T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
102.15 | Saddlebred Breeders / NE area | KRYPTN::RUSHTON | | Fri Feb 13 1987 15:57 | 1 |
| Does anyone know of anybody that breeds American Saddlebreds?
102.16 | Bobbin Hollow Farm | UCOUNT::WALKER | | Sun Feb 15 1987 18:42 | 7 |
| Bobbin Hollow Farm
Box 460, Bay Road
Amherst, MA
(413) 253-3578
Woody and Louise Henry
102.17 | American Saddlebreds - NH | SQM::MURPHY | Is it Friday yet? | Thu Feb 19 1987 19:45 | 11 |
| Hawkewood Farm
Old Hunt Rd.
So. Danville, NH
Linda M. Weber
Linda breeds, trains and shows American Saddlebreds. I am planning
to breed my mare to one of her stallions this Spring.
102.18 | | USSCSL::IZZO | Ann Izzo...DTN: 255-5377 | Fri Feb 20 1987 12:59 | 9 |
| I have a friend named Abbott Wilson here in Connecticut who is a
well-respected trainer of Saddlebreds. Because he has just moved,
I don't have a number/address handy...but I'll get more info and
get back to you. If all else fails I will see him March 10 and
can get back to you then.
Good luck!
102.19 | | USSCSL::IZZO | Ann Izzo...DTN: 255-5377 | Fri Feb 20 1987 13:01 | 9 |
| Forgot to mention that there's a guy down here breeding National
Show Horses who also advertises Saddlebreds. He should be avoided
at all costs.
I will not mention his name here, but if you'd like to contact me
off-line I'll gladly give you his name and the reasons for avoiding
102.20 | AMERICAN SADDLEBREDS | MILVAX::NICKERSON | | Wed Mar 04 1987 18:42 | 4 |
| I live in Sterling and I know of a couple of people who raise both
Saddlebreds and National Show horses. If you are interested, give
me a call at home 422-7412 in the evenings.
102.1 | Southern Saddlebred Enthusiast | MMO01::GREENWOOD | | Mon Jan 18 1988 17:26 | 14 |
| Nice to hear from someone with so much interest in Saddlebreds.
My name is Doug Greenwood, I am a sales rep here in Little Rock,
AR. I have shown saddlebreds, hackneys, and standardbreds
competitively since I was 12. I am heavily involved in showing
hackneys, and standardbreds, and in the process of searching
for my wife a nice fine harness horse to show. My parents currently
breed and raise about 10 American Saddlebred colts a year, and
currently stand our stud at Paul Fagan's in Texarkana, TX. (John
Shea trains some of our hackney's.)
All together we have approximately 80 saddlebreds and hackneys (About
20 are show stock). I would be very interested to see future notes
of interest on American saddlebreds, it appears you would certainly be able
to provide topics of interest with your background.
102.2 | I have three ASBs in St. Louis, MO | MDVAX1::HILDEBRAND | | Thu Jan 21 1988 21:13 | 31 |
| Hello fellow MidWesterners. I wonder if we have been in the show
ring together. I have been showing Saddlebreds for 11 years. I
started at Lindenwood College in St. Charles, MO as a freshmen.
Parents didn't have enough money to buy me a show horse so I got
thoroughly bit while I was at college and my husband now accuses
me of only working to support my three show horse habbit. I am
a do-it-yourselfer but am contimplating putting my four year old
black, Night Prowler colt (17-2 hands) with Virgil Helm. He showed
last year at the Pleasure Horse Show in Springfield as a three year
Rob Byers did not like big black babies. I also have a three time
Missouri state Country Pleasure gelding named Freedom Fox who
came from a pig farm in Illinois---former owner Velma Wise.
My other horse is a gutsy, much loved three-gaited Johnny Gillen
pleasure mare named Penelope Gillen. She has been a MO state champion and
won the ASB National Show Western Pleasure championship in 1986.
Her big problem in life is that she doesn't think walk is a valid
gait. Not to wonderful for a pleasure horse. I think the
author of 483.0 may be familiar with her full brother, Captain
Gillen who is in Wisconsin. I dearly love the breed and think there
is nothing more beautiful than a Saddlebred, but I get really sick
of the politics and a lot of classes being decided on who your
trainer is and who you know and of course, how much you advertise.
