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Conference terri::cars_uk

Title:Cars in the UK
Notice:Please read new conference charter 1.70
Created:Sun Mar 06 1994
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2584
Total number of notes:63384

2111.0. "Hire car damage" by NEWOA::DALLISON (They make redundancies don't they?) Sun Jun 27 1993 19:16

    Got a slight problem with my hire car (Cavalier 1.8i LS).
    I've got a largish stone chip in the windscreen (about the size of 
    a 10p).
    The offside mirror plate within the plastic mirror enclosure is
    smashed. The enclosure itself is intact and still attached to the car
    (I put it back on) but I have to explain to Avis why the mirror is 
    Am I likely to get blatted for this ?
2111.1CDW - alway worth the couple of quid.SEDOAS::SMITH_AMon Jun 28 1993 13:139
    Short answer - Yes.
    Maybe you can haggle over the stone-chip, and it all depends on the
    circumstances that the broke the mirror, but generally if you damage
    the car you are liable.
    Did you have CDW ? If so, you should be ok under that.
2111.2Wot is the CDW ?CHEFS::ARNOLDMon Jun 28 1993 13:598
    You will need to report damage to Avis. You will also need to report it
    to DEC insurance group.  Thereafter, Avis will repair and bill DEC
    insurance - this assumes it was a business rental - if not refer to
    reply .1 - did you take the CDW insurance ??
2111.3CEEHER::MCCABEMon Jun 28 1993 15:139
In the past, with Avis France, they did not charge for breaking the mirror
glass. I pointed out the damage upon return of the car, and the said that 
they only charged if more than the glass (ie. the plastic housing) was damaged.

Of course this may be specific to their French operation, but it's worth keeping
in mind

2111.4NEWOA::DALLISONThey make redundancies don't they?Mon Jun 28 1993 19:164
    Yup, its on business hire. Well it goes back to them tomorrow so I'll
    post the Avis reaction.
2111.5AEOENG::MATTHEWSM&M Enterprises, the CATCH 22Tue Jun 29 1993 17:1516
    While on this subject, can anyone clarify just what the various
    insurance/assurance you are asked to take/not take when you hire
    a car are for.
    What is CDW for instance ?
    I'm not a direct Digital employee (scum-bag contractor infact),
    but do travel a lot on business for Digital. Whenever I do, I
    pay for the car hire with a Gold card, which claims to provide
    some form of insurance, although I never remember exactly which.
    In some countries, if the car is hired at the Digital rate, you
    don't always get the option to take the insurance.
    I'm sure someone in the UK will have made a detailed study of all
    this, and be able to provide me with a logical, definitive answer.
2111.6Info from VTXSUBURB::THOMASHThe Devon DumplingTue Jun 29 1993 17:3930
    This is some info extracted fron UK National VTX..........(CDW is 
    collision damage waiver)

              Car Fleet Administration       Hire Car Procedure


AVIS have been elected as Digital's preferred supplier and we have
negotiated long-term rates. All rates for the UK are inclusive of unlimited 
mileage and insurance is included for business rentals only.  Digital has no
negotiated rates or insurance agreement with any other car rental company.

contract with Avis accepts their insurance, however, we are responsible
for agreed excess amounts in the event of an accident depending upon the
car group hired, therefore Collision Damage Waiver must not be taken. 
Personal Accident Insurance is part of Digital's standard insurance policy
and must not be accepted. 

Payment can be made by any major credit card or Avis charge-card 
and claimed back on expenses. If you do not possess a credit card, you will 
    need to either pay by cheque and claim back on expenses  or obtain a 
    travel  advance to cover the rental costs.  The voucher system of
payment was phased out some time ago, however, in exceptional/emergency cases
we are able to supply a voucher number but only on receipt of written
authorisation from the CC Mgr to ADMIN SERVICES@REO.

2111.7The myths and legends of CDWCHEFS::ARNOLDTue Jun 29 1993 17:5537
2111.8AEOENG::MATTHEWSM&M Enterprises, the CATCH 22Wed Jun 30 1993 21:185
    And as a non-Digital employee (contractor), travelling on Digital
    company business ?
    I believe that my credit card (some sort of gold card) covers this
    CDW since Digital will only pay it for Digital employees.
    Is this true ?
2111.9Wotsa Gold card ?CHEFS::ARNOLDWed Jun 30 1993 21:449
    re - .8
    Is what true ?  That Digital will only pay the CDW for Employees ?
    Yes because a contractor travels on his business which happens to be 
    doing contract work for Digital.
    		    That your gold card covers it ?... Well now.....
2111.10AZUR::SIMSAAdrian Sims 7-828-5871 @VBOThu Jul 01 1993 13:029
	I not too sure that I understood your reply.

If I was a contractor working for Digital UK, and as part of my job 'for 
Digital' had to travel to see a customer / another Digital site, and this
travel involved me hiring an Avis car through Digital ( i.e at Digital rates ),
should I request CDW ?

If NOT, and I did have an accident, would Digital pay the excess ?
2111.11SUBURB::THOMASHThe Devon DumplingThu Jul 01 1993 13:126
	If you're doing this, I suggest you have it specifically stated in
	your contract.
	Don't ass-u-me

2111.12CHEFS::ARNOLDThu Jul 01 1993 13:5110
    I think Heather is right - assume nothing.  I tend to look at a
    contractor as I would expect to be if I was one.  I would be a
    self-employed person contracting all or part of my time and services to
    Digital (and/or other companies) therefore it is up to me to make my
    own arrangements for tax, pension, etc., etc., and one of the etc's
    could be car hire.  If I was employed by a vendor to Digital (eg.
    Johnson Controls, I would look to them to have sorted this out in their
    contract with Digital.
2111.13AZUR::SIMSAAdrian Sims 7-828-5871 @VBOThu Jul 01 1993 14:144
I will take this up and transfer the note to EURO_CONTRACTING as this is
a more suitable conference. I will take this up with my agency.
Maybe I ought to bring my own Alpha box to work as well ;-)
2111.14SUBURB::THOMASHThe Devon DumplingThu Jul 01 1993 15:2418
>I will take this up and transfer the note to EURO_CONTRACTING as this is
>a more suitable conference. I will take this up with my agency.

	Personally I would hope that if driving was nessecary, then Digital
	would either
	a. expect you to get from A to B under your own steam and pocket,
	and have made that clear before the contract started
	b. expect you to get from A to B with your own transport arrangements, 
	and pay mileage.

	You may be able to sort something out - I think a hire-car at Digitals
	rate is more than generous - I shall move to euro_contracting to
	await the outcome.

2111.15AEOENG::MATTHEWSM&M Enterprises, the CATCH 22Fri Jul 02 1993 15:5013
    The situation for me is exactly as stated a few back.
    I am on contract for Digital France, in Annecy. As a part
    of that work I have to travel to customer and other Digital
    sites ...
    In this case, I would have assumed that Digital would cover 
    the travel risk for the flight, and for the CDW. This seems
    logical to me at least, but appears not to be the case.
    If it were just for travel to/from the one place of work, the
    I agree that it is the contractors responsibility.
    Anyway, off to the other notes file ...
2111.16New box on the AVIS formARRODS::SMITHAIl y a une sange, dans l'arbreThu Sep 16 1993 18:0517