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Conference noted::bicycle

Title: Bicycling
Notice:Bicycling for Fun
Created:Mon Apr 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3214
Total number of notes:31946

2915.0. " Digital Team for Tour de Cure" by MKOTS3::BRASSLETT () Tue Mar 14 1995 17:04

                                 Tour de Cure              
                      A Day of Cycling to Beat Diabetes
                        American Diabetes Association

Ride date: Sunday, May 7 1995
Distance: 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles
Early registration fee (postmarked before 5/1): $15.00
Registration fee: $20.00
Late registration fee (5/7 only): $50.00
Phone # to register: 800-477-9579

The Tour de Cure is a one-day bicycle tour that raises money for the 
American Diabetes Association. It offers participants the choice of 25,
50, 75, and 100 mile routes. The route incorporates most of New 
Hampshire's scenic coastline, with the small towns and picturesque 
back roads that make cycling in New Hampshire such an invigorating 

We would like to form a Digital Team this year.  As a team, we can 
compete against other companies from the area in raising money for 
this worthy cause.  We may also qualify to win team and individual 
prizes, as well as just having a great time! So far I have 4 or 5
riders interested -- it would be nice to have 10 or so committed 
For those who would like to help but don't bicycle, the Tour also 
needs volunteers to help support the riders. The Tour de Cure 
brochures explain how to volunteer. And of course, everyone who rides 
needs people to sponsor them. So, please help in any way you can.

Choose your own route and pace, rain or shine.  There will be catered rest
stops and a welcome after-tour lunch (the Olive Garden is doing this year's
lunch). There will also be support for riders with sag wagons, mechanical 
repairs, and medical personnel.  ALL RIDERS MUST WEAR HELMETS.

You must raise a minimum of $50.00 in pledges to ride. You get a free T-shirt
with every pledge. Pledges totaling $100.00 or more get gift certificates (the
value increments the more you pledge; plus T-shirt) to the Land's End
catalog or Performance Bicycle.

Any questions?  Feel free to contact Derrick Brasslett @ DTN 264-4304 x1755.

2915.1I made a WWW home page for our efforts as wellUHUH::LUCIATim LuciaFri Mar 17 1995 19:549
I volunteered to help Derrick by being the ZKO contact, handling posters, etc.

There is a WWW page at the following URL.  As of right now, it's pretty bare.


