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Conference noted::bicycle

Title: Bicycling
Notice:Bicycling for Fun
Created:Mon Apr 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3214
Total number of notes:31946

803.0. "Trek 1000 vs Specialized Sirrus" by WLDWST::BARTLETT (I'm the only native Californian I know!) Mon Aug 01 1988 10:23

         	I've been shopping around for a good road bike - a
         bike that I could train on, do some touring on, and even do
         some commuting on (the traffic out here is terrible - as if
         you haven't heard!).  My main emphasis is on training right
         now - for fitness.

         	After doing some test riding I've narrowed my choice
         down to two bikes - the Specialized Sirrus and the Trek 1000.
         If I had to take my pick right now I would pick the Trek 1000
         because of it's "cush" ride and all around good handling (Al
         bonded frame - very nice).  However, I have heard nothing but
         good things about the Sirrus.  It handles just as nice and 
         has better componentry (wrong on this?).  

         	Now I am by no means an expert so I'm a little bit
         hesitant about buying the Trek over the Sirrus.  If anyone
         could tell me a little about either of these bikes it would
         be greatly appreciated.  A few things I should mention:

         	Trek 1000 	Components - Shimano Light Action.(good stuff?)
                                Price - $499.00 (good deal?)
         Specialized Sirrus     Components - Shimano 105 (standard in
         ------------------                                this price range)

                                Price - $499.00 (are they makin' this
         				 ------	  tough on me or what?)

         				Thanks in advance,
         						John Bartlett
803.1TREK EXPERIENCE...LILAC::MARCINKUSMon Aug 01 1988 12:5710
803.2Specialized.NAC::CAMPBELLMon Aug 01 1988 13:105
    The bikes are equally priced, but the shimano 105 stuff is better
    then the light action!!  Go for the specialized....
803.3TrekFDCV30::SAIZMon Aug 01 1988 20:0015
    I'd recommend the Trek;  I have a 510 which is 5 years old and a
    850 which is only 2 years old.  I have used both to commute to work
    as well as for fun.  The 510 is just plain fun to ride and very
    responsive.  It's not a racer but a road/semi-touring bike so the
    ride is quite comfortable on long rides but not the fastest bike
    around (probably more the rider than the bike).  The 850 is an off
    the road bike which more like the truck version of the 510.  Its
    very stable but heavier so it takes more work to get there.  
    Thus far I don't have any major complaints about the Treks other
    than the dealer.  If I had to I certainly would by another one just
    be more choosy about where.
803.4$$$$$$STAR::MCCARTHYMon Aug 01 1988 20:476
    Spend a few extra $$$ and get the Trek 1200, its got the 105 group.
    you'll be glad you did.   trust me!!
    Joe ( ISUZU )
803.5Don't trust aluminum...UMBIKE::KLASMANMon Aug 01 1988 21:1224
I certainly agree with the last comment; go for the 105 group.  I wouldn't 
settle for less.  However, the comment on the Trek 1000 frame being the same 
as the Trek 1500, I'll have to disagree.  The geometry's the same, but the 
1500 has a different, and better grade of aluminum tubing.  The 1500 frame is 
the same as the old 2000...

My SO has a Sirrus (I ride it occasionally) and I can't imagine a better $500 
bike.  The frame is outstanding...it climbs like a rocket and really 
accelerates, too.  I haven't ridden the Trek's, but I was seriously 
considering the 1500, but I heard too much criticism about their quality 
control (most New England bike shops have stopped carrying TREK).  I was also 
concerned about an aluminum frame's ability to survive even a minor crash.  
They can't be aligned very easily (if at all...depends on who you talk to 
around here).  I bent my Fuji frame just laying it down on its side without 
hitting anything, and it bent enough that a 35 mph descent was 
life-threatening.  Previously, I'd hit 45 mph and it was rock solid.  I got it 
aligned and it is again very stable.  I don't think you could do that with an 
aluminum bike.  It might not bend so easily either, but I don't trust them, 
tho I'd love to try one.  

I do have a few friends with TREK alum's that like and/or love them.  I would 
recommend the Sirrus, anyway.

