMS logical definitions that he has on the VMS 6.2 system
    where everything works.
1061.3Info for bugM5::GHODSONThu Mar 06 1997 15:19150
Here is a detailed explaination of the problem.  The bug # 462131 
references this note.
The applicaion uses DECforms and Rdb and CDD.

The applicaion works on these two systems:

   VAX:  OpenVMS 6.1, DECForms 2.0-5, CDD 5.3, RDB 6.1

   AXP:  OpenVMS 6.2, DECForms 2.1B, CDD 5.3, Rdb 6.1-0

It fails on this system:

   AXP:  OpenVMS 7.1, DECForms 2.1B, CDD 7.0, Rdb 6.1-1

      - it also failed on this system with CDD 5.3.

The DECForms code copies the forms from CDD using both:

         copy ... from dictionary

and also

         copy cdd$top.record. ...

On the system that fails, what happens is it successfully finds
the first form from CDD using the "copy ... from dictionary"
but fails to fine the rest of the forms giving this error:

       %FORMS-E-CDDEXTRACT, error extracting record ... from CDD/Plus

If he switches the order of the copies so that it copies what was
his second form first, then it copies this new first form and gets
the above error on the subsequent copies.  

He had 30+ copy statments using "copy ... from dictionary" so the
compile exceeded the error count and aborted before trying the
"copy cdd$top.record..."  copies, so he does not know if these
would have worked.

When this was failing, he had this definition:

    define/sys/exec cdd$default cdd$top.record

When he changed this to be

    define/sys/exec cdd$default sys$common:[cddpus]record

then all of the "copy ... from dictionary" succeeded on the compile.
And the first "copy cdd$top.record..." succeeded.  But the 
rest of the "copy cdd$top.record..." failed with this

The system does not have a CDD$TOP logical defined.  Also, the repository
is a duplicate of the one on the Alpha VMS 6.2 system, which works.    

Here is a workaround that the customer has found:    

    He redefined cdd$default to be
          $ define/sys/exec cdd$default _cdd$top.records
    instead of just "cdd$top.records" and then changed his copies that used 
    to be
    then both the
           copy ... from dictionary
    and the
           copy cdd$compatibility.records...
    worked fine and the application compiles.  

The application has many forms so that this workaround would be a major
effort to implement.  

Here is more information sent in by the customer:

   Problem report translating DECForms using CDD running on ALPHA VMS V7.1

Can't compile ACTION.IFDL using ALPHA VMS V7.1
                                FORMS V2.1B
                                CDD V7.0 or V5.3
                                RDB V6.1-1

Build procedure defines CDD$DEFAULT to be CDD$TOP.RECORDS
CDD$DICTIONARY SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]      ! this is where the CDD.DIC file is 
                                        ! old cdd way of storing records

Trying to compile the form below the will produce an error on the

    6          END COPY
%FORMS-E-CDDEXTRACT, error extracting record CGSA_CODES_REC from CDD/Plus.

If you reverse the records then the error is on the 

We have no problems compiling on the a VAX VMS V6.1
                                       FORMS V2.0-5
                                       CDD  V5.3
                                       RDB V6.0-15

Also I have tried to compile this on another ALPHA system VMS V6.2
with no problems.                                         FORMS 2.1B or V1.4-?
                                                          CDD v5.3
                                                          RDB V6.1

Form Data       /* rms/cdd record definitions */
End Data

    Layout VT_LAYOUT
                Type %VT100
        End Device
        Size 24 Lines by 80 Columns

        Viewport TEMP
            Lines 1 Through 24
            Columns 1 Through 80
        End Viewport
        Panel NEW_ONE
            Viewport TEMP
        End Panel
    End Layout
End Form

1061.4related to DATATRIEVE installation 8292::PJACOBPatrick JACOB-pjacob@fr.oracle.comMon Apr 28 1997 09:119
    Hi Gary,
    Why were they copying from CDD$TOP? Was it DMU objects ? 
    Anyway, reading the bug it appears that the problem occurred when
    DATATRIEVE was installed without CDD. Reinstalling DATATRIEVE with CDD
    fixed the problem.