Title: | Captive Breeding for Conservation--and FUN! |
Notice: | INTROS 6.X / FOR SALE 13.X / Buying a Bird 900.* |
Moderator: | VIDEO::PULSIFER |
Created: | Mon Oct 10 1988 |
Last Modified: | Tue Jun 03 1997 |
Last Successful Update: | Fri Jun 06 1997 |
Number of topics: | 942 |
Total number of notes: | 6016 |
In the back of Bird Talk I saw an advertisement for gender determination via means of "poop a scoop". Collecting a fecal sample seems so much easier than blood sexing or sugrical sexing. Has anyone tried this method or does anyone know whether or not it really works? I have no intention of breeding Taco but it would be nice to know what (he or she) is. Jeanne
T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
790.1 | Try Nancy Storey | VAXUUM::COMPTON | Linda DTN381-0687 ZKO1-2/C21 | Thu Jul 15 1993 16:28 | 3 |
I have discussed this method with Nancy Storey, in Danville, NH. She has some experience using it. She can be reached afternoons at 603/382-5720. /LC |