803.6?one vote for SirrusNEXUS::MONROEMon Aug 01 1988 21:1311
     Isn't the 1000 made with aluminum ?
     If it is you made want to lean towards the Sirrus,because if the
    aluminum frame gets damaged you would have to buy another (i.e.
    the aluminum is not as repairable as is steel) and the 105 group
    is better then the light action. The Trek is a nice bike but if
    all things are equal I would go for the Sirrus.
                              Good hunting
                           Tom M
803.7Read Note 795 for a good time!DELNI::GRACEAmazin' GraceMon Aug 01 1988 21:376
    I don't want to confuse the issue, but have you considered the Trek
    560. If you are considering it, or interested in someone's experience
    (mine) that just went through a similar narrowing-down process
    as you did, read note 795.
803.8I can't decide, get both.PSG::BUCHANANBatTue Aug 02 1988 01:1915
Specialized has an excellent reputation and it deserves it.  I've owned
two Specialized bikes, an '84 version of the Allez and a Stumpjumper.  The
value and workmanship were both first rate.  The Serrus may only cost $500
but it's a racing bike!  It's angles are steep and the ride is hard.  If
you want to jam it sounds like a great bike.

However I sold the Allez and now own an aluminium bike for one reason, comfort.
The Allez was a great bike but after a long day on some rough road could
take it's toll.  I am aware of the danger of damaging the frame and it's
just a risk I agreed to take.

I would also suggest not going below the 105 group.  It seems that every bike
maker has their own version of a 105 bike and they all cost about the same,
Specialized, Miyata, Centurian, Trek, Schwinn, etc....  Ride them and see if
you can feel any difference.  If not get the one that looks the coolest! 
803.9Wouldn't part with my SpecializedIMBACQ::ELLISONDave EllisonThu Aug 04 1988 15:1710
    I too own a Specialized Stumpjumper- I'ts a great allround bike.
    My other two fujis now collect dust!  I have had the oppertunity to
    ride most of Specialized's factory demos while out at their Ca.
    warehouse.  The bikes just get nicer and nicer as the price increases!
    If it counts for anything, this is a US company (although most of
    their product is built offshore to their US specs).  Specialized
    is also an exclusive DEC customer.  They have come up thru the ranks
    with RSTS, and are now running on a medium sized VAXCluster!

803.10Even more confused!WLDWST::BARTLETTFirst among equals!Fri Aug 05 1988 09:3633
         	Thanks everyone for your replies on this note -
         I do appreciate it.  It seems as though we have a good number
         of Specialized fans as well as Trek fans out there.  I must
         say however that I am still in a dilemma over which bike to
         buy.  Perhaps I should put it this way:

         	I really want a bike that will perform well in a variety
         of situations - ie; some touring (1-3 day variety), commuting,
         fitness rides, and eventually maybe even a Triathlon (a guy
         can dream...can't he?).  Now I realize that this bike does
         not really exist, but there are a few bikes out there that do 
         perform well in most of these areas.  

         	Basically, I have narrowed my choices down from 2
         bikes to 3 bikes!!!  Once again I would appreciate any advice 
         or info on any of these bikes - preferably from someone who
         owns one.  Anybody who has looked for a bike like I mentioned
         above and has had any success please feel free to reply also.
                      Here are the bikes I'm considering:
   		Trek 1000 	Components - Shimano Light Action.
                ---------       Price - $499.00 
         Specialized Sirrus     Components - Shimano 105 
         ------------------     Price - $499.00 

         Bridgestone RB1	Components - Shimano 105
         ---------------        Price - $550.00

         				Thanks in advance,
         						John Bartlett
803.11BridgestoneUSMRW2::DRIVETTSFri Aug 05 1988 15:215
    Free Motion Cyclery in Hubbardston, MA (508) 928-4852 sells
    Bridgestones and sells the RB1 for $475 tax included.  He also sells
    Falcon.  There is one model with Shimano 105 and Reynolds 531 frame
    for $450 tax included.
803.12OTHER ALTERNATIVESAKOV11::FULLERFri Aug 05 1988 16:3517
    O'neil's in Worcester has three bikes with 105 components that may
    be worth a look at.  Prices are list, and refer my name to them
    and you can receive 10% off plus good sales help.
    o Giant 475.00
    o Cilo  575.00 (Swiss company, real nice frames)
    o Cannondale 640.00
    They will also take good care of you if you need any changes, ie
    freewheel, saddle, etc.
    Ask for Mike or Jim.
    ps.  If you are going for the Specialized, you may as well buy the
    GIANT if your price shopping, same bike, cheaper money
803.13Long distance ShoppingWLDWST::ELZINGREMarty HPS Systems Cupertino, CAMon Aug 08 1988 16:207
        I'm sure all of the stores mentioned in the previous replies
        are great places to shop, however, the WiLDWeST cluster (where
        John is at) resides in Cupertino CA.  ;^)

        Mail order?

