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Title: | Captive Breeding for Conservation--and FUN! |
Notice: | INTROS 6.X / FOR SALE 13.X / Buying a Bird 900.* |
Moderator: | VIDEO::PULSIFER |
Created: | Mon Oct 10 1988 |
Last Modified: | Tue Jun 03 1997 |
Last Successful Update: | Fri Jun 06 1997 |
Number of topics: | 942 |
Total number of notes: | 6016 |
632.0. "biting, behavioral incidents" by AIRG::TINA () Tue Nov 26 1991 13:44
have you had biting, behavioral incidents with your feathered 'friend'?
i have; and i haven't much liked it either.
my little baby bird, CHEWY (somehow i knew when i named him that would
be a good name for him), has taken to sins of the flesh -- BITING.
my little precious has become much less precious to my hubby. he does
the war walk everytime my hubby comes near, and if i am holding him and
my hubby comes near, he bites me (i know -- displaced aggression -- isn't
he cute?).
in general, he intimidates EVERYONE so no one wants to play with this
once cute little bird but me. needless to say and luckily i think, he
is bonding to me (so went the regurgitating on me for the first time at
a work party i had -- isn't he cute?)
so what is the problem? in his infinite cuteness, he bites on
me too. but me, being the level-headed person i am, grabs his beak and
puts him back in his cage to initiate the punishment for the crime he
has commited and to hopefully prevent him from biting again.
he has been wild lately (but he is just a pup i say 7 mos old). my
opinion is that he is just going through beaking (teething). i believe
that if i stick to the punishment immediately after the heinous crime,
he will chill out after a while. which brings me to my question.
if i am correct and this is just a 'beaking' stage, then all birds go
through it. did yours? what did you do during this stage?
i tried something new that i thought might change these behavioral
incidents. the cockatiels' cages use to be right next to my pet. i
moved them for several reasons. the most important was the war dance
he did on top of their cage intimidating them to screams of horror.
then i moved a mirror behind his cages. it had an immediate affect.
he began to coooo to the new image he saw in the mirror.
he still loves for da' mama to come and pick him up even though i take
him away from his new friend, but he HATES it when da' mama puts him
back! he growls and bites, recently breaking my skin (i was less
level-headed when that happened).
anyway share your tales of wo with me. how did you get through this
toddler stage?
T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
632.1 | did i mention... | AIRG::TINA | | Tue Nov 26 1991 13:46 | 2 |
did i mention that 'chewy' is a red-lored amazon?
632.2 | | AXIS::PHANEUF | | Wed Nov 27 1991 14:37 | 20 |
Hi, sounds like my Marley...remember me the other red lored
owner?? sounds like what i went though, and still do at times..
i put him in a towel and brought him into the bathroom and talk
soft and relax myself for about 10 minutes-- this seems to do the
trick....but he will still sometimes bite my ear if he's on my
shoulder and someone comes near us, which is suppose to be like
a warning or danger, danger...he seems to be taking a liking to
any male person that comes over lately..My blue and gold also
does not like anyone to come near us either, as a matter of fact
a friend of my was visiting me the other day and she got down
from her cage and chased them out of HER livingroom..
they sure can get bonded to you huh?
good luck,
hope some of this helps --
632.3 | A lttle nibble here -- | CSOA1::DIRRMAN | | Wed Nov 27 1991 15:18 | 11 |
I thought that was normal behavior! My Congo Grey does the same
thing and the Blue Crowned conure - - don't even look at him if he
(she) is on my husbands shoulder! 2 out of the 5 tiels are very
territorial and protective of either my husband or me. The other 3
tiels are protective of their cages. My Grey got me real good on the
ear two days ago because I was not paying attention to him but
listening to friends. Usually he is Very Gentle!
Like I said - I thought that was normal behavior!