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Conference noted::bicycle

Title: Bicycling
Notice:Bicycling for Fun
Created:Mon Apr 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3214
Total number of notes:31946

245.0. "What size tire/what size rim?" by AMUN::CRITZ (R. Scott Critz) Wed Apr 01 1987 13:16

    	I had to change a tube the other day (actually it was
    	two tubes). The bead on one of the clinchers was eating
    	the tubes.
    	Anyway, while I was looking at the rim (Weinman concave alloy),
    	I noticed that it said "1 1/4 Made in Belgium." Now, I bought
    	this bike used, and the original owner was running 27x1 tires
    	on the rims.
    	Could someone enlighten me about what size tire fits on what
    	size rim? I'm more curious than anything, and the 27x1 tires
    	seem to work fine, but I'm still unsure of what I can put on
    	this rim
    	I'm still learning the ropes,
245.1MPGS::DEHAHNWed Apr 01 1987 19:2911
    There are two widths of Wienmann concave rims, one is 13mm and the
    other is 16mm I believe, The 13mm is the narrow width and will work
    well with 27x1 or 27x1 1/8. The larger size will work well with
    27x1 1/8 or 27x1 1/4. Measure the rim width tonight and let us know
    what you find. BTW the rim width is the distance between the *inside*
    edges of the rim.
    Good luck
245.2Definitely 16mmAMUN::CRITZR. Scott CritzThu Apr 02 1987 14:096
    	Well, with some rough measuring, it indeed looks like it's
    	16mm. I guess, then, that I need to keep at least 1 1/8"
    	tires on the rim.
    	Thanks Chris,
245.3rims and folding tiresHYEND::RBAUSTTue Apr 14 1987 08:405
    Can anybody help me understand how to tell if a rim will work with
    a folding (clincher) tire or not.  I've been told that some rims
    require a full non-folding clincher.  How can you tell, and why?
245.4MPGS::DEHAHNTue Apr 14 1987 12:1111
    That's basically true, although most people don't know this. Some
    have good luck while others are always blowing tires off the rims.
    Rims for folding tires should have hooked inner edges, they catch
    the bead and provide for a more positive seal. The fabric bead in
    a folding clincher is less rigid and needs a better grasp from the
    rim to stay on. Also, proper tire pressure is more important, keep
    a good eye on it.
245.5Here's the clincher...ULTRA::SEIDEN2 outs, 2 strikes, 2 run lead...Fri Jul 24 1987 14:5611
    A friend has a 700 X 20c tire.  In an attempt to pick up a spare
    tube he was told that tubes for such a tire are extremely difficult
    to find and that he should replace the tire with a 700 X 25c.
    Two questions. 
    My tire is 27 X 1 1/8. Both measurements are in units of inches.
    Why is the metric measurement always marked c. even though both
    diameter and width would appear to be in millimeters?
    Also, was my friend misled in terms of availability of the narrower
245.6Cross-road to MTB tireOTOOA::DUNCANFri Mar 13 1992 16:4013
    I have a hybrid mountain bike with Nimbus tires (a cross-road tire).
    It seems that I'm using the bike more for trails than for the roads.
    Is it possible to change the Nimbus tires for knobbier tires? Such as
    the Crossroads II or the Tri-Cross? Or what do you recommend as a good
    MTB tire? I can't afford to replace the rims. Can I just change tires?
    My current tires are 700 x 41c.  I noticed that "700C PX-45" was
    stamped on the rims.
    Thanks in advance
245.7How wide a tire on a 15mm road rim?NETCAD::FORSBERGNIPG, Hub Products GroupThu May 11 1995 14:1811
    My Specialized road bike has 700x23C tires.  Since most of my riding
    is my daily commute, I'd like to go a little bit wider for a better
    ride and, hopefully, better flat resistance.
    The rim width -- measured inside-to-inside -- is 15mm as close as I
    can tell.  245.1 suggests that 27x1 1/8 or 27x1 1/4 would work.  
    Are my tires really 23 mm ~= 7/8" wide?  By this arithmetic, should
    I look for a 700 x 29 tire?
    Thanks \ Erik
245.8WMOIS::GIROUARD_CThu May 11 1995 15:324
    you can go to a 28c on a 700. i don't know if anything wider is
245.9On a 15mm rim? Really?NETCAD::FORSBERGNIPG, Hub Products GroupThu May 11 1995 17:527
    >  you can go to a 28c on a 700. i don't know if anything wider is
    >  available.
    By "on a 700" do you mean a 700 rim the width of mine (15mm)?  Or on
    a wider 700 rim?  (I'm hoping not to go to wider rims.)
    Thanks again.
245.10WMOIS::GIROUARD_CThu May 11 1995 18:084
    if you have a 700 rim (don't know what you mean by 15mm) it will take
    an 18 through 28 tire... 
245.11STOWOA::SWFULLERThu May 11 1995 18:364
    There are 32 mm width that can probably work but a 28mm would be
    a better fit.   I would recommend something like Specialized Armadilio.
245.12PCBUOA::KRATZThu May 11 1995 18:395
    I find 700x25 @95-100psi to be a good commuter tire; seems to be
    a good compromise between speed and flat-resistance.  I've had
    three side punctures (one flat, but all three needed attention)
    and one snakebite flat in 2k miles so far this year, but the
    highway departments have only recently been out.  Kratz
245.13Does "700" imply a width as well as a diameter?NETCAD::FORSBERGNIPG, Hub Products GroupThu May 11 1995 20:2023
    re: .10:
    I presumed that "700" referred only to the nominal diameter of the
    wheel (700 mm ~= 27.5").  Does 700 also imply a specific width?  If 
    so, I've just learned something.
    What I meant by 15 mm is the distance between the inner walls of the
    rim as I measured it this morning:
                 |<-- 15 mm -->|
                 |             |
               +-+             +-+
               | |             | |
               | +-------------+ |
               |                 |
                     of rim
    re: .12
    2k miles so far this year?  Wow.
245.14cyclo cross - 700x45SMAUG::NICHOLSFri May 12 1995 11:068
ive ridden cyclo cross with 700x38, 40, 45 on a mavic open 4cd
memory tells me the open4 is in the 15mm width range,
   definitely not much wider

re: tire choice - i have also heard good things about
   avocet cross-k

245.15STOWOA::SWFULLERFri May 12 1995 11:547
    700c is the wheel's diameter...in theory.  Actually a 27" wheel is
    larger.  Rim width's are usually measures outside to outside.  However,
    you are over analyzing for no reason.  Just go into a GOOD bike shop
    and get a GOOD touring tire, as recommended in previous note or perhaps
    a Continental Super Sport. 
245.16I like the Cross-K's!SOLVIT::MEREDITHanother hill? ughFri May 12 1995 19:0811
    I had Cross-K's (38) on my hybrid, til I decided to keep it road only.
    (actually I was on a GSW ride and everybody complained about the whining
    I then changed to another set of Cross-k's (23). Both sets worked great
    for me. 2k mile on the first set and you can hardly see any wear.
    Traction is good.