803.14You can find them herePSG::BUCHANANBatMon Aug 08 1988 21:0713
There are many top quality shops in the area that sell either or both Trek
and Specialized.  Shops that I know that are first rate include:

        Bicycle Outfitter in Los Altos
        Wheelsmiths in Palo Alto
        Shaw's in Santa Clara
        Velomeister in Los Gatos
        Spectrum in Cupertino

Each of these shops sells at least one of the brands and the Outfitter and
the Wheelsmiths sells both I believe.

Mike, also in Cupertino
803.15Are you happy with your choice?DNEAST::MILLEY_ROBBIs that brew ready yet??Mon Jul 17 1989 17:1014
    re. .0
    	Which bike did you get??  What do you think about it after a year?
    	The reason I ask, is because I was looking at the specialized as
    	well as the Bianchi Brava (GPX group).  They are close in price,
    	but the Brava seemed to have a more comfortable ride.
    	any suggestions?
803.16Trek 1200OLDTMR::BROWNFri Aug 25 1989 14:536
    Ok, another "Is this a good deal?" note stuck on the end here...
    How about an ('88) Trek 1200 for $500 ($525 w/ tax)?  Shimano 105,
    but the six instead of the seven speed cluster.  The wheels were
    a proprietary Trek name: "Matrix".  Anybody own a 1200 out there and
    wish to comment?  Thanks!  _Kratz
803.17Attack of the killer FUJIEGYPT::CRITZGreg Lemond wins 2nd Tour de FranceFri Aug 25 1989 16:0210
    	No! No! Keep that old beater Fuji you've got! What's
    	going to happen to it? Are we going to read someday
    	that this cyclist was terrorized by his old, defunct
    	I say, keep the Fuji.
    	8-)> Scott <(-8
803.18Ahem.. L. Kratz Brown?IOENG::BERUBEFri Aug 25 1989 17:2512
    	Hey Kratz... take any tumbles lately?
    	HA HA
    	I just added this conference in today. Thought I might run into you
    (sorry 'bout that folks) here.
    	Norm   PCSG  '86-'88
803.19OLDTMR::BROWNFri Aug 25 1989 18:028
    (Why do I feel like having a beer now?)  Actually I haven't taken a
    tumble since that Littleton dog.  I figure if I buy a light, fast,
    highly uncontrollable bike it'll enhance my chances.  Seriously, the
    Fuji Heavy Industry's (well named company...) tank has about had it.
    Scott, don't you own a Trek?  _Kratz
803.20Abuse from someone you don't even knowRICKS::SPEARMYCROFTXXXFri Aug 25 1989 18:478
Kratz, stick with 2002's, they are less complicated :-)

Matrix is not a "house brand" rim, it is a well known and little respected 
name.  It is the only product that seems to receive universal abuse from 
everyone who has used them.  In other words, the Trek-o-la better be cheap 
because the rims will need replacement pronto.

803.21EGYPT::CRITZGreg Lemond wins 2nd Tour de FranceFri Aug 25 1989 19:1210
    	Yessir, I have a TREK, although I can't really give you
    	its pedigree. I bought it used, and know little about it,
    	except it fits (more or less).
    	I'm kinda looking to get a NEW set of wheels, myself, and
    	will be looking at TREK first.
803.22Treks are fineHUB::FORBESMLife's A Mtn. Not A BeachFri Aug 25 1989 19:185
    I have a Trek 1400 (quite similar to the 1200 but with an aluminum
    fork) and have had no problems with it at all.  The Matrix rims
    are fine so far.
803.23durableNOVA::FISHERTwice a BMB FinisherMon Aug 28 1989 11:587
    I think Matrix rims are great.  Nancy Raposa did RAAM last year
    on Matrix's  I did BMB on a pair and after I wrecked the Serotta
    and the spokes had the wheel rebuilt.  The unlaced rim was still
    good so it was used for the rebuild.  These are Matrix ISO
803.24bought it.OLDTMR::BROWNTue Aug 29 1989 13:054
    Too good of a deal to pass up, I guess.  4 minutes faster round-the-
    resevoir than my previous P.R. on its first trip; seemed all downhill.
    I'll probably get a second set of wheels anyhow and call the defaults
    the "beaters".
803.25Satisfied Trek Customer!VIDEO::RJOHNSONWed Aug 30 1989 20:456
    I bought a new TREK 1000 for my wife and a 1200 for myself about 
    5 weeks ago.  We have put almost 500 miles on them and couldn't be
    happier. This probably isn't enough time to make any judgement 
    statements about rims, components or frame reliability, but, they
    are sure a pleasure to ride.  For what it's worth, they have my
    endorsement.  So does Chelmsford Cyclery, where we bought them.