That is probably why I stay in the Pleasure ranks and don't have
a gaited horse or a walk-trot because even though they have
gotten bad, they aren't quite as bad yet.
I'd enjoy hearing from other ASB people. I sometimes think we are
a very rare breed.
old and did very well for his first time in a show ring. So Rob
102.3 | RE .3 | MDVAX1::HILDEBRAND | | Thu Jan 21 1988 21:17 | 9 |
| I am having problems with be dial up terminal at home.
First, RE .3, my name is Paula Hildebrand and the last line
of the previous reply should be inserted after the black,
Night Prowler colt line and before the Rob Byers line. It
might make more sense that way.
102.4 | | CHGV04::LEECH | DTN:421-5623 Chicago, Ill. RLO | Fri Jan 22 1988 15:03 | 14 |
| What you say about the winners of the big shows depending on who
your trainer is, the politics and advertising is also true of the
Quarter Horse industry. This years World Champion All-around horse
Rugged Lark is owened by a person that was one of the judges at
last years show. I got out of the Quarter Horse show ring several
years ago because of this. Now I just ride for fun and go to the
shows to watch. The lady that owns the barn that I board at shows
Q/H's at the "A" leval and she spends a small fortune on advertising
and training fees so that she can show from an "in" barn. This
type of showing is no fun for me so I bought a Throughbred filly
and have been having a good time just riding trails and working
with her.
102.5 | a lil' off the subject but... | BAUCIS::MATTHEWS | qualified 4 the palomino world show 1985,86,87 | Fri Jan 22 1988 16:03 | 9 |
RE.4 i agree with you i too got out of the aqha circiut because
of all the politics, problem was i enjoy* showing.
i had a palomino and the qh judges would place her , but very low.
so i got into palomino we get our points we work so hard for.
and i refuse to show aqha in n.e.
102.6 | Excuse an aside | STAR::BRANDENBERG | Writing Quality Software For Over 40,996,800,000 Ticks. | Sat Jan 23 1988 05:47 | 5 |
| re:.2 I'm curious... I learned to ride in that area: at Jerry
Vohnsen's (sp?) barn and I believe they were associated with Lindenwood
(at least at the time I was there). Are you familiar with the place?
102.7 | Jerry and Kraft Vohsen | MDVAX1::HILDEBRAND | | Tue Jan 26 1988 13:14 | 19 |
| Monty---
Lindenwood used to hold both their Winter Hunter-Jumper show at
Jerry and Kraft Vohsen's stable and their Spring American
Saddlebred Show. The actual name of the place was Daniel
Boone Arena. Kraft specialized in stock horses and Jerry
in hunt seat. I used to haul my mare and gelding over there
in the evenings during the winter when it was too cold or
too wet to work outside. The place closed and was torn
down a year ago to make room for condos. Kraft was 65 and
decided it was time to take life a little easier. I am
also the show manager for three basically Saddlebred horse
shows in the St. Louis area that I used to hold over at
Daniel Boone Arena. Are you familiar with Emerald View and
Ruth and RS Palmer? They are still in the area and my colt
is boarded at Emerald View. Horse Palace is now the only
indoor facility in the St. Louis area that is available
for small horse shows and is next to impossible to find
available time to lease. We definitely miss Jerry and Kraft.
102.8 | ASHA Annual Convention | NCMWVX::MAYR | | Wed Feb 17 1988 13:02 | 8 |
| The ASHA (American Saddlebred Horse Association) is holding the
1988 Annual Membership Meeting in Chicago on Friday-Sunday, February
26-28th. (First time it's been held outside of the hallowed
fields of Kentucky during this century!!!!!) I'm planning to go
for the day on Saturday, since I can drive it in about 2-1/2 hours.
Anybody else planning to go?
102.9 | Show Ring Politics, cont. | NCMWVX::MAYR | | Wed Feb 17 1988 13:14 | 29 |
| Re .2 --- Politics
Paula, you're ABSOLUTELY right about politics in the show ring.
That's been obvious from the time I got involved with the breed,
but it became increasingly so after having worked in the ASHA
office for several years.