2915.2We'll go!SOLVIT::MEREDITHanother hill? ughWed Mar 22 1995 13:274
    Ok, sign me and Nancy up (maybe 75....)
2915.3only NH ?ANGLIN::HARRISALunacy - the last resortWed Mar 22 1995 13:568
    is this "tour de cure" happening anywhere else in the country?
    haven't seen/heard of it yet in minnesota (land of the pledge rides).
    PS - i tried calling the 800# in .0, but cant dial it from here.
2915.4RE: .3 - Tour in States other than NH ..MKOTS3::BRASSLETTWed Mar 22 1995 15:1614
    I know that the Tour de Cure is something they have in states other
    than NH,  but I'm not sure if there is a Tour in Minnesota.  Best bet
    would be to contact your local chapter of the American Diabetes
    Association.  Call 800-TOUR-888 and you will be routed to the local
    office, they will know.
    Best of luck,
2915.5ANGLIN::HARRISALunacy - the last resortWed Mar 22 1995 15:344
    guess its not in minnesota - the number in .3 is not currently
    available in my area.
2915.6Try the national number .5EST::SPERBERWed Mar 29 1995 17:267
    I don't have the number on me at the moment but tomorrow I can post the
    national ADA 800 number.  I just got up here from Ohio, where I had 
    received a pamphlet in the mail about the Tour de Cure, and when I had
    called the national number they were able to tell me where the events
    are being held.
2915.7no ride in MNANGLIN::HARRISALunacy - the last resortWed Mar 29 1995 17:549
    well, i called the ADA in MN and they are not sponsering a "tour de
    cure" ride in MN this year. the lady said that there wer too many
    problems with it last year.   
    oh well, i'm already doing a pledge ride for ALA, so that might be
    enough for this year.
2915.8CTHQ::CEDRONEDave Cedrone, ITMS Business Mgr. @LKGMon Apr 03 1995 14:1615
    Pointer needed.
    My 15 year old son plans to ride in the Tour De Cure. His interest in
    cycling is new and I'm trying to find appropriate events to encourage
    his continued development.
    I'm trying to lear more about "youth riding clubs", summer bicycling
    camps, or other appropriate tours for a person his age. He did a
    bicycling camp on the Cape last summer, and did the Round Quabbin ride
    last Fall. He is a novice, but very interested and a pretty mature
    young guy.
    Any pointers would be much appreciated.
2915.9Youth Touring CompanyAIMHI::DANIELSMon Apr 03 1995 19:186
    There is a bicycling touring company in Henniker, NH, right on the main
    drag.  I can't remember the name, BUT, they only do tours for young to
    older teenagers.  From what I heard, they come highly recommended and
    have been in business for about 20 years.  If you called information
    for Henniker, NH, or the chamber of commerce up there, they would be
    able to get the name for you.
2915.10CTHQ::CEDRONEDave Cedrone, ITMS Business Mgr. @LKGWed Apr 05 1995 13:404
    Thanks. My Son made contact with them through a Bike store in Henniker.
    They are sending him info through the mail.
2915.11Mass. team forming. June 4, 1995.MPGS::FARRELLThu Apr 13 1995 16:4713
    There's a Tour De Cure team forming here in Shrewsbury, MA for the
    Massachusetts Tour.  Date is June 4, and the team is planning to
    undertake the Marshfield, MA, ride.  Distances are 25, 50, and 100km. 
    So far, I believe that eight people are signed up for the team.  I'm
    not sure what the distances are those eight are interested in.  I'm
    planning to at least do the 50 km, maybe the 100 km if I feel fit
    If you're interested, let me know off line and I'll put you in touch
    with the team organizer.
2915.12UHUH::LUCIAMy other car is a CannondaleThu Apr 13 1995 17:544
km or miles?  The NH Tour is 25/50 or 100 MILES...

Just curious,
2915.13ROCKS::ROBINSONTwitching the night away...Tue Apr 18 1995 10:362
    Re -1. 
    Read the base note.
2915.14NOVA::FISHERnow |a|n|a|l|o|g|Tue Apr 18 1995 11:144
    I believe he did read the base note and reply .11 and therefore
    was asking about the accuracy of .11.
2915.15UHUH::LUCIAMy other car is a CannondaleTue Apr 18 1995 13:101
Right.  There is clearly a descrepancy with the units (Miles vs. Kilometers).
2915.16ApologiesROCKS::ROBINSONTwitching the night away...Wed Apr 19 1995 11:513
    Ah, I see. Sorry.
2915.17UHUH::LUCIAMy other car is a CannondaleThu Apr 20 1995 13:151
Well, which is it?
2915.18From the StorageWorks Tour de Cure mail...SUBSYS::DCARRFri Apr 21 1995 12:545
    From the mail message we got here in Storage, the route lengths for
    Marshfield are 16, 32 and 62 miles. I don't have my handy dandy km<->miles
    converter handy...  :-)

2915.19NOVA::FISHERnow |a|n|a|l|o|g|Fri Apr 21 1995 13:103
    looks like 25, 50 and 100 km.
2915.20Tour de Cure in MassachusettsNETCAD::FORSBERGNIPG, Hub Products GroupThu Apr 27 1995 19:4014
    I beleve that the Massachusetts Tours are as follows:
         21-MAY   Needham
          4-JUN   Danvers, Marshfield
         11-JUN   South Hadley
    All are 25, 50, or 100 km.  I personally would like them to have
    a 100-mile ride as well.
    I'm presently signed up for 4-JUN in Marshfield and 11-JUN in South 
    Hadley.  Two friends (one from DEC) will be joining me at each.