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Conference nyoss1::market_investing

Title:Market Investing
Created:Thu Jan 23 1992
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1060
Total number of notes:10477

875.0. "Non-Profit Orgs ??" by SWAM1::KIRBY_KR () Wed Jun 14 1995 17:36

    I did a title search and could not find a note on non-profit
    organizations.  I have a few questions.
    Can a non-profit company sell stock to the public?  Would the share
    holders realize any kind of return?  What would the revenue flow be 	
    of a non-profit company?  What does the company do if it has a surplus
    of revenue at the end of the year?
    Any help would be appreciated.
875.1HmmmmmmMARIN::DODGEWed Jun 14 1995 19:3324
    There are lots of *Non-Profit* companies that are public.  Up until
    recently Digital was a non-profit company.
    I assume you mean companies who make no attempt at a profit and are
    classified as non profit.  I don't know for sure if they can go public
    or not.  I can't think of any examples.
    However, Non Profits can organize as a corporation.  Corporations have
    owners.  Owners could potenially be stockholders.  Non profits can
    accumulate huge assets, they just can't make a profit.  So, there may
    be someone somewhere who wants to buy a share in a non profit for the
    asset play.
    An example just came to mind.  One of the Investor newsletter
    organizations, I think it is AAII, was set up as a non profit in order
    to qualify for the very low postal rates offered to non profits.  
    The non profit pays HUGE mangement fees to a separate FOR profit
    corporation.  I think the non profit owns the newsletter and the
    mailing list, etc.  There is a lot of value there, but very few ways
    to get at it.
    Interesting question..... I never stopped to think about it.
875.2HDLITE::SCHAFERMark Schafer, Alpha Developer's supportFri Jun 16 1995 16:414
    "a surplus of revenue"  How do you show this on a balance sheet?  I
    don't have an annual report from a non-profit handy.