This has been the subject of MANY discussions in the office,
Charter Club meetings, the Board of Director's meetings, barns and
anywhere else show people congregate. This is one of the major
reasons that the Association has put so much emphasis on including
at least one amateur judge on 3-judge panels. Having been in center
ring during several large shows that included an amateur judge,
and hearing some of the discussion between classes, I can tell you
that it does, indeed, have some effect.
The Illinois ASB Charter Club (IASPHA) makes a special effort to
hire "new", "young" and/or "qualified amateur" judges for 3 one-day
all-pleasure shows each year. One of the things we ask judges to
do, where time permits, is tell several exhibitors in each class
why they were placed as they were --- what things they may have
been penalized. Our exhibitors REALLY appreciate it! They may
not always agree, but at least they've heard a reason for the placings.
Anybody else out there have any effective methods for de-politicizing
the show ring environment?
102.10 | RE .9 Q/H NUT | FREEBE::HUCKINS | | Tue May 17 1988 04:42 | 8 |
102.11 | | CSC32::M_HOEPNER | | Tue May 17 1988 16:55 | 23 |
| re: blown leads
Sometimes when you are judging you have the choice of pinning a
lovely horse which is a great mover of excellent quality. But the
horse picked up a wrong lead for a few steps. Another horses DOESN'T
take a wrong lead. But it moves like a pogo stick or a hog on ice.
Which horse has committed the worse fault?
The one that makes a minor bobble and corrects it? Or a horse that
consistently exhibits poor quality gaits and form? Or a horse that is
totally mannerly but doesn't fit the specifications for the class
(i.e., a blatantly western horse being ridden LIKE a western horse with
English tack in an English pleasure class)?
There have been MANY times I could understand why a judge pinned
a horse that made one mistake over other horses that just kind of
went along.
Anyone else have any comments pro or con?
Mary Jo
102.12 | hello | DASXPS::SANDLER | | Tue Jul 25 1989 17:21 | 10 |
| Hi,
I would love to get info on the Association. I just purchased a
15 year old Saddlebred and am in love with him. He was shown quite
extensively and did well. He's great around all levels and everyone
says we were blessed with such a great horse. My blacksmith says
that once you own one Saddlebred you'll want a barn full.
So let's hear from you...
102.13 | HELLO SADDLEBRED OWNERS! | SASE::WRIGHT_G | | Fri Sep 13 1991 14:44 | 25 |
| Hello Saddlebred owners,
Are you still out there?? We have three and they
are our pride and joy. 1 stallion, 1 mare and 1 gelding. Breeding is
from PEAVINE and BOURBON GENIUS. We live in NH and have owned
Saddlebreds for eight years. WE DO NOT SHOW these days , but do a
little breeding. We trail ride with our horses on four to eight hour
trips. We have just relocated from Vermont to NH so we have a whole
new set of trails to explore.
I'm curious about how the rest of the Saddlebred folks are doing these
days. The people I knew are no longer horse owners of any type. This
resession has taken it's toll along with with the tax changes that took
place a few years ago.
the tax changes a few yers ago.
102.14 | one here | PFSVAX::PETH | Critter kids | Mon Sep 16 1991 11:25 | 7 |
| Hi!
I became the proud owner of a four year old three gait gelding this
past April. This is my first experience with the breed but I was not
dissapointed. My goals for this horse include Dressage and trail
riding, he is of older Stonewall and Uptown Commander lines.
102.21 | Anyone Out There? | AIMHI::DANIELS | | Thu Jun 10 1993 19:39 | 5 |
| Anyone out there that's still involved in American Saddlebreds? I'm
getting the feeling that I'm about the only one not TSFOd (though that
could happen any day), that still is interested in Saddlebreds.
Tina D. Merrimack, NH
102.22 | Here..me! | CSOA1::AANESTIS | | Mon Jun 14 1993 21:02 | 8 |
| As a matter of fact I own a beautiful gelding of Supreme Sultan lines.
He is being trained as a dressage horse since he was not interested in
picking his feet up high enough to make it in the fine harness ring
like his dad, Take Heart(1989 amateur fine harnes world champ). It is
an interesting breed, though rather more excitable than the other
breeds I have owned in the past. He is much too smart for his own good!
Sandy A. Pittsburgh,PA